Go to Other People's Houses in the Sims 2

Do you want to go to others' homes on the Sims 2? Here's how.


  1. The two sims must live in the same neighborhood, have to meet each other, and both sims must have a phone.
  2. Enter the lot of the sim who you want to visit.
  3. Using the phone, click "Call Sim" and invite over the sim who you would like to come over.
  4. Press Ctrl, Shift, and C on your keyboard both at the same time to open up the cheat menu. Type “boolprop testingcheatsenabled true” (without the quotes) in the little box that comes up and press enter.
  5. When the visiting sim arrives, greet them. Then, click the visiting sim while holding down the “shift” key, and press “Make Selectable”. This way, you can control the visiting sim. You can still ask them to stay the night, but you won’t need to, because when they are selectable, they can't leave until you make them un-selectable again.
  6. Press both Ctrl and C at the same time on your keyboard to open up the cheat menu. Type in “boolprop testingcheatsenabled false” (without the quotes) in the little box and press enter.
  7. You can do whatever you would like with the visiting sim. You could have a sleepover, or just have them stay for a couple sim hours.
  8. When you would like the visiting sim to leave, again open up the cheat menu and type in “boolprop testingcheatsenabled true” and press enter. Click the sim while holding down the “Shift” key on your keyboard and press “Make Un-selectable”. Open up the cheat menu again, type in “boolprop testingcheatsenabled false” and press enter. Now you cannot control the visiting sim.
  9. While controlling the sim who owns the house, press on the visiting sim and when the options come up, click “Say Goodbye” or “Ask to Leave”. Then, the visiting sim will leave. You can save, leave the lot, and/or go to the home of the visiting sim at this point if you wish.


  • To strengthen the effect, it helps not to control the homeowner much unless you need to (you would probably want the homeowner to be the one cleaning up and cooking the food, for example) and to only really control the visiting sim.

Things You'll Need

  • The Sims 2 PC Game
  • A Computer
  • 2 Sims, Both With a Phone

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