Get In and Out of a Car if You Have Arthritis

Even with arthritis, you can make getting in and out of a vehicle easier by altering the way that you move. This article will aid in showing you a way to make it an effortless task.


  1. Swivel in. Back yourself into the car and swing your legs into a forward-facing position. Do the reverse to exit the vehicle. You can purchase swivel seats to make this even simpler.
  2. Balance yourself. Hold onto the car's interior handles usually above the door to balance yourself on the way in or pull yourself when getting out. Install grab handles if your car doesn't have any.
  3. Place a trash bag on the seat and it will slide with you.


  • Be cautious and avoid letting your dress or pants touch the area below the door. This is where mud and dirt gather and can soil your clean clothing.
  • Take your time. Leave a little bit earlier if need be.

Things You'll Need

  • Garbage bag
  • Swivel seat
  • Grip handles

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