Harvest Raspberries
Raspberries are delicious, healthy (high in vitamin C and with some anti-cancer properties). They are delicious on their own, in a jam or coulis or with a drizzle of cream for the naughty! To top things off, they are also very low in calories. If you have grown your own raspberries and you're wondering how to harvest them, here are some pointers on the correct way to harvest raspberries. Besides, homegrown raspberries are always better than the ones in the market!
- Make sure you are prepared for the picking. You don't need much, only a basket or two to hold them in and gloves so your hands don't get all juicy! I wouldn't recommend picking in rainy weather as the raspberries can get squashed and liquidy.
- Find your area you are going to pick in. If you go out just hoping to come across a patch of them then you are wrong! You have to plan ahead and find somewhere close to you. Otherwise, it's a wasted journey and a waste of petrol! However, if you have in your own garden, then pick away!
- Harvest at the right time. Raspberries can be harvested all the way from mid-summer through to the first frost. The fruit is ripe when it can be easily be removed from the plant without being squashed. Fruit ripens at different times, so you will be able to harvest raspberries throughout the season. By autumn they have usually gone past it. See "Tips" for more information.
- Select only the bright red berries. If you are picking black, golden or purple raspberries, look for berries with firm plumpness. If they are almost a neon red they are slightly passed their best so don't pick them.
- Find the best ones to pick. Do not pick ones that have a hole in them as an insect has probably got there before you.
- Hold carefully between the thumb and forefinger and pull:
- Use quickly. Raspberries do not store well and spoil quickly after being picked. Brambles and blackberries are picked in the same way so keep that in mind if you have a bush or two of them! Read how to store raspberries for advice on how to keep them fresh for up to 6 days.
- If you see any bad or discoloured berries, pick them off and discard. Leaving them on the plant will lead to disease.
- When thawing frozen raspberries, it can speed up the thawing process if you place them on a flat surface.
- If you can't find anywhere, buy some from a farm shop. They are still amazing quality!
- Don't be ruthless with the picking! Leave some for other people or animals.
- Remember to have fun! It is supposed to be an entertaining activity.
- Raspberries freeze well and make a quick dessert even when still slightly frozen - an ice confection that's healthy and delicious.
- US raspberries usually have two crop periods: a peak in June (June bearing) and a harvest at fall (everbearing). Raspberries peak earlier in the South than in the North of the USA.
- Be aware that raspberries do not ripen once picked. Avoid picking unripened berries.
- Don't pick raspberries from a polluted area with lots of cars. It affects the taste and hygiene.
- Wash the raspberries before eating them. Relating back to the last warning, they are not too germless as they are from the country.
- Don't eat too much of the raspberries as you go along! That is less to pick and you don't know how free of bacteria they are.
Things You'll Need
- Container for collecting raspberries - the wider the better to allow the raspberries space, as raspberries crush easily under their own weight
- Gloves are optional, raspberry prickles are not too bad but if you are afraid of getting scratched, wear thin gloves that still enable you to hold the raspberries gently
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Sources and Citations
- VideoJug. A video of harvesting raspberries - original source of article. Shared with permission and appreciation.
- ↑ Gardenaction,Growing Raspberries
- Pickyourown.org, Raspberry Facts and Picking Tips