Get on a Reality TV Show

Do you want to be the next reality TV star? Is your life, family, or profession compelling enough to become a show? Do you have genuine talent? Are you driven and unconcerned by the glare of the public eye? Reality TV producers are always looking for unique people and businesses to base shows on, and always need new participants for each renewed season of other formatted shows, giving you a chance to decide whether or not you'd like to give it a go. This article will help you to decide whether you want to be a reality TV star, and provides some steps on how you can improve your chances of becoming a participant in a reality TV show.


  1. Think carefully before you leap! Being on a reality TV show is about being exposed. And that exposure is to everyone, including your family, friends, neighbors, former school teachers, the boss, your priest, and your old flame. Is this something you can handle? Do you mind if people who used to know you talk about you? (They will, and it won't always be Flatter a Lady.) If you're not worried about the real likelihood that your laundry will be aired, your worst moments shown in detailed focus, and your inability to do something a monkey could do made into highlight of the week, then you're ready! On the other hand, if you value your privacy and reputation intensely, reality TV stardom may not be for you; give it up before the going gets tough if that's the case!
  2. Think about the reality. It's not reality for starters - it's a house, an island, a boardroom, a viper-infested pit, etc., that has been specifically set up for filming 24/7. On top of that, much of it will be scripted, so the "real you" may not be quite so "real".[1] On most reality TV shows, you'll be expected to live in these fishbowls with very few Cover your Laptop Screen for Privacy moments, with no respite from those you're sharing space with, and with relationship Cope With Feeling Stuck thrown your way daily, relentlessly. And then there are the actual challenges you're expected to perform for the show. Think about the following questions very carefully:
    • If you're trying for a reality TV show that requires you to "live it rough", is that something your manicured nails and regularly gelled hair-do could handle? Are you all right living with no mattress, or on rationed food?
    • If you're on a show that requires you to take dares or to eat local cuisine, are you able to eat bugs, unusual foods, unidentifiable somethings, or do your Vegan or finicky food ways preclude you from sharing in what might be the only protein available that day, or that might win you the challenge?!
    • Can you bear to have to pit your wits against that Harvard graduate every five minutes?
    • Will it bother you to be Cope with One Too Many Snubs because you're considered to be an Convince People You Are a Local at some stage as the game plan in the show unfolds?
    • Can you stand to put your hand into that bee-infested box? (Or are you so allergic to insects that going on a daring challenge show is plain out of the question?)
    • Are you willing to give up your day job or take extended unpaid leave if your employer isn't in agreement with you about having time off work to "play TV games"?[2]
  3. Learn all that you can about the show before applying. For a brand new show, read whatever is already available in the media about the show's intended themes, content, time slot, and audience. For an existing show, it makes good sense to be up-to-date about the entire show from its previous seasons. This is probably easier if you've watched it without fail since it began. Even with TV Viewing and Shows though, you need to take a look at an existing show with brand new eyes and see things that will impact you if you do get a part on the show. Look for such things such as:
    • How are contestants judged? Who are the likely judges? Would you be able to Impress Others With Dance them or simply feel awkward before them?
    • Learn from past Envision Success and failures on the relevant show. Do you think you have the same Thinking Skills, cunning, Be a Dare Devil, or whatever else it takes to avoid the pitfalls and reach success?
    • Is nudity expected at any stage?
    • Do you have to eat things that are simply Taste Any New Type of Food and that you'd never think of eating in a million years?
    • Will you be forced to be around people you know you will find difficult to get along with?
    • Will you have to stretch your physical abilities to their limits, and are you in good enough shape? Your mental health is as important as your physical health too, so think about your health as a whole and the sorts of things that might challenge it on the show.
  4. Look for casting calls and Auditioning. There are several ways to do this:
    • Look on your favorite reality TV shows own website. Usually if they are calling for new participants/contestants, the call will be placed on the webpage with further details well in advance of an upcoming season. Keep a watch on the relevant site.
    • Call the TV station and ask for advice. They may be able to take down your details and alert you to upcoming opportunities.
    • Look on a site that collates reality TV show casting calls and auditions. Some examples of sites to check in the U.S. are under "Sources and Citations" below.
  5. Apply with care. The details matter and if you don't abide by the rules in the application form, it may well be thrown away without a second glance, given that so many hopefuls will be trying their luck.[3] If the form asks for a photo, provide one, if it asks for a photo in a certain way, meet that request. If you have to include a Making Movies, a portfolio, a reference, etc., do as requested, as this will all increase your prospects of getting to the next stage. If it feels unaffordable or a waste of time, then you're already counting yourself out, so don't proceed.
  6. Present yourself in an interesting way. Whether you are auditioning, or providing a pitch with your application, to catch the eye of those casting, you will need to have something that the reality TV show wants. It may well be that you can't discern this because you don't know what dynamics they are wanting to script into the show (although watching past shows should give you some idea), or whether someone similar to you has already come to their notice and they don't need another person so alike. There are things you can do to improve your chances, however, such as:
    • Proving your own "wow factor" (appearance, a talent, a stunt, etc.), or approaching the audition or pitch with a unique angle. Think about making use of such tools as YouTube (start a Campaign!), a portfolio of your talents outside of the usual humdrum work routine, or zany photos of yourself. Think outside the square, relate it to the TV show in question, and give it your all if you go down the path of trying to impress those selecting the cast in a unique way.
    • Beware of resorting to Avoid Fads though, as these rarely ingratiate you with those judging your performance. Find the fine balance between interestingly unique and just plain trying-too-hard, or bizarre. Realize that anything that distracts from you will do precisely that and should be left out of your application or performance routine; less is often more.
    • Remember also that they may just be looking for the normal, usual you with all your foibles, talents, and "uninteresting" bits rolled into one because they can see something in you that matches their hoped-for scenario and to be frank, it's the weaknesses in personality that attract viewing. The demographic also matters considerably, as the full cast selection must be appealing to a wide variety of viewers.[4]
  7. Be practical. When self-assessing your suitability to go any further, some of the things that you should keep in mind include a good dose of realism. There is no point auditioning for a show that wants the complete opposite of you - they are just not going to be sold over to your way of seeing things. As such, other things to keep in mind include:
    • Are you the right height, weight, size, Looking Good & Makeovers, etc., for whatever the show focuses on? It makes little sense to apply to be in a weight loss show when you're already at an ideal weight, or to try modeling when your height isn't what they're looking for. It's pointless offering to sleep rough for a month when you're terrified of being seen naked by fellow contestants or sharing your sleeping quarters with spiders.
    • Can you actually sing, dance, Acting, etc., as required?
    • Do you have the qualifications or smarts needed? If you're applying for a show wanting people with a business background or a college education and you don't have one, again, it may not be worth your while.
  8. Know why you want to do this. It may sound trite, especially after going through all the steps above, but the shows producers will want a strong, well-founded response and not just one based merely on your wish to never work in a cocktail bar again. Formulate an answer that demonstrates your strengths, your interesting points, and a desire to be a good role model. Telling them "I want to be famous" rarely distinguishes you from every other person wanting the same. Be confident in what you believe you can contribute to the show as well as focusing on your hoped-for outcome.


