Get Neat Eyebrows
Neat eyebrows can be a simple way to make your entire face look more attractive. However, it is important to make sure that you treat your eyebrows properly to keep them looking good and healthy. This article will teach you how to get neat eyebrows the right way.
- Start by getting rid of any long or wild hairs. Look in the mirror and pluck away any noticeable wild hairs.
- Brush your brows upwards with an eyebrow comb, and pluck any hairs that grow below your brow line. Don't rush, and only pluck a few hairs on each side at a time. Keep swapping from side to side.
- Trim the wispy bits. While you still have your brows brushed upwards, trim any long hairs with a pair of small scissors.
- Add some fullness with a pencil. If your brows are naturally thin or there are some bare patches, get an eyebrow pencil to fill in the gaps. Choose a pencil slightly lighter than your brows. You can also use brown eyeshadow if this is your natural hair colour.
- Finished.
- Don't be nervous while plucking, be calm and relaxed.
- If you're really unsure try a professional to do it. Say you just want them neatened and to nicely frame the face.
- Don't rush to pluck your eyebrows; you'll be sure to over pluck or under pluck.
- If the pain is bad, hold a hot flannel over your brows to open the pores, or rub an ice cube over the brow after plucking, to ease the pain. Also, take your time because you don't want to have pain.
- Apply lotion before tweezing. Hairs slide out more easily if the skin is soft and the pores are open.
- Don't over pluck! Your eyebrows will be easier to maintain if you don't pluck too many hairs out.
- Don't pluck above your eyebrows, stick to the underneaths.
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