Help a Friend Who Wants to Run Away from Home
Lots of kids fantasize about running away from home, and lots do so every year. Most return home within 24 hours, but some tragically go missing and never return. Here is how to help a friend who is thinking about running away from home.
- Ask your friend what their motivation for wanting to run away is. Is there an abusive parent or sibling? Are they into drugs/alcohol and their parents are trying to 'help' them out of her addiction?
- Ask them questions about how they will live; this is probably something they haven't thought through. Ask questions like "Where will you live?," In a box,? "Under a bridge?," "How will you eat?," "Where will you get money?" etc. This may 'spur' them back into reality.
- Try to empathize with your friend. Try saying, "Hey, I know you're going through some tough times, but I want to help you, and if you're gone, I can't do that." They may just be 'talking' about running away as a way of getting support from friends.
- Seek help from a trusted adult. Go to your school counselor; look on the internet or the phone book for 'hotlines'; talk to your parents. They may be cooler than you think.
- Do something. You are not violating your friend's trust by trying to help them. What if they did run away and were killed or raped? How would you feel for not trying to help?
- Remember, although a majority of teenage runaways are girls, this definitely applies to boys as well!
- If your friend is in an abusive situation at home, or on drugs, tell someone in a position that can help them. This could be life threatening.
- Remember that talking to your friend about running away, sadly, does not mean they will stay.
- It is imperative that if your friend is into drugs or in an abusive situation, you must seek trusted adult help!