Make a Playable Robot Sim in the Sims 2
A robot in Sim world is called a Servo. Servos are same as all Sims, except they can't have babies, don't age and have only three original needs (fun, social and environment). And it's really refreshing to control a robot for a change. Also if you put Servo on freeplay he cleans
Although you can't make a Servo in The Sims 3, you can still see a sculpture of Servo inside the science facility, which hints that Servos will maybe be added to the game by an Expansion.
- While in game, press Ctrl+Shift+C. Then, in the cheat box type in "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true<tt>" without the apostrophes. Note the lowercase and spaces.
- Now, get inside an occupied lot. Hold Shift and click on any Sim. Choose "Spawn..." and then "New Servo". A robot should appear next to you. If these options aren't listed, choose "More..." until it appears.
- Click on the Servo (without holding Shift) and choose "initialize..." and then "male" or "female". This will choose the sex of your Servo. Females look just like males, except with a bow, eyelashes, and a dress for formal wear. A window with a text box should appear. Type in his/her name. <"BZZZ!"> Your Servo is powered up and ready to rock!
- If you don't want to cheat, you can build robots on the non-evil robot workbench. Eventually your Sim will receive a gold talent badge, and be able to build as many servos as you want.
- When "power" need is low, get outdoor while it's bright, click on the Servo and choose "recharge". It doesn't work at night, and "maxmotives" and "motivedecay off" cheats won't affect "power" need. You can use the boolprop cheat to 'drag' the motive off.
- The Servo you make will have the aspiration, turn-ons and offs and personality same as his/her maker. See warning below!
- Remember, it's only a game!
- Don't use any wet activities.(showering, sitting in jacuzzi, etc.) It will cause Servo's power drain and he/she will smoke. If that happens, immediately stop that activity and recharge.
- If you have the Bon Voyage, Freetime, and/or Apartment Life expansion with Nightlife, your Sim can choose a turn-on/turn-off for Servos. If this Sim activates a Servo, because Servos can't be turned on/off by Servos, the space where the turn on/off will be on the bio will be blank, unless you change it.
Things You'll Need
- A Computer
- The Sims 2
- The Sims 2 "Open for Business" Expansion Pack
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