Get Rid of Acne Redness

Acne occurs when hair follicles get clogged up with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria.[1] This causes unsightly bumps, blemishes, and red discoloration.[2] While acne is most common in teenagers, anybody from babies to the elderly can suffer from this common skin condition.[1] Luckily, there are treatments that can help minimize acne and reduce the redness it causes.


Using Home Remedies to Minimize Acne Redness

  1. Buy a gentle facial cleanser. Do not purchase products that are astringent, harsh, or drying.[3] Avoid facial cleansers with alcohol in them. Look for cleansers that say they are "gentle" and "alcohol free."[4]
    • Astringents and alcohol will not help your acne and they will dry out your skin. Dry skin is much more likely to aggravate the worst symptoms of acne, including redness.
  2. Wash your face twice a day. Using a gentle touch, wash your face with your gentle cleanser for one minute in the morning and one minute in the evening.[5] Use your fingertips or a gentle cloth — not your nails or rough cloths. You should also wash your face after sweaty activities such as exercise.[4] Do not scrub or scratch your skin: remember that acne-prone skin can be sensitive and delicate. Rinse your face with lukewarm water that is not too hot or too cold.
  3. Moisturize daily. Even if it seems counterintuitive, moisturizers will help keep your acne from worsening. Because acne can be aggravated by dead skin cells, keeping your skin healthy will help reduce acne outbreaks. Moreover, overly dry skin can lead to the overproduction of skin oils that cause acne. Make sure to buy a moisturizer that says "noncomedogenic" on the label: this means that the moisturizer will not clog pores.[5]
    • Look for ingredients like glycerin and hyaluronic acid in your moisturizer. Avoid cocoa butter, mineral oil, and cold cream.[6]
    • Some brands of moisturizers and cleansers have special formulations to help reduce redness in the skin. These include Eucerin redness relief, and Aveeno ultra-calming. These brands are both recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology.
  4. Purchase over-the-counter acne medications. There are a number of products that can help minimize acne redness. These are all topical treatments that are applied directly to the skin once or twice a day.[3] Begin with lower-strength acne medications before moving on to the stronger stuff.[7]
    • Look for ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, tea tree oil, and sulfur. It is best to start with a benzoyl peroxide because it is less likely to irritate your skin than other products.[7] Start with a lower strength form such as 2.5% to reduce skin irritation as you get used to using benzoyl peroxide.
    • Be sure that you follow all label instructions. Sometimes these treatments can make your skin more prone to sunburn. Others might not react well with other medications. Pay attention to warning labels, and talk to your doctor if you have any concerns.
    • You might experience skin redness and flaking for the first few weeks of use. If any symptoms of irritation persist, however, you should consider switching products and/or talking with your doctor.
  5. Talk to your doctor about herbal remedies. There are a number of herbal remedies that are rumored to minimize acne. However, many of these remedies are untested and some might have dangerous side effects. Remember that "natural" does not necessarily mean healthy or safe.[8] Discuss herbal remedies with your doctor to see if it is wise for you to try them. Possible herbal remedies include:
    • Tea tree oil. Apply a gel that is 5% tea tree oil to affected areas. Watch out for contact dermatitis and rosacea, however.[9] If you have these symptoms when using tea tree oil, it may not be right for you.
    • Green tea extract. Apply a solution that is 2% green tea extract to affected areas twice daily. [9]You can also soak a washcloth in chilled green tea and apply it to your face for 1-2 minutes, then repeat several times. Do this several nights a week.[8]
    • Aloe vera. Apply a gel that is 50% aloe to affected areas. [9] It might be best coming directly from the plant, which can be purchased at most flower shops.[8]
    • Brewer's Yeast CBS 5926. Take this strain of brewer's yeast orally. Note that brewer's yeast can cause gassiness.[9]

