Deal With Pimples

Pimples, also called acne, are caused by clogged follicles on your skin. Certain types of bacteria can grow in these follicles, causing inflammation. While you may try to prevent or get rid of pimples, people often need to cope with them at some point. If you have acne, the healthiest thing you can do is to bring up your self-confidence. If pimples still make you self-conscious, there are also luckily plenty of ways you can conceal them.


Building Confidence

  1. Remember that you're beautiful. Focus on the parts of yourself that you like, rather than on the pimples. This can be either physical beauty or your personality traits. Do you like your figure or your hair? Are you smart or funny? If you're having difficulty thinking of good things about yourself to focus on, ask your friends, family or teachers what they like about you. A question such as "What do you think my best features are?" can give you a great place to start focusing on the positive.
  2. Look around you. While it may sometimes seem that you're the only one with pimples, the truth is that a majority of people deal with acne at some point. 70-87% of teenagers have acne in some form or another,[1] and many adults also get pimples.[2] Acne is the most common skin problem in the US.[3]
  3. Be less critical of yourself. Too frequently, we are our own worst critics. Unfortunately, the severity of both self-criticism and acne tend to peak at around the same time during adolescence. Remember that even though your acne may look horrible to you, most people may not even notice. Think about your friends who also have acne. Do you think they look ugly? Probably not!
  4. Don't give up hope. There's a good chance that your acne will eventually go away. Most people only get acne during adolescence[1] and it generally clears up by the time they reach their twenties. While this can seem like an eternity, telling yourself that it's a passing problem can help it seem like less of a big deal. Think about the fact that your acne will probably clear up around the same time that your parents will stop being able to tell you what to do.
    • Even if you are an adult with acne, it's rarely a permanent situation. Some people's acne just takes longer to clear than others'. Even if your pimples don't go away completely, most people find that their severity decreases over time. Additionally, you may find that certain treatments are more effective than they were when you were a teenager.
    • If you are a transgender adult on testosterone therapy, keep in mind that it is very common for you to start getting pimples or for existing acne to get worse. Just like acne during puberty, it sometimes clears up on its own over time.[4]
  5. Don't be ashamed. Acne is not your fault. It's a normal part of life that affects almost everyone at some point. There are many myths[5] about what causes acne, often blaming poor diet. However, there is no solid evidence linking foods like chocolate to breakouts.[6] While some basic steps can help minimize acne, in reality there is little you can do to prevent pimples other than tackling the problem once it occurs.

Hiding Acne With Makeup

  1. Pick your makeup carefully. There is a widespread idea that makeup causes acne. While some sources dispute this,[7] it pays to be careful with anything you put on your face. Any makeup which is "non-comedogenic" is always a good bet. This means it will not clog your pores. Look for makeup labeled as "hypoallergenic." Things to avoid are:
    • Thick or solid makeup.
    • Greasy or oil-based makeup.
    • Anything that you're allergic to. If you have allergies, check the product's ingredient list.[8]
  2. Use cosmetics to hide acne. Always apply makeup gently and lightly. It doesn't need to be rubbed into your skin, just onto it. Apply a primer, foundation and pressed powder, in that order. If your pimples still show through, you can also use a concealer.[9] It may be helpful to pick a tinted concealer to help offset the red of the pimple. Depending on your skin tone, yellow, brown or green can be good options.
  3. Avoid drawing attention to problem areas. Makeup doesn't always conceal acne perfectly, especially when it comes to big breakouts. Do your best to avoid drawing the eye to your acne.
    • If you have pimples near your mouth or chin, avoid bold lip colors.
    • If your acne is worst around your cheeks, you may want to avoid bronzers or contouring. However, pink-toned blushes may help pimples to blend in better.
    • If you have a bad breakout on your forehead, stick to neutral eye shadow and avoid bold eyebrows.
  4. Remove all makeup at the end of the day. While there is some debate over whether wearing makeup can cause acne, forgetting to take it off most certainly does. Be sure to scrub your face every night before bed.
    • Many dermatologists recommend using exfoliating wipes, which remove both makeup and dead skin cells that can clog pores.[10] Also, because they're easy to use, disposable wipes are more likely to get you to stick to this nightly ritual.
  5. Clean your brushes regularly. Makeup brushes and applicators should be cleaned at least once per week. These tools harbor bacteria and yeast, which can infect and irritate your skin.[11] If you wear makeup infrequently, it's best to clean your brushes after each use.

