Get Fast Combat Levels in RuneScape

So, your new to the game of RuneScape and you want to gain combat levels. Read on to find out how!


Leveling for Beginners

  1. Complete the tutorial.
  2. Head out for your tasks. You will now be in Lumbridge. You should be in between two fountains, one towards the north and one towards the south. Go east onto the road, then head north until you reach a bridge, cross it. Keep north on the path until you reach a chicken farm, begin killing them to raise your attack(att), defense(def), and strength(str) up to about level 3 or 4. You should be combat level 4 or 5 by now.
  3. Across the road is a cow pasture. Kill them until your attack, defense, and strength are about level 6 or 7.
  4. Kill the monsters. From now until about combat level 35 or 36, you're on your own. There is a large array of monsters for you to kill.
  5. Go to Falador. At combat level 35 or 36,go to Falador. You should be by now pretty familiar with the land, map, and compass. Get to Falador by following the path west out of Varrock. When you enter the gate keep going straight. Cross the bridge into the White Knights Castle,kill them until you are about level 50 or so.
  6. When you're level 50, go to the dungeon just outside of Port Sarim. There, if you follow the dungeon long enough, you will find a snow cave. This snow cave is full of stuff to kill-Ice Warrior level 59 and Ice Giant level 53-kill according to your current level.
  7. Continuously kill Ice Warriors and Giants. They don't hit for much, and have about 320 experience for each kill. By now, you should be pretty high leveled.

Completing Members-Only Quests

  1. Go and finish "The Restless Ghost" quest.
  2. Finish "Priest In Peril" quest.
  3. Begin "Creatures of Frankenstein" and get the 6 started figure, then walk over to the last grave thing.
  4. Walk in, and kill "Experiments (Level 25)"!

This is by far the easiest way to level up, allowing you to receive 100 HP per experiment!

Using Teleport

  1. Teleport to east Ardougne.
  2. Walk over to the Gnome Stronghold.
  3. Go southwest from there until you find the tortoises on the west end and kill them, they will give you about 790 exp per kill, this only works if you are level seventy eight or higher.


  • Bring food, it will restore your hp and help you fight longer
  • Patience is a virtue. Gaining combat levels will take time.
  • Bring armour and a weapon you will die quick without.
  • Don't die.


  • If you die, you will lose all but your 3 most valuable items unless you're a member with a "ring of life" wielded.

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