Plan for Graduate School

Graduate school is an exciting step towards new knowledge and a great career. It requires some extensive planning, however. The spring before you plan on applying, you should start researching potential schools to apply to. You may also have to start prepping for exams. A strong application demonstrates why you are a good fit for the school while showing that you are a great student. If you are accepted, you can compare your different options to make the right choice for yourself.


Evaluating Graduate Schools

  1. Decide if graduate school is right for you. Graduate school is a major commitment of time, energy, and money. It is good to spend some time thinking about the reasons why you want to attend graduate school to make sure that you are prepared for it. Some questions you might want to ask yourself include:[1]
    • Do I need graduate school to get the job or career that I want?
    • Is it best to work for a few years in my field before returning to graduate school? Or should I go straight out of undergrad?
    • How will I pay for graduate school? Am I applying to programs that offer funding and stipends?
    • Will I go full-time or part-time? Can I balance graduate school with my work and social life?
    • Do I love what I study?
  2. Prepare throughout your bachelors program. Your undergraduate transcript will be essential when applying for graduate school. If you are still currently enrolled in a baccalaureate program, you should start taking courses that will prepare you for the graduate program that you want to apply to. Graduate Admissions Committees want to see applicants who have strong GPAs and who have taken rigorous courses.
    • If possible, get involved in research during your undergraduate program. Submit a paper to an undergraduate conference or journal. Ask your professors if you can become a lab or research assistant.[2]
    • Internships, volunteering, and work experience also look good on an application.
    • You will need to do well throughout your undergraduate program to get into a graduate program. Many graduate programs require at least a 3.0 GPA and strong GRE scores for admission and financial aid. If you have a low GPA, demonstrate your qualifications through work, leadership, or volunteering experience.[3]
  3. Research graduate schools in your subject area. There are many different graduate programs that offer different specialties and opportunities. You should start researching the best programs in your subject area. Some things you might want to look at:
    • What types of learning experiences do they offer? Will you get hands-on experience in your field?
    • What are their facilities (laboratories, libraries, studios, etc.) like? Are they appropriate for your field?
    • What type of research grants do faculty and graduate students earn? Are there opportunities for graduate students to pursue their own research?
    • Do they offer research assistantships? Will you be able to work as a teaching assistant?
    • What are the employment rates of graduates?
    • Who are the faculty? What are they known for?
    • How much does it cost per year? Do they offer funding or financial assistance to students?[4]
  4. Ask your current professors for advice. Your professors are deeply rooted in the field. Identify faculty at your undergraduate university who specialize in the type of work you want to do. Ask them to recommend programs and potential research advisors. They may even be able to introduce you to faculty at that university.[5]
  5. Start contacting prospective graduate schools during your third year. Consult the program and department websites. Read about the faculty and the type of research they do. Write to faculty whose research interests are a good match with yours. Write them an email that states who you are, why you’re interested in their program, and why you’re interested in their work. Ask them to send you some information about their program.
    • Begin the email with Dear Dr. Smith, or Dear Professor Jones. Always start with a formal opening. Do not make the mistake of addressing female professors as Mrs. Smith or Ms. Jones, and never use first names unless and until you are invited to do so.
    • For example, you can write, “Dear Dr. Taylor, my name is Roberta Smith. I am a current junior at State University majoring in marine biology. I am writing you to inquire about your graduate program in marine biology. I am very interested in your program because it offers students valuable experience both in the lab and at sea. Your work on manatee behavior is also very interesting to me. I was wondering if you could give me any advice about the graduate program and whether or not I would be a good candidate. Thank you. Best regards, Roberta Smith.”
  6. Visit prospective schools. Some universities hold open house events or other opportunities to meet the faculty and tour the facilities. If you can, visit the campus to get a sense of what life is like there. You might even want to schedule a meeting with a faculty member to introduce yourself and ask questions about the program.[6]
    • To find out about prospective student weekends, you can look on the graduate school’s calendar.
    • You may also email the graduate school’s admissions department or your specific department’s director of graduate studies.
  7. Choose at least four schools. It is good to apply to several schools to increase your chances of being accepted. While you may apply to as many schools as you’d like, you should select at least four programs to apply to. Five or six schools is average.[7] You may want to have one aspirational school that you might think is slightly out of reach as well as one safety school that you absolutely qualify for.
    • Remember that the more schools you apply to, the more statements that you have to write and the more you have to pay in application fees. While it may be tempting to apply to ten or fifteen schools, it may be beneficial to focus on a few schools and write a strong, compelling application for each.
  8. Create a spreadsheet for prospective schools. Once you’ve found a few potential universities to apply to, you will want to organize all of the information you will need to provide in the coming months. Each university may have different application deadlines, exam requirements, and statements that they require so read their individual websites carefully. Create a table that organizes all of the following information for each graduate program:
    • How much they cost
    • How much they give in assistance
    • What exams they require
    • What GPA or degree class they require
    • How many references you need
    • What statements you need (personal statement, statement of interest, research statement, etc.)
    • What documents they require (transcript, portfolio, CV, etc.)
    • How long your writing sample should be
    • When the application is due

