Have Fun with Your Cat
Cats can be graceful, aloof and mysterious. They can also be downright funny. Their little quirks can make any cat lover laugh. By spending some time having fun with your cat, you’ll come to recognize its comical idiosyncrasies and get to see its full personality. Having some fun with your cat is a great way for the two of you to bond, and to relieve boredom and stress. You’ll have as much fun as it will, and maybe even start to wonder if it’s the one laughing at you.
Creating a Playful Environment for your Cat
- Make sure your cat has a place or places to call its own. This can be a cat bed, or a corner of a room set aside for it. As any cat owner knows, however, a cat will claim spots for itself, which might be your favorite chair, or computer, or pillow. Playing “on your feet, lose your seat” with your cat can be a little frustrating, but that’s part of the fun of having a cat!
- Get your cat a scratching post. These are made of various rough materials (cardboard, rope, carpet, etc.) that cats can scratch and enjoy. They are readily available at pet supply stores.
- Buy or build a cat “tree” for your cat to play on. These can have multiple sections and tiers, with areas for your cat to scratch, for toys to hang on, tunnels or boxes to climb, etc. You can find these at pet supply stores.
- Put containers of cat grass inside your home. Cat grass can give your cat a bit of nature indoors. This type of plant is safe for cats to eat, and is readily available from pet supply stores. Plant some in a pot (or a few!) and set it around your house for your cat to explore. You'll enjoy watching your cat try to eat it.
- Let your cat have access to a window, if you can. Cats love to watch birds, squirrels, and other creatures, and to keep an eye on outside activity. A window can be a great source of entertainment, especially if you have a cat who stays indoors permanently.
- Try safe places for an indoor cat to spend some time outdoors. An enclosed outdoor space can be a fun way for your indoor cat to get a taste of the outdoors. For instance, if you have a screened-in area of a home, such as a porch or sunroom, you can let your cat have access to it.
- Walk your cat on a leash. Cat leashes are available at pet supply stores. They have a small harness and lead for you to walk a cat much as you would a dog. Not every cat will cooperate with a leash, so it take some time to train your cat to walk on a leash. It is easiest to start while the cat is young so it can get used to it.
- Let your cat play outdoors, if it is safe to do so. Outdoor cats can have fun pouncing on things, hiding and sneaking, and hunting small creatures.
- If you want to start bringing an outdoor cat indoors, do so slowly. Gradually have it spend more time indoors. You will also have to have patience while getting it used to using a litterbox, scratching post, and other indoor things.
- Play with your cat often. Cats are active creatures, but typically will play in short bursts of 5-15 minutes. It's a great idea for cats to play frequently, so try having a few short play sessions at different times during the day.
Playing Games with your Cat
- Get your cat some designated toys. Many cats enjoy having their own toys. Choose toys that will allow your cat to mimic its natural hunting behavior--things it can chase, pounce, or catch, for instance. Cats have individual personalities, so you might have to try a few different toys to find what yours likes. You can also change toys occasionally (every day or few days) to keep your cat from getting bored.
- Wand toys with something at the end
- Rubber balls, or any soft or bouncy toy. Cats like to bat things with their paws.
- Catnip toys
- Crinkly stuff, like bubble wrap or paper bags
- Laser pointers might be fun, but they can also frustrate your cat.
Good toys can include:
- Play chase with your cat. Cats love to sprint. Chase the cat, or throw a toy for the cat to chase. You can try sneaking around a corner to catch your cat, or watch it try to stalk you from behind a door.
- Play hide-and-seek with your cat. Hide from your cat and try to attract their attention so it can find you, or let your cat hide in something while you find it. Bags and boxes are great for this. In fact, your cat might play with one all by itself if you leave it lying around.
- Let your cat have some catnip. The catnip plant is a member of the mint family. For reasons not entirely understood, many cats react enthusiastically to catnip—it may make them roll and flip around, act highly stimulated, or appear especially content.
- Buying a catnip-filled toy.
- Making your own catnip toy. Fill a plastic easter egg with some loose catnip (found at pet supply stores) and watch your cat have fun sniffing and pawing it.
- Sprinkling some loose catnip on one of your cat’s things, like a toy or scratching post.
. You can safely give your cat catnip in various ways. You can try:
- Entice your cat with treats. Take a paper towel roll and put some shredded paper in it along with some treats and maybe some catnip. Watch your cat enjoy trying to get at the treats inside.
Monitoring your Cat’s Activity and Health
- Play with your cat often, but know its limits. Each cat will want to play in particular ways and at particular times, so pay attention to your cat’s preferences. Following a few tips can help you keep your cat happy and interested:
- Don’t let your cat win all the time, or lose all the time.
- Don’t force your cat to play with you. If it doesn’t seem interested in one thing, try another. If it’s still not interested, wait and try playing another time.
- Stop playing if your cat becomes unusually aggressive. It might need to “cool off” for a while, or it might prefer to play a different way.
- Have fun with your cat but make sure it’s not in pain.
- Hesitation before jumping
- Walking slowly up stairs or over other obstacles
- Not landing correctly when jumping
If you notice signs that your cat doesn’t want to play, or is having trouble playing, don’t force it to. You may need to contact a veterinarian if you see signs that your cat is in pain, such as:
- Catproof your house. If you have an indoor cat, or an outdoor cat that spends time indoors, then you want it to play freely while staying safe.
- Store cleaning supplies and other chemicals in securely sealed containers out of your cat’s reach.
- Certain common houseplants (like ivy and mistletoe) are toxic to cats, so keep them away.
- Cats sometimes like to crawl into small or dark places like cabinets and closets. Make sure that your cat does not get trapped inside one, especially if it has a habit of crawling inside.
For instance:
- Catproof your outdoor area. If you have a cat that spends all or part of its time outdoors, you can have fun watching it pounce, stalk, and hide. You can give it toys or let it play with things it finds outside. Just make sure to give your cat a tag in case it gets lost, and make sure it is protected from anything dangerous (poisonous plants, predators, cars, etc.).
Related Articles
- Bathe a Cat
- Teach Your Cat to Give a Handshake
- Choose a Cat
- Make Cat Toys
- Bathe a Kitten
- Pet a High Strung Cat
- Communicate with Your Cat
- Grow Catnip
- Tame a Feral Cat
- Apologize to a Cat
Sources and Citations
- ↑ http://www.ccwr.org/files/Cats_Indoors_flier.pdf
- ↑ http://www.humanesociety.org/animals/cats/tips/cat_happy_indoors.html
- ↑ https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/virtual-pet-behaviorist/cat-behavior/enriching-your-cats-life
- http://www.humanesociety.org/animals/cats/tips/cat_happy_indoors.html
- http://www.humanesociety.org/animals/cats/tips/bringing_outside_cat_indoors.html
- ↑ http://www.humanesociety.org/animals/cats/cat_problem_solver/stress.html?credit=web_id83192209#tab-2
- http://anticruelty.org/pet-behavior-and-training/diy-tips-for-training-your-cat/cats-and-play/
- ↑ http://www.spca.org/document.doc?id=43
- ↑ https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/virtual-pet-behaviorist/cat-behavior/cat-toys
- http://www.humanesociety.org/animals/cats/tips/catnip.html
- ↑ http://www.charlestonanimalsociety.org/fun-ideas-for-you-and-your-cat/
- https://www.aaha.org/pet_owner/pet_health_library/cat_care/general_health/get_your_cat_off_of_the_couch.aspx
- http://www.hscipets.org/tipcat05.htm
- http://www.americanhumane.org/animals/adoption-pet-care/caring-for-your-pet/indoor-cats-vs-outdoor-cats.html