Handle a Car Like a Professional Driver

Ever wondered about drivers who overtakes you in an instant and disappears in the next corner?? well here are some tips to become just like them.


  1. Get a grasp of the vehicle you are driving. To get a good grasp you should cover {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} with the vehicle. Grasp includes knowing your vehicle's overtaking capacity,braking,cornering,handling,etc.
  2. Always have an attitude towards your driving.This does not mean to overtake with an oncoming vehicle ahead or tailgate a car. It means to drive with a purpose and always think other drivers are fools.
  3. Always anticipate what is going to happen. Anticipate a dog running into your car or another vehicle overtaking when your oncoming. Anticipatory driving saves life.
  4. Never take decisions based upon the passengers' judgement. Be patient always. Never overtake at a blind turning.
  5. Finally driving is an art. Master it. There are no perfect or excellent drivers, there are only good or bad drivers. Remember that.


  • Always listen to other driver's tips. Take the good in them and leave the bad.


  • Becoming a professional driver can take time. Do not get frustrated if you can't overtake that 26 wheel trailer. Remember it takes time and frustrated decisions could end up in disasters.