Get Along with Anyone
A guide to getting into a person's psyche so you can tolerate them, and for them to get along with you. From getting along with an annoying co-worker, to making new friends.
- Avoid talking to this person for a while. Watch how they interact with other people. Keep a mental note.
- Talk to others, without gossiping, to see how they feel about the person. You could also simply watch others to see how they react to this person.
- Get an "in" with the person. Maybe you overheard a conversation they had about a certain interest. Maybe you could just ask a quick question (if you were, say, at work) and see how they react to it. Or lastly, just simply introduce yourself. "Oh, hey, I haven't met you yet, I'm Danny", And see what happens.
- If this person is crude or annoying, you could give them a smile when they try to be funny, without others seeing. No matter how annoying you think they are, a smile could mean a lot of things. If they are nice, do the same. Everyone likes strangers to think they like them in some way.
- Let the person observe you. When they are around, be outgoing and show them how you are, what you like, without them knowing you are showing them. Similar to what you did to them earlier, but vice versa.
- Wait. Repeat all steps (especially the watching and learning) until this person starts approaching you. They will. It just takes time. Then start talking about the things that you have learned you will both be interested in.
- If you do not like this person, say as little as possible to them when they approach you. This will avoid any conflict.
- If you do like this person, and want a relationship, take the approaches as they come. It will usually happen on its own, naturally, and over a period of time.
- Eventually, you will become comfortable around this person, or learn to avoid them based on your wants. Conversation will get more intense each time you communicate. Your instincts will tell you which direction to go.
- If they tell you a secret, keep it. Nobody likes someone who spreads rumors and secrets.
- If you have a tendency to read people wrong, take that into account. Maybe they are just having a bad day. Keep this in your mind.
- Always smile and be kind to everyone. Even if the person you are trying to have a conversation with is rude, doesn't mean you should be.
- Most people are essentially nice. They may act annoying for some other personal reason. Observing them will teach you why they may act out.
- If you desire a friendship, once a good bond has been made, ask them to do something "friendship-like" with you on a small basis first. Going out with some friends, or doing a task at work together are examples of this. Working with a person usually creates a bond between people.
- This may sometimes be a slow process. If you have a keen sense of human nature, the process will go much quicker.
- If you simply cannot create a bond with someone, leave it alone. Sometimes, people just cannot click.
- If someone is abusing or making fun of you, it usually better just to leave them alone, or contact someone who can stop this behavior, without it causing any problems between you two.
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