Go Sledding

Do you want to know how to ride a sled and stay calm? Well, read on!


  1. Find a good hill to sled on. A good hill is somewhat, but not very, steep. If it's a double hill (one drop after another), all the better if you're looking for speed. The type of snow is important too: thick, powdery snow for the slow-go, and snow over a layer of ice if you're more extreme.
  2. Get at the top of the hill you plan to sled on.
  3. Depending on what kind of sled you have, choose how to sit. For a round one, sit cross-legged. For a long one, sit with your legs out in front of you or lie down on your stomach or back. If you have a flat, long sled you may run and jump onto your stomach or knees as you go down.
  4. Now, push off with your hands and hold on tight to the sides. More than likely you are going to spin if your sled is round and go really fast while going downhill.
  5. Learn how to turn and brake. This is very important in long sleds, where steering is almost impossible. If your sled has no steering cord, then use your boots. Ease down with your left foot to go left, and with your right foot to go right. Plant both your heel part of your foot in the snow to stop safely.


  • If you are going to crash and there is no way you can steer out of the way in time, roll off your sled (called bailing). Some very experienced sledders have the most fun by bailing off their sled every time. It's better to lose a sled than your life!
  • Watch for people coming down the hill, pushing and bumping are allowed but don't let them run into you - or in that case, you run into them!
  • Wear a long sleeve shirt, and a heavy coat, and zip it up. Also wear a scarf, hat and hood. You should also wear gloves. The reason for this is because snow is going to get sprayed on you as you go down, and you don't want to freeze!
  • Avoid accidents - make sure you go to the bathroom before you go sled riding, because when you get nervous, scared or excited, your adrenalin begins pumping, and then usually you have to go to the bathroom. And you definitely don't want to wet your pants from being scared, excited, or nervous.
  • Learn to steer the sled if you can. (Or just aim well to start with) Leaning is traditional but is slow and doesn't work very well. Often by dragging one hand or foot in the snow in the direction you want to turn, you can steer the sled faster and better.
  • While going down, hold on tightly, and be prepared to get jerked around a little bit.
  • Always be careful.
  • Take it from an old Mainer - old-style steel runner sleds require hard packed snow and still do not turn as quickly or move as nimbly nor safely as a modern flat bottomed plastic sled. Save the old runners for antique stores and wall decorations.


  • If you're going really fast and you know you're going to wipe out, in general, depending on the situation, it's good to go loose. When the body's moving fast, there is less chance of injury if it's loose and the muscles are relaxed, as opposed to tense. So if you know you're going to wipe out, relax and enjoy.
  • Dress warmly! And wear gloves so you do not get frostbite from the snow.
  • Keep your eyes open and pay attention. You must be aware of what's happening around you, and in front of you. If someone gets in your way, or you're heading for a pole, tree, etc., by paying attention, you will be able to see and respond to these things.
  • Never attempt to stand up on a sled on a very big hill; as you could earn yourself a trip to the hospital.

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