Fix Common Internet Problems

There are a whole host of problems that can interfere with your web-browsing experience. To fix some of the most common internet problems, read these tips.


  1. Manage your browser’s cache. Make sure you know how to clear your browser cache, which includes your cookies, temporary internet files, browsing and download history, form data, and so on. You can also do an intensive clean by deleting your usage history tracks on Windows. To deal more specifically with cookies, read up on how to:
  2. Clear your Google search history. Though Google Search History is designed to customize search results to fit your needs, many people aren’t comfortable with being tracked by such a huge and powerful organization.
  3. Stop ads and spam. One of the easiest ways to do this is to use an ad-blocking program. Try Adblock Plus on Firefox or Adblock on Google Chrome. (You can also go through a special procedure to specifically block ads in Hotmail.) Make sure you also know how to prevent and block spam.
  4. Avoid bugs. Make sure you know how to avoid getting a virus or worm on Windows and get rid of adware, spyware, and viruses once you do have them.
  5. Restrict certain sites. Make sure you know how to filter porn from your computer. You can also restrict web browsing on Internet Explorer.
  6. Speed up your connection. Use these tips to maximizing your connection speed (or speed up your wireless Comcast connection, if applicable). You might also want to test whether or not your internet service provider is limiting your bandwidth.
  7. Find your computer’s address. You can look up either your IP address or your MAC address (which is built into your hardware).
  8. Secure your wireless network. If your network has no password (or even a lousy one), it’s be vulnerable to being used by nearby computers and devices. If you bank, shop, or transmit any other sensitive information online, you run the risk of allowing it to be seen by strangers.
  9. Avoid compulsory registration and login. Use BugMeNot to bypass many sites that require registration.


  • Try an alternative browser, such as Mozilla Firefox, or Opera.
  • Try out a cookie manager to manage the cookies you really need. (Most cookies are unnecessary and a waste of space.)
  • Clear browsing history.


  • Cookies can often contain "controversial" data, anything from advertiser tracking, to "auto login" passwords for forums, bulletin boards, or even this site. Note that clearing your cookies will require to re-login on this sites if you use the "Remember my password" feature.

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