Passing Your Entrance Exams

  1. Learn which exams you need to take. Standardized testing is often required by graduate schools for admissions. While you may encounter a program that does not require such testing, you most likely will have to take a test. Read the university’s graduate admissions page to find out what tests you need to take. You might have to take multiple exams. Some common exams include:
    • Graduate Record Exam (GRE) [8]
    • GRE Subject Test[9]
    • Law School Admission Test (LSAT)[10]
    • Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)[11]
    • Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)[12]
    • If you are a student from a non-English speaking country applying to a university in an English-speaking country, you may have to take an English language exam to prove your proficiency in the language.[13]
  2. Schedule your exams. Some exams, such as the GRE, can be taken at any time. Others have only a handful of dates a year to take the exam. The spring before you have to submit the application, you should find out when the exams are and how long before the exam you need to register for your place.
    • Many people take their graduate exams at least twice. Take your first exam early in the academic year so that you can try to improve your scores before the application is due.[14]
    • It can take a few weeks for your scores to be reported to universities. Many universities will let you know the latest date you can take exams so that your scores reach the university in time.
  3. Take a preparation course. Many companies offer courses to help tutor you in graduate exams. These courses will coach you through the procedure of the exam, the material on the exam, and tips on how to pass. While these courses can be expensive, they are a good way to study for the exam. There are both online and classroom classes offered.[14] Some reputable test course companies include:
    • Princeton Review
    • Kaplan
    • Barron’s
    • Magoosh
  4. Study with practice tests. A cheaper alternative to courses is to self-study with practice questions and exams. You can buy test prep books at the bookstore, or you can use online tools to help you study. Time yourself taking practice exams. Familiarize yourself with the types of questions being asked, and pay attention to what type of material they want you to know. Some things you may have to study include:
    • Vocabulary
    • Essay writing
    • Equations
    • Information relevant to your field of study
  5. Take the exam. On the day of the exam, you may be asked to come early. Be sure to bring your photo ID as well as any materials you will need to take the test, such as pencils or an approved calculator. Get plenty of rest the night before, and eat a good breakfast. Some exams are several hours long with breaks so be prepared.
    • Read up on the exam before you take it. Find out if it is a written exam or if it is taken on a computer. Learn whether you will be doing multiple choice questions, essays, or written equations before you take it.
    • Each exam will require you to bring different forms of ID and supplies with you. In general, however, you will not be permitted to bring personal items such as phones, wallets, or purses into the testing room with you.

