Get Rid of Unwanted Hair

Let's face it. No one wants a hairy body, especially if you have dark, coarse hair. No matter where your unwanted hair is, there are ways to remove those hairs from your body.


Removing Hair From The Body

  1. Decide from where you want to remove unwanted hair. Hair grows on all parts of the body. Find which parts of the body you would like to remove hair from. This might influence which method you use to remove the hair.
  2. Take a hot shower. For effective hair removal on any part of the body, pores need to be open. This can help reduce irritation of the skin. Soaking the hairs in warm or hot water also makes the hairs soften, resulting in easier hair removal.
  3. Clean and exfoliate the skin. Whether you are shaving, waxing, or using a cream, washing the area and exfoliating before you remove the hair is essential. Proper pre-care is extremely important, especially if you are waxing. Removing dirt, oil, and dead skin cells increases the hair removal process, and helps to prevent irritation, redness, and ingrown hairs.
    • Do not exfoliate the skin right after you have removed the hair, especially just after you have shaved or waxed. Shaving exfoliates the skin, so you don't need to exfoliate again right away.[1] Exfoliating right after you wax can irritate the skin.
    • Exfoliate your skin 24 to 48 hours before you wax. Exfoliating right before you wax can cause irritation.
  4. Shave. Shaving is perhaps the easiest and most inexpensive way to get rid of large areas of unwanted hair. This method works well for your legs, bikini line, arms, back, and chest.
    • Coat the area in a shave gel or cream and let it set for a few minutes before you begin shaving. Never shave dry skin or without a lather. Keeping the skin moist helps reduce irritation by helping the razor glide along the skin instead of dragging, reducing irritation and ingrown hair.[2]
    • Make sure to use a sharp razor; dull razors can cause irritation and cut your skin. Change the razor blades every 5-6 uses.
  5. Get a wax. Waxing is an inexpensive, effective method because it removes the hair from the roots and gets rid of the hair for longer periods of time.[3]
    • Home wax kits can be purchased online, at major retailers, and at beauty supply shops. They usually come with cloth strips and wooden applicators. Read the directions carefully.
    • Let the hair grow to about a quarter of an inch before waxing. However, don't let the hair get too long or thick.
    • Apply the wax on the area in the direction that the hair grows. Place the strip on top. Hold the skin taut, and then quickly pull the strip off in the opposite direction that the hair grows.[4]
    • Don't overheat the wax. Wax must be heated to a hot temperature to melt, and can burn the skin when the hot wax is applied. Follow the directions of your kit carefully to avoid injury.
    • Waxing can cause redness and irritation to the skin. In some instances, waxing can cause infection.[5] Waxing can also cause acne or darkening of the skin.[3]
  6. Use a depilatory cream. Hair removal creams contain mildly caustic chemicals made of thioglycolates.[6] These creams dissolve the hair at the skin's surface.[7]
    • Clean and moisturize the skin before applying the cream. Just like with shaving or tweezing, hairs that have been softened are more easily removed.
    • Depilatory creams contain chemicals, and some people's skin may have adverse reactions to them. Test a section of your skin before removing the hair to prevent rashes and breakouts.
    • Read the instructions carefully. Don't leave the cream on the skin longer than the directions state. Don't try to leave on longer to get rid of stubborn hair.
    • Make sure you buy a depilatory cream intended for the body. The formulas for the body have higher concentrations of the chemicals.[7]
  7. Invest in a hair removal system. Many at-home laser hair removal products are on the market. Many of these products emit light pulses or flashes that help get rid of hair, and can be used on the entire body for a full body hair removal treatment.
    • Look for a system that is FDA approved. FDA approved systems are generally more expensive than ones offered through private companies whose products have not been FDA approved. These systems can run as expensive as $600.[8]
    • Many of these systems result in 70% hair reduction after 3 months of use.
    • When using a hair removal system for large areas, like the legs or back, you may have to buy an attachment or larger head for the machine that covers a wider area. These tools have limited numbers of flashes, so using them on large areas of the body may mean you'll have to buy replacement cartridges.
  8. Pluck. If you only have a few errant unwanted hairs on your chest, shoulders, or back, use tweezers to remove them. Tweezers are the most effective method for removing small areas of hair.

