Avoid Registration in a Website Using BugMeNot
While the boundless information on the Internet is truly incredible, the registration requirements on many Internet sites are truly annoying. Why does that website need to know your email address, age, profession, income level, and zip code anyway? Fortunately, there is an easy way around this annoying violation of your privacy.
- Test out BugMeNot by going to the login page on a website that has compulsory registration such as the New York Times.
- Open a new browser window, enter BugMeNot.comand complete the security check by entering the text provided.
- Copy and paste the URL of the restricted website into Bug Me Not. The example depicted here is for the New York Times.
- Press return and it will provide a list of user names and passwords which will allow you free access to the restricted website.
- Copy and paste the user name and password into the login field on the website you wish to view.
- Appreciate the fact that wikiHow and eHow require no login or sharing of personal information. wikiHow allows you to register if you want to get credit for your contributions, but the full site functionality is available even to anonymous users. No need for BugMeNot here.
- The site has "liberated" over 87,000 websites that previously required free registration.
- When logging in, be sure to check the "Remember Me on Future Visits" box, so that you won't have to enter a password again.
- BugMeNot.com only provides login information for free websites.
- Often the first login BugMeNot gives you will not work, but you can ask the site for additional names to try.
- Skipping free registration will help you avoid spam.
- When using Maxthon you can install the BugMeNot plug-in.
- When using Firefox you can install the bugMeNot extension . After installation you just have to right click in the field where you have to submit the user-name.
- Some feel this practice is ethically questionable. You will have to decide for yourself.
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- Bypass Registration on Websites using the Google Cache
- Block and Accept Cookies in Internet Explorer
- Create a Username