  • Don't give up. If you don't succeed the first time, try again if the rules permit it. If you think that you missed out because you're too young, too tired, too overlooked, etc., on one occasion, it just may be your lucky day next time.
  • Be timely. If you don't get to an audition on time, the general reality is this: Forget it! The rule about being on time is one way of culling the numbers, so don't mess up. Plan to stay close to the venue the night before if you're worried about transportation, parking, etc.
  • Spruce up your bare minimum cooking skills if you're going to be doing a stranded island reality TV show - learn how to make the most from very little. And knowing basic survival skills makes good sense too - if you're accepted, read up Outdoor Safety beforehand.
  • Janet Street-Porter has this advice for anyone forced to go without decent washing on a survival show - she says that there is no need to wash your hair, just splash it with cold water to damp it down: "Hair cleans itself - and after a limp couple of days it sorts itself out and actually feels thicker and has more body."[5] Perhaps it would ideal to try this before you leave for filming!


  • If you do become a high profile celebrity due to participating in a reality TV show, be prepared for people you thought were friends to come out of the woodwork and sell stories about your past. Never be afraid of what you did in the past because you can never go back. You can only create your future.
  • Don't be surprised if you aren't chosen for an audition - there are scouts in the crowd looking for those who have certain qualities (appearance, charisma, interesting personality, etc.), and it may be as simple as you not being noticed. This does tend to suggest that you'll be better off by displaying your best and most interesting behavior, without being a flirt, a flaunt, or nuisance.
  • Many US reality TV shows require you to be at least 21 or over to apply and to be a US citizen.[6]

Things You'll Need

  • Interesting profile
  • Internet for finding casting calls
  • TV and DVD player for research
  • An idiot ideas

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Sources and Citations

  1. Jump up The Washington Post, Reality Is Only An Illusion, Writers Say
  2. Jump up Ask the Answer B!tch, Do Reality TV Contestants Have to Quit Their Jobs?
  3. Jump up MSNBC, How can I audition for reality shows?
  4. Jump up, Selecting Reality TV Contestants, an interview with Damon Furberg, an MTV casting director.
  5. Jump up Janet Street-Porter, Life's Too F***ing Short, (2009), p.20, ISBN 978-184400-728-8.
  6. Jump up Steven Richer, How To: Become a Reality TV Contestant