Using Clinical Means to Minimize Acne Redness

  1. Make an appointment with a dermatologist. If over-the-counter means and lifestyle changes are not reducing your acne redness, you should talk to a skin doctor or dermatologist.[10] There might be some prescription medications and treatments available. Your dermatologist will also be able to diagnose what kind of acne you have and how severe it is.
    • Other signs that you should talk to a doctor are if you experience unwanted facial hair along with your acne, if you notice scarring, or if lesions and nodules develop under your skin.[11]
  2. Discuss prescription-strength topical treatments with your dermatologist. There are a number of topical treatments (or treatments you apply directly to the skin) that an acne patient might receive. Common ingredients of this treatments include: antibiotics, retinoids, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide.[10] In addition, azelaic acid is found in some creams used for acne and rosacea. It can help reduce redness as well as breakouts.
    • Retinoids help treat acne redness by preventing follicles from clogging up.[12] They can be very effective for treating and preventing acne breakouts and redness. There is actually now an over-the-counter retinoid you can try, called Differin gel (adapalene gel). Start slowly and follow the instructions on the box.
    • Antibiotics help treat acne redness by reducing inflammation and killing harmful bacteria on the skin.[12]
    • Benzoyl peroxide helps treat acne redness by reducing the chances that you will have bacteria that resist antibiotics.[12] It also reduces plugging of the pores.
    • Salicylic acid helps treat acne redness by reducing the number of skin cells you shed and unclogging pores.[13]
  3. Follow your doctor's instructions for applying topical medications. The amount and frequency that you apply the topical treatment depends on the cause and severity of your acne. Talk to your doctor about her recommendations for using prescription topical treatments. Be sure to listen to your doctor's warnings about side effects, adverse reactions, and drug interactions.[12]
    • Tell your doctor about any other medications you are taking. Also tell your doctor if you are or plan to become pregnant. This might affect her decision about the best treatment for you.
  4. Be patient with your skin. Beginning a topical skin treatment might take up to four to eight weeks before you see improvements.[12] Sometimes your acne redness will get worse before it gets better.[12] Remember to be patient and that your skin might need time before it begins to heal.
  5. Ask your dermatologist about oral medications. Prescription oral medications can be used in addition to or instead of topical treatments. Drugs such as antibiotics, hormonal birth control, and anti-androgen agents can help reduce acne redness as well as prevent future outbreaks. Note that some of these drugs have serious side effects. Only take these medications under the direction of a licensed physician. Always inform your doctor of all drugs you are currently taking.
    • Oral antibiotics work like topical antibiotics. They help fight redness and inflammation by killing unwanted bacteria.[12] These drugs can cause stomach upset and might interact poorly with hormonal birth control, so talk with your doctor before taking them.[12]
    • Hormonal birth control helps relieve the symptoms of acne by reducing testosterone from the bloodstream. This is good for acne-prone skin.[14] This treatment is only effective for girls and women. Birth control might even be more effective over the long-term than antibiotics.[14] Negative side effects include weight gain, breast pain, and possible dangerous blood clots.[12]
    • Antiandrogen agents are a possible treatment for girls and women, but not for men.[12] These medicines work by helping to control the production of oil by the sebaceous glands.
  6. Ask your dermatologist about steroid injections. These injections are used primarily to diminish large bumps and deep-seated lesions caused by acne. They are not useful in the management of widespread acne or acne that is mostly on the surface of the skin.[15] If you notice large bumps, nodules, or lesions deep beneath the skin, a steroid shot might help get rid of them and reduce the likelihood of scarring.
    • Cortisone shots can cause certain side effects. These include pale spots on the skin, visible blood vessels, and thinner skin. These shots can also cause momentary pain.
  7. Ask your doctor about light treatments. Redness and inflammation associated with acne is caused by the bacteria p. acnes. This bacteria can be killed or curtailed with the application of certain light frequencies — most typically blue light.[10] This treatment can be done in the doctor's office, but sometimes it can be done at home as well.[12] Types of red light can also help reduce oil production and inflammation of the skin. In addition, certain laser treatments can be helpful in reducing acne breakouts and scarring, along with redness and inflammation.
    • The doctor may apply a medicine to the affected area before light exposure. This medicine will amplify your skin's sensitivity to light.
    • Multiple sessions of light therapy are often necessary.
    • You may experience side effects such as sensitivity to light, dry skin, and temporary redness.[16]
    • This treatment can be costlier than other acne treatments. Consider your finances and talk to your doctor carefully before deciding on this option.

