Find an Online Defensive Driving Course

Defensive driving classes are a great way to get a ticket dismissed, or to get a reduction on your insurance rate. But, sometimes it’s hard to find the time required to take the course. Fortunately, many states now accept online defensive driving courses. You can take them in your own home, at your own pace, and wearing your pajamas if you like.


  1. On your computer, search the words: Online Defensive Driving Class or Course (state). If you insert the name of the state where you need to take the course, that will target the listings and save you some work.
  2. Be sure to double check that the class you are interested in taking is accepted your state.
  3. Things to consider:
    • How long does the course take? Most states have mandated the amount of time a defensive driving course must take. If you find a course that seems quicker than the others, it may be too good to be true.
    • How long can you have to take the course? One of the benefits of taking an online defensive driving course is that you do not have to do it in one or two sittings. A good course should allow you to take the course at your own pace over an extended period of time.
    • Cost: online driving courses can cost anywhere from $25 on up. Just make sure the course you want is recognized by the state in which you received.
  4. Consider all the other factors that each course offers and how they fit into your lifestyle and needs:
    • Online or streaming video?
    • Immediate start?
    • Can you take the test on your computer?
    • Do they have 24-hour tech support?
    • State approved?
    • Court approved?
    • Insurance approved?
  5. Once you pick the online defensive driving course that works for you, go for it. Experience the ease of taking a six hour course in one sitting, two sittings or 12. You are in control!

Things You'll Need

  • Computer
  • Credit card