Applying to Graduate Programs

  1. Demonstrate your work experience. If you are not currently in a baccalaureate program or if it has been many years since you have been an undergraduate, you may demonstrate that your work experience makes you qualified for the program. While you may still be required to submit transcripts, prepare a thorough CV that demonstrates your experience.
    • In your personal statement or statement of interest, you can explain how your work experience makes you uniquely qualified for the program.
    • Many universities will ask for your job history. This is a good place to demonstrate how your experience outside of university has made you a competitive applicant.
  2. Ask current faculty members to write letters of reference for you. Typically, you will need at least three references, although this number can vary by university. Never list a faculty member as a reference until s/he gives you permission to do so. Always ask first. Give the faculty member at least two months of advance notice. Provide a copy of your CV and statement of research interests to help the writer craft the letter appropriately.
    • To ask someone to write you a letter of recommendation, you can say, “I am applying to graduate school this fall. I was wondering if you would be willing to write me a letter of recommendation. I really value your good word.” If they agree, don’t forget to thank them.
    • If it has been a few years since you graduated your baccalaureate program, you may want to ask recent employers or coworkers to write references for you. Choose people who can testify to your hard work and the skills needed for the graduate program.[15]
  3. Write strong statements of support. Graduate programs will often require not just a Write a Personal Statement but also statements about your research interests, interest in the graduate school, and plans for the future. The length and requirements vary from university to university. While it may be tempting to write one statement and send it to all schools, it is best to tailor your personal statement to each school that you are attending. State why you are interested in each university and how it will help you achieve your goals.[5]
    • A personal statement is a short essay about your skills, experience, and unique characteristics that make you a strong applicant.[16]
    • A statement of research interests explores what you want to research and why. You may also state how you are qualified to begin this research.[17]
    • A statement of interest details why you are interested in that particular university. Here you might explain which faculty members you want to work with, classes you want to take, or opportunities that will be available to you.
    • Many universities have writing centers where you can have a consultant read over your statements. They can not only proofread the statement but also give you suggestions as to things that you should include.
  4. Submit transcripts and other documentation early. It can take a few weeks for your current or former university to process requests for transcripts, and it can take a few more weeks after that for the transcript to reach the other school. Make sure that you submit your transcripts as early as possible so that they reach the schools you are applying to.
    • If you are applying in the fall, you should request your transcripts around October.[18]
  5. Fill out the application. Graduate school applications will include many pages asking for details. They may ask you for personal information, job history, course history, a CV, writing sample, portfolio, and other personal details. Each application can take several hours, in addition to writing the statements and ordering the transcripts. Do not procrastinate, or leave it until the night before the deadline.
    • Most applications charge a fee. You may be eligible to waive the fee if you are unable to pay. Contact the graduate school, and ask them about fee waivers.
    • Read the application policies carefully. If the university wants all of your files in a PDF, make sure that you convert your files to PDF before you submit.
    • Before you submit your application, double-check it to make sure that you filled everything out correctly and attached the proper documents.

Choosing Your Graduate School

  1. Compare the offers you receive. Universities typically send out acceptances in the spring. Avoid accepting a position until you have heard from all of the schools you applied to. Once you have, compare the offers that you have received. You may consider:
    • How much funding or financial assistance you have received
    • What the requirements of each program are
    • How many years it may take you to complete each program
    • Which program has higher employment rates after graduation
    • The cost of each program and the cost of living where the program is located
  2. Speak with students who are in the program you want to attend. It is good to hear a student perspective on the program. They can inform you of the atmosphere of the department, any problems with the program, and how to make the most of your experience. Email the Director of Graduate Studies at the program, and ask them if they will put you in touch with a current graduate student.
  3. Apply for funding. Some universities will automatically consider you for internal funding sources, but others will make you apply separately. In addition to merit scholarships and fellowships, you can apply for external funding through a variety of sources. Some scholarships you might consider applying for include:[19]
    • U.S. Department of Education Jacob K. Javits Fellowships[20]
    • The Fulbright Graduate Degree Grants[21]
    • Goldwater Scholarship[22]
    • Ford Foundation Scholarship[23]
  4. Prepare to begin graduate school. In the months leading up to graduate school, you will have to consider many new changes. Plan ahead of time what you will need to do before you begin your new program. This may include:
    • Notifying the university that you want to attend
    • Moving to a new city
    • Contacting faculty that you want to work with
    • Submitting paperwork to your university
    • Becoming up to date on all of your required immunizations
    • Attending orientation
  5. Try again the following year. If you were not accepted to graduate school or if you did not receive the assistance you need, you may consider waiting a year and trying again. In that year, you can improve your exam scores, gain work experience, and work on your personal statements.
    • It may be better to reapply the following year rather than accepting a position at a program that will not help you reach your goals.


  • Work hard in your current program. Make learning the goal, not the grades.
  • Speak with your current professors about graduate school, and whether it is the right choice for you.
  • All types of experience are valued by admissions. This includes work experience, internships, leadership positions, extracurricular activities, and volunteering.
  • Many schools are understanding of any accommodations you might need during the application process or throughout graduate school. Be sure to state your needs in the application.
  • Many universities and examination centers will provide fee waivers for those who cannot afford to pay the fee. If you are worried about the cost of applying to college, contact people in charge to see if you qualify for waivers.
  • You can ask your professor or advisor to look over your application for you and to give you advice accordingly.


  • Graduate school is a serious commitment that requires several years of hard work. Do not apply for graduate school if you are uncertain of what you want to do or if you are delaying going on the job market.
  • If you are not accepted at the school of your choice, do not consider it a failure. Look over your options. Is there another school that you were accepted to that is just as good? Or do you want to wait to try again the next year?

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