Using Lifestyle Changes to Minimize Acne Redness

  1. Tell yourself not to pop pimples. It might be tempting to squeeze your zits. However, squeezing and popping your pimples can spread the acne, lead to infection, worsen your redness, and cause scarring.[5] It might be hard, but it is better to wait for the acne to clear up.
  2. Avoid touching your face. Touching your face can spread acne-causing bacteria, add oils to your face, and lead to infection. All of these will worsen acne symptoms, including redness.[4] Tell yourself that touching your face will only make things worse. If you cannot stop touching your face, consider wearing mittens, sitting on your hands, or wearing a rubber band around your wrist to remind you not to.
  3. Keep the area around your face clear. Your hair, telephone, hats, and headbands can irritate acne-prone skin.[3] They can cause sweating and the clogging of pores. Do whatever it takes to keep your face free and clear. Use speakerphone instead of your receiver, stop wearing hats, and keep your hair pulled back until your skin clears.
  4. Stop using oil-based products. Hairsprays, hair gel, oil-based sunscreens, and oil-based makeup can all exacerbate acne redness.[3] Discontinue use of all these products. Use noncomedogenic or water-based sunscreens and moisturizers instead.[3]
  5. Shampoo regularly. The oil from your hair can make your acne worse. Eliminate excessive hair oil by shampooing regularly.[4] Try shampooing every other day or every day and see if that alleviates your acne redness.
  6. Protect yourself from the sun. Sunburned, dry skin is susceptible to acne. Use noncomedogenic or oil-free sunscreens or stay in the shade to protect your skin.[3] Protecting your skin from the sun is especially important if you are using an acne medication that makes your skin prone to sunburn.
  7. Use plant-based dairy substitutes in your diet. The relationship between diet and acne is a controversial one. However, there have been several studies that indicate that dairy products can contribute to increased acne lesions in some people. [17] Consider switching to soy- and nut-based products and eliminate as much dairy as you can from your diet and see if your skin improves.
    • Remember that dairy can provide essential calcium and vitamins to people, especially to growing teenagers. Talk to your doctor before changing your diet to make sure that you continue to eat a well-balanced diet.[18]
  8. Eat healthy foods that don't raise your blood sugar. The Glycemic Index measures how much a carb-heavy food raises blood glucose levels.[19] Many studies have shown that a high-glycemic diet is more likely to cause acne than a low-glycemic diet will.[18] Moreover, high-glycemic foods tend to be generally less healthy than low-glycemic diets.[20] High-glycemic foods tend to be processed foods, made with a lot of white flour and sugar. Low-glycemic foods tend to be high-fiber whole foods such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.[21]

Using Cosmetics to Minimize Acne Redness

  1. Be careful about using makeup on acne-prone skin. Acne-prone skin might be extra sensitive and can be further irritated by cosmetics. Some cosmetics even cause acne at the same time that they cover up other pimples. Be aware that using makeup might not be the best choice for you and your skin. Talk to your dermatologist about whether or not you can use cosmetics. Discontinue use of any makeup that appears to increase the frequency of your acne flare-ups.
    • If you wear make-up, to always remove it before going to bed.
  2. Buy non-oil based cosmetics. Only use makeup that is water- and mineral-based.[22] Look for ingredients such as silica, zinc oxide, and dimethicone. These ingredients help minimize redness.[22]
    • Another option for foundation is using a tinted moisturizer that is also oil-free and noncomedogenic.
  3. Apply a thin layer of concealer to the pimple. Press the concealer into the pimple with a brush, giving it a slight twist. Work your way around the pimple until fully covered. Apply the concealer in an X-pattern to get the most effective coverage once you blend it in.[23]
    • Try to find a shade that matches your skin color as closely as possible.
    • Using a concealer brush with pointed, flat bristles allows you to lay a thin layer of makeup onto the skin.
    • Concealers with yellow and green undertones are especially good at hiding acne redness. Look for makeup with yellow or green hues that you can use during breakouts.[24]
  4. Use your fingers to feather and blend the concealer. Begin working from the center of the pimple, radiating outwards. Use a pressing or tapping motion instead of a rubbing motion to avoid a streaked look.[23] Make sure that the concealer is applied to the entire perimeter of your zit.
  5. Apply foundation to the rest of your face using a makeup sponge. As with the concealer, try to match the makeup to your skin color as closely as possible for the most natural look. Ensure that your coverage looks even. Apply the foundation all the way up to the edge of your pimple so that your whole face is the same tone.[25]
    • You can apply an extra layer of yellow or green concealer on top of your foundation if you need extra coverage.[24]
  6. Use a powder brush to gently tap some loose powder onto the pimple to set the makeup. Consider using cornstarch or talcum powder to make your concealer more durable, especially on a hot and sweaty day. Translucent powders are a good option because they set your makeup without adding yet another layer of color.[26]
  7. Reapply as needed. This method probably will not hold up for an entire day of work, school, or fun. Be sure that you have travel-sized containers of your products so that you can reapply as necessary throughout the day.[24]


  • The key to controlling acne is through prevention. Develop a consistent, gentle skin care regimen.
  • Though some home remedy blogs champion toothpaste and an acne remedy, some dermatologists warn against it. While toothpaste does contain some soothing ingredients, it also contains abrasive irritants that can make a blemish tight, dry, and red.[27]
  • Try anti-redness eyedrops on an especially red and inflamed acne lesion for temporary relief. You can also apply ice to the area.
  • Another temporary redness reliever for acne lesions is hydrocortisone cream. You and apply this to the lesion twice a day for two to three days to reduce redness and inflammation.


  • Discontinue the use of any treatment--home remedy or store-bought--if you experience any additional irritation, swelling, or itchiness.
  • Talk to your doctor if you experience any negative side-effects from cortisone shots, light therapy, or antibiotics.

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Sources and Citations

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