Get a New Look

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As a human, it is natural to notice that you are constantly evolving, both mentally and physically. As you mature, experience hardships, and change lifestyles; it is only natural that you would want your look to match the new person that you have become. Or maybe you have just become bored with your look and have decided to switch it up a bit. Whatever the case, you can start on a journey to change who you are


Changing Your Wardrobe

  1. Clean out old clothes. This will allow you to let go of the things that no longer suit your look. Sort through your closet and decide what can be tossed and what can be salvaged.
    • When possible, save older pieces. Changing your look doesn’t require you to throw everything from the past out. Hold on to any pieces that can fit into your new look.
  2. Assess your budget. You may find that doing a complete overhaul of your closest can appear to be a financially daunting task. However, it doesn’t have to be. Look at this transition as you would any other household expense and allot funds to it. Don’t try to purchase all new clothing at once. That will not only be expensive, but also stressful.
    • Be realistic and only buy what you can afford. This does not mean buy a lot of cheap items. You are always better placed to own a few good quality items rather than a quantity of poor ones. Save up for good items if you can't afford them now.
    • Buy in bulk. Instead of sporadically spaced shopping trips, shop regularly to spread out your expenses over time.
    • Thrift for new items. Thrifting is always a great way for you to find new options without having to be forced to skip a meal or two. Thrifting is not always the easiest option but learning how to pick great locations and having some patience can go a long way. [1]
    • Don’t assume that “expensive” clothing means better clothing. It’s not the price but how well you put the pieces together that determines the true value of your new look. [2]
    • Pair old favorites with new pieces. This can go a long way to enhancing your look, while maintaining your budget. [3]
  3. Build your wardrobe. Taking items that you already have, build onto your look. Before purchasing, set a goal of what you would like your look to be. Use your goal as a guide during your journey.
    • Keep your lifestyle needs in mind. Things like work, school, social life, etc; should all be considered in your new wardrobe. [4]
    • Look for your wardrobe to not be only fashionable but stylish. Fashion is about following trends. Style on the other hand is all about how you present yourself to the world. Fashion rises and wanes, while your personal style lasts forever. So, refrain from only purchasing trendy looks. Find looks that display who you are.[5]
  4. Keep colors neutral and consistent. Buying neutral colors will allow you to easily pair/mix and match your new pieces. After you have the basics you can add more color options to your wardrobe later.[6] [7]
    • Get more use out of your clothing with neutral colors.
    • Buy pieces that are: black, brown, white, cream, gray, and navy blue. [8]
    • Use these items as base pieces to the rest of your outfit. [7]
  5. Choose great accessories. Accessories and clothing are equally important when it comes to your new wardrobe. Accessories will provide you a great way to mix and match outfits. Accessories also can help transition clothing from one occasion to the next. Look at accessories as another way to further define your own personal style.
    • Each accessory chosen should add value to your outfit. If you can remove the accessory and not feel like your outfit has lost anything, then you can probably do without it. You should also look for pieces that are versatile.
    • Men should remember that accessories are just as important for them as they are for women. You should still keep in mind that each piece should have a purpose and enhance your look.
    • Less is more. While it may appear cool to don all of the accessories that you own at once, you will see you have the greatest affect with a simpler look. Give each piece a chance to shine on its own and appreciate what does for your look.
  6. Find a style muse. It never hurt anyone to have someone to look up to. While you shouldn’t try to replicate that person’s style, you can definitely use them as a source of inspiration for your own wardrobe. [5]

Changing Your Hairstyle

  1. Decide what you want your hairstyle to say about you. Your hair is a clear symbol of your personality and individuality. Letting go of your usual hairstyle is often the first step to making other changes in your life. Let the color, length, and style speak for you and the person that you have become.
  2. Choose a hairstyle that fits your face shape. Hairstyles are all about shape and geometry. So, naturally you should consider the shape of your face when determining your new hairstyle. The hairstyle should enhance your best attributes, while averting attention from those that you are less proud of. [9]
    • Face shape generally falls into one of these categories: Oval, round, square, oblong, heart, triangular, and diamond. Determining which category you belong to will help you pick a style that suits you most. You can determine your face shape by simply studying your features in a mirror.
  3. Speak openly with your stylist. With your knowledge and their expertise you should be able to find the hairstyle that best suits you. A skilled stylist will be able to create a hairstyle that best suits you.
    • Ask questions like, “‘Would bangs suit me?” or, ”How would my hair look short/a different color. Is my hair too thin for this look?’
    • Also, ask questions regarding what to expect when your hairstyle begins to grow out and what could be done to if you decide you don’t like the new hairstyle after all.
    • Discuss upkeep and hairstyle maintenance with your hairstylist. Ask yourself how much time you are willing to spend tending to your hair each day. Some styles may require more attention than others.
  4. Keep your hair texture in mind. Knowing your hair texture will allow you to choose an appropriate hairstyle as well as how you should care for it. Knowing your hair texture will ultimately help you determine the style that suits you best by allowing you to consider some styles and eliminate others. [9]
    • Hair texture can be straight, curly, or wavy. Which hair texture best defines you will help you choose the best looking hairstyle.
    • Honestly acknowledge which hair texture you have. This will ensure you see the best results.
  5. Look for examples. Once you have an idea in mind of what look you want to go for, look up examples of it. This will allow you to visualize the look and make any alterations that will personalize it even more. During this time, allow yourself to be inspired.
  6. Go for it. Once you have done all your research and settled on what it is you want there is nothing left but to do it. You’ve come a long way and now it is time to bask in the glory of what is your new hairstyle. Remember that this isn’t like a tattoo, you can always change your mind and try something different if you want.


  • It’s ok to seek out guidance from others, but remember that your voice should be the loudest when you are changing up your look.
  • When changing your hairstyle keep in mind upkeep and all that your new hairstyle entails.
  • Be yourself and be confident in the choices that you make.
  • Remember the goal is to be stylish, not trendy.
  • Have fun with your transition! Embrace it for all that it has to offer.


  • Everyone may not like the changes you have made, but as long as you are happy that is all that matters.
  • Don't force yourself to change your look in one day. Take your time and enjoy the journey.
  • Don’t imitate others. To redefine yourself you have to be yourself.

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