Get Mew in Pokémon FireRed
Is that final empty spot in your Fire Red Pokedex taunting you? That spot belongs to Mew, and unfortunately there is no longer a way to catch one legitimately, as Mew was an event Pokémon only distributed during Nintendo events. The only way to get Mew these days is to trade, or to use a code.
Trading For Mew
- Find a friend with Mew. Trading for Mew is the only legitimate way to obtain a Mew in FireRed anymore. Mew is an Event Pokémon, and was only available during a single event in 2006.
- There is a Find-Mew-in-Pokemon-Red/Blue that people claim will work to find Mew, but this only works in the original Pokémon games. It does not work in Fire Red.
- Build up good trade stock. Mew is exceedingly rare, and your friend won't likely give it up easily. You'll need to sweeten the pot, so ensure that you have a good selection and be prepared to part with multiple top-tier Pokémon
- Any of the Legendaries make for good trade stock. This includes Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Raikou, Entei, and Suicune. Also, if you have some of the event Legendaries, such as Lugia and Ho-oh, these will make your trade much easier.
- Mewtwo will most likely need to be traded in order for your Mew trade to happen.
- EV-train your trade stock. A group of Pokémon that have been expertly EV-trained will command a much better trade value than freshly-caught Pokémon. Invest some time to build up your team before you start the trade.
to get it.
- Make the trade. When you've finally convinced your friend to make the trade, connect your systems and get it done! Walk away knowing that you have one of the rarest Pokémon in the game, and that you got it legitimately.
Using Action Replay Codes
- Start Fire Red in your emulator. Visual Boy Advance is the easiest emulator to use and enter Action Replay codes for. If you have an actual Action Replay, use this guide to enter the codes listed in this section.
- Save your game using the emulator. Emulators allow you to take "snapshots" of your game so that you can quickly return to it later. This acts differently than saving in the game itself, and will allow you to roll back in case the code doesn't work. If you're using VBA, click "File" → "Save" and then select an empty slot.
- There is a chance that you will get a Bad Egg instead of Mew, which will break the game. You will need to load this save file if that occurs. Loading the file will revert the code and rescue your game.
- Click "Cheats" → "Cheat list". This will open the "Cheat list" window, allowing you to enter cheats.
- Click .Gameshark.... Even though you're entering an Action Replay code, you'll be using the Gameshark code tool.
- Enter "Mew" into the Description field and copy the following code into the Code field. Click OK after pasting the following code:
17543C48 E65E0B97
B751BDF4 95CEF4CC - Walk into the tall grass until you encounter Mew. With the code above enabled, Mew should be the first Pokémon that you encounter. It will be around the same level as the other wild Pokémon in the area.
- Capture Mew to add it to your Pokedex. You'll need to capture Mew like you would any other Pokémon. Lower Mew's health to increase the chances that you'll catch it when you throw a Pokeball.
- Disable the codes when you're done. After you're finished creating Mews, return to the "Cheat list" window and disable the codes to return your game to normal.
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Sources and Citations
What links here
- Catch Mewtwo in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
- Get All of the HMs on Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
- Catch Articuno in Pokémon Fire Red and Leaf Green
- Defeat the Elite Four in Pokémon FireRed or LeafGreen
- Get Lugia in Pokémon Fire Red
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