Help a Teenager Explore Career Options

It may be difficult to help a teenager in choosing their career, as they may be confused with what they want to do in their adult life. You can help them by these following steps.


  1. See what talent they have. Sometimes it happens that a boy says he want to be an astronaut, but then he realizes that he is good at singing and he want to be a singer. Such incident happens. Teenagers are very confused about their future. So first of all, know in which thing they are interested. If they want to choose their talent as their career, let them do it.
  2. Know in what they interested to do it. If they want to be a chef let them be. Do not force your ideas over them this can bring a bad effect.Be their friend and know what they want and support them with it.
  3. Go for a counselor who can help them.
  4. Let them spend time with what they want to, this can help him to realize their feeling and also help in choosing career. If they want to play football, letting them play this can create a love for football in their mind and they can become professional players.


  • Let them want they want to do, what you can do is just support them with their views.
  • Just be their friend.


  • Do not force your ideas on them.