Get Rid of Ingrown Pubic Hair

Ingrown hairs are hair follicles that embed inside the skin. They are usually caused by hair removal and regrowth after shaving, waxing or tweezing. Although bumps, redness and irritation is common, they can occasionally result in a more severe infections. You can find out how to get rid of ingrown pubic hair and prevent it in the future.


Prepare the Area

  1. Clean the area around your pubic region. Taking a hot shower will also open the pores for easier hair removal.
    • If you have cleaned the area recently, apply a hot compress to the area. Run hot water over a washcloth for a minute. Squeeze it dry and place it on the pubic region for 5 minutes.
  2. Take a bath with Epsom salts, if the ingrown hair does not appear to break the surface of the skin. If it is deeply rooted, this will help to bring it to the surface and reduce inflammation.
  3. Pat the area dry. Cover it with a towel while you prepare to remove it.
  4. Buy an astringent solution with salicylic acid. These are available at drug stores for the treatment of acne.

Hair Removal Materials

  1. Sterilize your tweezers. You will need clean, sharp tweezers to get rid of the hair.
  2. Wash your hands.

Ingrown Hair Removal

  1. Apply pressure near the ingrown hair with your fingers on either side. This can help to force the hair upward.
  2. Pull the end of the hair out of the area with the sharp tweezers. Try to avoid breaking the skin, if possible.
  3. Apply a salicylic astringent on a cotton pad on the area. Try to wipe the area clean of pus and blood.
  4. Allow it to air dry. Apply the salicylic astringent several times per day.
  5. Apply a topical ointment, such as neosporin, if it looks like the area may have some infection. Allow it contact with the air and wear cotton underwear until it heals.

Ingrown Hair Prevention

  1. Avoid pulling the hair too taut when shaving, tweezing or waxing. This can force the hair back under the skin.
  2. Apply salicylic acid lotion or astringent after any hair removal. You can exfoliate the skin, removing cells that would force hairs underneath the skin.
  3. Wear cotton underwear, instead of synthetic fabrics. They allow the area to breathe and reduce infection.
  4. Don't wear tight pants or jeans. They can increase ingrown hairs in the bikini region.

Things You'll Need

  • Hot water
  • Hot compress
  • Salicylic acid astringent
  • Cotton pads
  • Epsom salts
  • Sharp tweezers
  • Towel
  • Topical antibacterial ointment
  • Cotton underwear
  • Loose clothing


  • This will hurt so be ready to feel a bit of pain while doing this.
  • Don't force hair out or you will feel more pain while doing it.
  • Never hesitate to ask help from a female friend or relative, especially the ones older than you and know how to shave.

Sources and Citations