Removing Hair From The Face

  1. Choose a method. There are many at-home hair removal treatments. These include waxing, tweezing, shaving, and depilatory creams. Depending on your level of hair and the size of the area, one method might not be appropriate for all your hair removal needs.
  2. Prepare the hair. Before you remove the hair, you should always prepare the hair and skin. This makes the hair more susceptible to removal by removing impurities, making it softer, and opening your pores. Preparing your skin helps to prevent irritation and ingrown hairs.
    • Make sure you clean your face to remove dirt and oil. This helps prevent breakouts, and also helps prepare the hairs for shaving.
    • Rinsing your face and neck in warm or hot water helps moisten the hairs and make them softer, making them easier to shave.[9] A hot shower may be the most effective way of softening your hairs, especially if you want to shave or tweeze large portions of it.
    • Another method for softening the hairs is wrapping a warm towel around your face. Barbers use this trick when they shave customers because it opens the pores, relaxes the face, and makes the hairs easier to shave. Leave the hot towel on the face and neck for a few minutes.
    • You can either rinse the towel in warm or hot water, or you can heat a wet towel in the microwave for 30 seconds. Do not over heat the towel, because a microwave can heat the water in the towel to temperatures that will severely burn your face.[10] Always test the towel before wrapping it around your face.
  3. Exfoliate the skin. Before shaving or waxing, exfoliate the skin. This process removes dead skin cells and helps bring hairs to the surface of the skin.[11] If you are shaving, these dead skin cells can prevent a close shave.
    • Choose an exfoliating scrub that contains sugar, oatmeal, or salt. If you don't have an exfoliating scrub, use an exfoliating glove or a loofa.
  4. Tweeze the hairs. One of the fastest, most effective methods for getting rid of unwanted facial hair is plucking. Pull the hairs out right after you moisten and heat them. This ensures that the pores are open and the hairs soft so they will come out easily.
    • Use a well-lit mirror to catch all the unwanted hairs, both light and dark.
    • Use a good pair of tweezers that will grab onto the hairs. To properly remove the hairs, the tweezers must be able to yank it out without losing grip on the hair. Pull the hair quickly to ensure that the hair is removed and you minimize irritation.
    • Do not use this method for large areas. It can cause ingrown hairs and scarring.[5] But this is a great method if you only want to pluck errant hairs on your lip, cheek, or chin, or to shape areas like the eyebrows.
  5. Shave the hair. If you have thicker hair growing on your lip, cheeks, chin, or neck, shaving is an easy and inexpensive way to get rid of the unwanted hair.
    • Cover the area in shave gel or cream. Apply a liberal amount to the area and let it set for a few minutes before you begin shaving. Never shave dry skin or without a lather. Your bare skin needs a barrier between it and the sharp razor.[11] Shaving without gel or cream can cause irritation and ingrown hairs.
    • Shave the hairs in the direction that the hair grows.[9] Reapply shaving cream as needed to keep the area lubricated. Make sure to use a sharp razor; dull razors can cause irritation and cut your skin.
  6. Wax the skin. Home wax kits can be purchased at both major retailers and beauty supply shops. There are generally two kinds of waxes: wax that needs cloth strips to remove, and wax that can be removed without strips. Choose which kind of wax suits your needs.
    • When waxing at home, make sure not to burn your skin. Wax must be heated to a hot temperature to melt, so be careful when applying this hot wax to your skin. Also, make sure to pull the skin taut in the opposite direction than you are pulling the strip. This prevents bruising.[12]
    • Whether done by a professional or done at home, waxing can cause redness and irritation to the skin. In some instances, waxing can cause infection.[5] Waxing can also cause acne or darkening of the skin.[3]
  7. Try a depilatory cream. Depilatory creams are hair removal creams that contain mildly caustic chemicals made of sodium, potassium, and calcium thioglycolate.[6] These creams dissolve the hair at the skin's surface.[7]
    • Make sure the skin is clean and moisturized before applying the cream. Just like with shaving or tweezing, hairs that have been softened are more easily removed.
    • Always test a section of your skin before removing the hair. Some people's skin is sensitive to the chemicals, which causes a rash.
    • Read the instructions carefully. There are many different kinds of depilatory creams on the market, and they have different directions. Only leave the cream on for as long as the directions state. Don't try to leave on longer to get rid of stubborn hair.
    • Make sure to buy hair removal cream designed just for the face.
  8. Buy a hair removal system. Many products are on the market now that are at-home laser hair removal products. Many of these products emit light pulses or flashes that help get rid of hair.
    • Look for a system that is FDA approved. FDA approved systems are generally more expensive than ones offered through private companies whose products have not been FDA approved. These systems can run as expensive as $600.[8]
    • Many of these systems result in 70% hair reduction after 3 months of use.

Removing Hair Professionally

  1. Invest in laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is a cosmetic surgery that beams concentrated light into the hair follicles. When the light is absorbed, the follicle dies.[13] This method is effective for most areas of the body, especially the face, legs, and arms.
    • Laser hair removal is a medical procedure. Before getting the procedure, carefully select a doctor or technician who you trust.
    • Do not pluck or wax hairs in the area that will undergo laser hair removal for a month or two before the procedure. Laser hair removal targets hair follicles, and the hair is pulled out by the root in both waxing and plucking.
    • Laser hair removal takes up to 9 months to complete, and the procedure can be expensive. However, laser removal is a permanent solution for getting rid of hair. This can save you money on waxings, shaving cream, or depilatory creams in the long run.
  2. Go to a salon. Salons offer wax treatments for just about every area of your body. If you are waxing hard to reach places, or you are sensitive to pain, go to a salon and let a professional do it.
    • Waxing specialists can shape hair, like the eyebrows and bikini area, and also treat your skin with moisturizers before and after to help reduce redness.
    • Getting a professional wax may be the best option for your bikini area. The skin in that region is extremely sensitive and prone to irritation and infection. Plus, it's difficult to see. Many salons offer bikini area waxes for both women and men.
  3. Consider electrolysis. During electrolysis, the hair is destroyed with chemicals or heat. A probe is inserted into the follicle, and then the hair is removed with tweezers.[14]
    • Electrolysis can be used on most areas of the body.
    • The number of treatments needed will vary from person to person. Most people have one treatment every week or two until the treatment period is complete.[14]


  • If you are waxing, make sure you stay out of the sun for 24 hours afterwards. Also avoid rubbing fragrant lotions onto the waxed areas directly afterwards.
  • A mixture of these methods might be the best. Certain types of hair removal work better for some areas but not as well for others.
  • Be consistent. No matter what method of hair removal you chose, make sure you do it on a consistently or at the first sign of regrowth. Regular care of unwanted hair helps minimize the amount of hair that returns in addition to keeping you looking your best.
  • If the hair removal has caused bumps, cuts, or other irritations, use a cortisone cream to alleviate it. If the bumps get infected, use an antibacterial cream.
  • After you remove hair, you need to keep your skin moisturized. Sometimes, removing hair can cause irritation that can be soothed with calming creams. Try aloe vera cream to calm redness or irritation. Baby oil can help prevent pimples.[15]

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