Tell if a Job Is Appropriate for You

Because so many people are desperate for a job today, they don't always read the job description and see if it fits into their skill sets. Jobs that existed 10 years ago don't exist today, jobs that exist today didn't exist 10 years ago, and there will be jobs in the future that haven't been invented yet. Therefore, the best way to attack a job search is to write out your own description of what you want your job to be, then pick out the company's you want to work with and research them to see where their problems are, and finally approached them about putting together a contract as an independent contractor so you can work with them and help them solve their problem.


  1. Learn to think outside of the box when looking for a job. Companies are often no longer hiring people to work in an office but rather from home. Ensure you have good broadband if you are considering a job that will involve working at home.
  2. Set up a room at home for your office, the side that you were going to work, writing out a job description for yourself, then approach several companies that have problems that you can help them solve, research the company to find out where their problems are, then seek out the personnel department to talk to them about working with them to help them solve their problem.
  3. Remember, you can live in one city and work for a company in another city since the Internet keeps you connected to the company. Jobs also may pay you for the commute if you are experienced in the field.
  4. Look for different types of job opportunities. Companies today are hiring people to work from home and supplying the computers with the software installed and the phones so the employees can set up Internet and phone service from home; then have all the calls transferred to their home which begins to them flexible time and the ability to take care of their children so they are not home alone.