Harvest Chives

Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) are the sort of herbs that have endless possibilities. They can be used in salads, soups, meat dishes, in cheeses...the list is truly infinite. Growing your own chives is a great idea, but it is also important to know when and how to harvest them. Scroll down to Step 1 to being learning about harvesting chives.


Knowing When and What to Harvest

  1. Select the right part of the plant. Look for the long, green, hollow leaves. These are round in shape. These are the parts of the plant that you want to use in your recipes.[1]
    • The chive flowers are also edible but do not have the same flavor as a chive stalk. They are best used as a garnish in a salad or soup.
  2. Know when to begin harvesting chives. You can begin harvesting the chives when the leaves grow large enough to be clipped and used.[2]
  3. Have several plants growing at once. This will help when it comes to harvesting. If you only have one plant, you might over harvest it by cutting the leaves before they have had enough time to grow. If you have multiple chive plants, you can harvest the leaves of one and then wait for those leaves to grow back while you harvest the leaves from another plant.

Harvesting the Chives

  1. Gather the leaves into a bunch. Use a pair of sharp, clean scissors to remove the leaves. Do not cut too closely to the bulb, or you will spoil the chances of the chives regrowing. You want to leave about ½ an inch of green leaves attached to the bulb, above the soil.[1]
    • If you just need a few chives, harvest from the outside of the clump. Sharp scissors work best as they will not rip the plant like dull scissors will. Leave the rest to grow.
    • If you want to continue to harvest them in winter, transfer a clump of chives to a pot. Place it on a sunny windowsill. You can then have fresh chives throughout the winter.
  2. Use your chives or store them. If storing, cut chives can be kept in the refrigerator inside a sealed plastic bag for up to one week. It is also possible to freeze them in ice cubes or to freeze dry them.[2]
    • Before using your chives, rinse them off under cool, running water to remove any dirt or debris from the garden.
    • Another good method for preservation is to Use Chives
  3. Use chives in a recipe. You can use chives in a Make a Tomato, Red Onion, Caper, and Chive Salad They also make a great Make a Sour Cream and Chive Potato The possibilities for chives are truly endless!


  • Chives usually grow to about 8 inches / 20 cm in height.
  • It is recommended that chive plants be divided every two years. When replanting them, plant about 8–10 bulbs together.
  • If using the flowers for salads, pick them as they open.
  • Pot up chives in autumn for a winter's indoor supply.

Things You'll Need

  • Chive plants (several)
  • Clean, sharp scissors

Sources and Citations

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