Get Noticed on deviantArt
It can be very hard to get noticed on deviantART - sometimes even frustrating - but try to be patient and follow these tips to help you become more popular among your fellow artists on the site.
Keeping your material fresh
- Upload often. Nobody will want to look at a page with nothing on it. Try keeping your page looking lively.
- Buy a premium membership. If you (or your parents) are willing to pay for a core membership for deviantART, you will have advantages: including options to make your page more interesting, and the option to request critiques on your artwork. For your profile, you can add all of the widgets available and choose to show however many thumbnail pictures you want to be displayed. Not to mention that you can choose from over hundreds of journal skins to make your journal entries more decorative. Requesting critiques is important too, so that critics around the site will notice you and may help you to improve.
Interacting with others
- Join groups like #Art-Zone. Groups like these accept all types of artwork and showcase your artwork to thousands of deviants.
- Visit other people's pages. Comment, favourite and watch the people whose art you admire. They will most likely look at your page to thank you. You may even make new friends!
- Use the 'Random Deviant/Deviation" button. Click either of these and they will take you to a random user or piece of artwork. Comment on either of these with your opinion but make it friendly; you don't want to make a bad impression. Add a few words of advice if you can.
- Add a lot of people to your watch list. Go to the homepage and browse through art you like, or do a search of some kind of art you like. If you find something that catches your eye, favorite it and add the artist to your deviantWatch. The more often you do this, the more people will notice you and they will thank you for the add, and they might end up adding you back!
Getting your work noticed
- Submit your artwork to groups. If your deviations aren't being seen, even if you have a fair amount of watchers, submitting your art to a few well-known groups might help your artwork get noticed. A lot of people join and contribute to groups on deviantART, and there's a chance a lot of people will notice what you've submitted if your art is accepted into a group. Choose a set of groups that are themed to your particular piece you are going to submit. If you have a picture of a Gothic castle for example, you can submit it to Dark Art, Gothic Souls Club, Madmen Asylum, DisturbingArtHorror, or Bloody Sanctuary.
- Join the #ArtChance group. They usually have contests where you can submit your best artwork and possibly have a chance of it being seen by many deviants around the site.
- Participate. Join in with contests that are run by the admins or even contests held by other members of the site. Groups are another great way to gain exposure on deviantART. Join and submit artwork to groups and comment/favorite other members' artwork.
Dealing with fans and critics
- Reply to people when they watch you or fave your work. A lot of people feel good about getting a thank you message for their interest in something you did. This is also a good way for other deviants to see your name. As you scroll down to the comment section on their page, take notice of the art they have on their front page, and their likes and interests, or if they have something funny. If you can, try to comment on something you saw or noticed, in addition to saying thank you. Always be nice and try to say something positive.
- Interacting with your watchers will keep them interested and the chances of them coming back and looking at your artwork again will increase along with whoever looks at their page to be led to yours.
- Be prepared. It's not always a happy time with any website as there are always the bad apples. Pay no notice but take note of any hidden useful advice they may give. But if they do anything to you against the deviantART policy, report them and block them from your page straight away.
- Be friendly. Nobody likes a grumpy person, do they? Be friendly and social and other people will begin to like you. Many friends are gained this way.
- Give and take advice. Give people constructive criticism on how to improve their art if they ask for it and heed any advice they give you in return.
- Choose a good username. Go for something professional, not a name including your favourite cartoon character and a heap of numbers such as 'Inuyasha37683'. People don't normally take this as the impression of a good artist.
- Try to find out when most people are active, and upload your art then, meaning that more people can see it.
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