Using Other Methods to Conceal Acne

  1. Consider touching up your photos. If your acne is making you afraid to have your picture taken, remember that pimples can be easily removed with digital image editing software. It may seem like celebrities never get pimples, but the reality is that their imperfections are usually airbrushed out. Some things you can do to prevent circulation of unedited photos from a special event are:
    • Offer your camera for the pictures, and then edit the photo before you send it out to others.
    • Build up a reputation as a person who takes good pictures and makes sure everyone has a copy soon after the event.
    • Call in the help of close friends and family to get the picture edited before it's distributed, or ask the photographer if they are willing to help.
    • If you don't have a photo-editing program, you can download an open-source version free online. Because touching up blemishes is a very common use for such software, there are many tutorials online on how to do this.
  2. Distract others from the pimples. If you don't want people to notice your acne, try making other aspects of your appearance noteworthy. Some possibilities are:
  3. Don't irritate your skin. It may be tempting to pick at or pop pimples, but this always leads to more redness and a longer healing time. You should also avoid scrubbing your face too hard, as this can cause more inflammation.[12] Downplay the visibility of your acne by not making it any redder.

Getting Rid of Stubborn Acne

  1. See a dermatologist for prescription medications. If your acne is seriously affecting your self-confidence enough to cause depression or anxiety, you should talk to your doctor about getting it treated. You've probably already tried over-the-counter remedies in the past, but a dermatologist can prescribe medication that is likely to be more effective. There are generally three major medical treatment types that may be used in combination:
    • Antibiotics: These drugs kill bacteria and help to reduce inflammation. Antibiotics can be topical (applied directly to your skin) or oral (taken as a pill).
    • Topical ointments: Common topical medications include retinoids (the most popular of which is known by the brand name Retin-A), benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid. Even though some of these can be found over-the-counter, their prescription strength versions tends to be more potent.
    • Hormone therapy: Because acne can be caused by a hormonal imbalance, women may choose to take hormonal birth control and/or antiandrogens (testosterone blockers).[13][14]
  2. Talk to your dermatologist about procedures that can clear acne. These are generally done in combination with prescription drug treatments. While potentially effective, they also tend to be more expensive and time consuming. Popular procedures include:
    • Light therapy: Using lasers and other types of antibacterial light, these therapies can kill the bacteria that are partially responsible for acne.
    • Chemical peels: These are used to exfoliate and smooth your skin. Dermatologists use chemical peels that are much stronger than those available at your local pharmacy.
    • Direct acne removal: If you experience large cysts that don't go away with medication, your dermatologist may choose to drain them. Unlike when you pop your pimples yourself, your dermatologist will perform this procedure using sterile instruments that will prevent scarring.[13]
  3. Try alternative treatments. You may also want to try some less common home therapies. If you have trouble finding these products at your regular pharmacy, try a looking in a local health foods store.
    • Turmeric, the yellow spice mostly known for its use in curries, has been used in folk medicine for centuries. Recently, modern science has revealed its potential as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent, marking it as a likely acne treatment.[15] Try making a turmeric face mask at home.
    • Tea tree oil is known to possess antimicrobial properties and is currently being investigated as a possible treatment for a variety of skin problems, including acne.[16][17] It can be used as a spot treatment or added to a face mask. There are also tea tree oil soaps and shampoos available.
    • Topical green tea extract has also shown promise as a potential acne treatment.[18][19] You can buy commercially available green tea lotions and face scrubs, or you can make your own treatments at home.
  4. Consider isotretinoin as a last resort. Popularly known by its brand name "Accutane," isotretinoin is a potent drug that often completely clears up acne.[20] Due to its common and sometimes severe side-effects, dermatologists typically wait to prescribe this drug until all other reasonable methods have failed. Common side effects include dry skin, joint pain, and frequent nosebleeds. Rare but serious side effects include changes in vision[21] and digestive problems that can possibly lead to inflammatory bowel disease.[22] While these usually go away after a patient has finished taking the drug, some side effects persist for years.[23] Despite these risks, most patients are happy with the end result. Just be sure to make an informed decision when speaking with your doctor about treatment.
    • Under no circumstances should you take isotretinoin if you are pregnant or are trying to become pregnant. This drug causes severe birth defects.
    • If you live in the United States and can become pregnant, keep in mind that obtaining an isotretinoin prescription has additional hurdles. By law, you must see your prescribing physician once a month and undergo a pregnancy test. Additionally, you must agree to use two forms of birth control or pledge to remain abstinent from 30 days prior to taking isotretinoin to 30 days after your course is finished.[24]
    • Although the possible side-effects of depression and suicide has been widely publicized, the correlation remains controversial.[25][26]
    • Do not donate blood while on this drug.[27]

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Sources and Citations

  1. 1.0 1.1
  13. 13.0 13.1