Hide Porn on Your Computer

Watching porn is a touchy subject, no one wants to admit they watch porn, in fact, what you watch is your business and no one has the right to know. However, sometimes curiosity gets the best of people and they can’t help but snoop around and look for pornographic material on your PC if they suspect you’re into porn. Nevertheless, there are a few tips you can remember to avoid embarrassment.


  1. Fool them. Your first line of defense is to fool snoopers into ignoring your actual folder containing pornographic material. Therefore, don’t be brainless by naming your folder ‘Porn’ instead name it ‘business projects’, also make sure that you rename the raunchy material within the folder to some generic name that doesn’t contain the words: Video, clips, images, porn or sex (use names for individual files such as file statistics, financial analysis etc.). You need this because snoopers can run a search on your computer and they are most likely to use those preceding words.
  2. Change the file extensions. After renaming your folders, you can change the default file extension types to add more confusion about where your X-rated files are located. If you don’t know how to change the files types, simply right-click on the individual video’s thumbnail > select "Rename" > change the text after the dot (e.g., .wmv or .avi) to something else. If you have named your porn file ‘Business Presentation’ then it makes sense to change the extension to a PowerPoint extension (.pptx), though you can also choose a .doc or .docx extension alternatively.
  3. Use a software that will hide the material. If you want to be 100% sure that no one is able to discover your hidden secrets and find your naughty files, then its best to download third party software designed to hide pornographic material.

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