Have a Fresh Looking Face

Looking fresh and natural starts with taking care of your skin. If you have clear, unbroken skin that looks young, it goes a long way to making your face look fresh. That way, when you do apply makeup, you only need a light layer.


Keeping Your Skin Looking Young

  1. Wear a hat. One way to protect your skin is to keep it out of the sun's rays. When you head outside, especially in the harsh light of summer, try wearing a hat to protect your face.[1]
    • Sun damage makes your skin look older over time. It can make it appear leathery, dry, or discolored.[2]
  2. Take shorter showers. Showers that are too hot or too long can make your skin dry because they wash away your skin's natural oils. Try to take as short a shower as you can. Also, instead of very hot water, stick with warm water to protect your facial skin.[3]
  3. Choose gentle soaps. Strong soaps, like hot showers, can take too much oil from your skin. These oils keep you naturally hydrated. Without them, your face appears older. Look for soaps that say "moisturizing" or for "sensitive skin."[1]
  4. Blot your skin dry. When you get out of the shower, it's tempting to scrub your face and body dry with your towel. However, being too rough isn't good for your skin, plus blotting helps moisture stay on your skin, where it can be absorbed.[1]
  5. Use sunscreen religiously. To protect yourself against the sun, it's important to put on sunscreen every day. Every time you go outside, the sun has a chance to damage your skin, so putting sunscreen on in the morning can help protect you against that damage.[4]
    • Pick one that has an SPF of at least 30 and protects against UVB and UVA rays.[4]
  6. Moisturize your skin. Pick a moisturizer designed for your skin type. That is, if you have oily skin, pick one for oily skin; on the other hand, if you have dry skin, choose one that is labelled for dry skin. Apply it to your face after you shower. It can also be helpful to apply it at night.[1]
    • You can also choose a daily moisturizer that has an SPF, meaning you only have to put on one cream in the morning.[1]
  7. Break your smoking habit. You already know that smoking is bad for your lungs, but you may not know that it's also hard on your skin. It can make your skin look older because it causes problems with the elastin and collagen in your skin.[5]
  8. Treat acne. If you have acne, you may feel like it keeps your face from being fresh-looking. By treating your acne, you'll help your skin look smoother and fresh.[4]
    • To treat acne, you can start by washing your face twice a day with a mild acne cleanser. You can also use acne lotions or creams. If you're still having problems, ask your doctor about prescription creams or cleansers to help clear up your acne.[4]
    • Also, ask about birth control if you have flare-ups around your period. Sometimes, acne is caused by a rise in hormones, so using birth control can help even out your hormones and reduce acne.[4]

Creating a Natural Look With Makeup

  1. Use sunlight to your advantage. To create a fresh-looking face, you need to apply your makeup as lightly as possible. Doing your makeup in sunlight, such as by a window, can help you see how much you're applying and what looks heavy-handed.[6]
  2. Apply foundation and concealer sparingly. If you put on too much foundation, it can backfire, making your skin appear thick and leathery. Try applying a light layer of liquid foundation. In fact, you can also mix it with your moisturizer to lighten it up even more.[7]
    • Another option is a tinted lotion, as it helps smooth out your skin without adding too much weight.[8]
  3. Use a brush for powder. Using a brush to apply powder helps keep it light. A sponge can cake the powder on, making you look older.[7]
    • Try one that absorbs oils, which can keep your skin from looking shiny.[9]
  4. Apply a hint of blush. Blush can help make your cheeks look rosy, but if you apply it too heavily, it can make you look like a doll instead of a person. Apply a light dusting of a faint pink to give yourself a nice glow without making you look like a clown.[10]
    • In addition, use bronzer along the bottom of your cheekbones to add shadow and shape.[11]
  5. Pick an eyeliner that blends with your skin. That is, you don't want to pick an eyeliner that's too dark if you are fair skinned, while a black liner will be perfect if you have darker skin. Choose a brown if you have lighter skin. Also, apply it thinly, as being too heavy-handed can make the liner look unnatural. Picking a gel eyeliner can make it easier to apply in a thin line.[5]
  6. Use a sheer balm. Lipstick can look like, well, makeup. Balms, on the other hand, can help keep your face looking fresh. Pick a sheer color, so that it picks up your skin tones underneath it while adding a hint of pink.[12]
  7. Pick a slightly darker eye shadow. When choosing an eye shadow, make sure to pick one in a brown shade that's a bit darker than your skin tone. By using it in the creases of your eyelids, as well as just under your eyelashes, you can brighten up your eyes, but it won't actually look like you're wearing eye shadow.[13]
    • You can also use bronzer in place of eye shadow for a similar effect.[5]
  8. Smile. The simple act of smiling can make you appear younger, according to one study. Participants underestimated the age more often of those who smile than those who didn't. Therefore, if you want to appear fresh and young, don't forget to add a smile.[14]

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