Make an Invisible File

While there's no way to make a folder truly "invisible" to a determined user, you can hide your sensitive files and folders from regular computer searches by modifying a couple of system attributes (PC) or by using the "Terminal" app (Mac). After doing so, your new file will be invisible, both literally and to normal computer searches.


Hiding Your File (Windows)

  1. Right-click your desktop. You'll need to create a regular file here first.
  2. Hover over "New".
  3. Click a file type. "Folder" or "Text Document" are quick and simple choices.
  4. Type in a name for your folder.
  5. Hit Enter.
  6. Right-click your file.
  7. Click Properties.
  8. Check the "Hidden" box.
  9. Click OK. Your file is now hidden, meaning it won't show up in search queries or your File Explorer app; however, if you create a regular folder in the same directory with the same name, it will rename itself to be "Filename (2)", which betrays the fact that you have a hidden folder in that directory.
    • Your file is also literally invisible unless your computer is currently displaying hidden files and folders.

Finding Your File (Windows)

  1. Type "hidden files" into the Start search bar.
  2. Click "Show hidden files and folders". This should be the first item in the search list.
  3. Double-click "Hidden files and folders". If this option already shows two sub-options indented below it, skip this step.
  4. Click "Show hidden files, folders, and drives".
  5. Click OK.
  6. Close the "Hidden files" menu.
  7. Return to your desktop. You should now see your previously-hidden file! It will appear transparent to indicate its "hidden" attribute.
    • To hide your files again, return to the "Hidden files and folders" menu and click "Don't show hidden files, folders, or drives".

Hiding Your File (Mac)

  1. Two-finger click your desktop. You'll need to use the "Terminal" app to hide your folder.
  2. Click New Folder.
  3. Type in a name for your folder.
  4. Tap Return.
  5. Click the magnifying glass icon. This is in the top right corner of your screen.
    • You can also hold Command and tap Spacebar.
  6. Type in "Terminal".
  7. Tap Return.
  8. Type chflags hidden.
  9. Drag your folder into Terminal.
  10. Tap Enter. Your folder should now be hidden from view![1]
    • Hidden folders on a Mac are invisible unless you type a specific command into Terminal.

Finding Your File (Mac)

  1. Click Go. This is in your screen's top right corner tool bar.
  2. Click Go to Folder.
  3. Type in ~/Desktop/(FolderName).
  4. Click Go. You should now be viewing your folder's contents!
    • Any files you place in your folder will also be hidden.


  • You can also hide existing files and folders on both Mac and PC platforms.
  • You won't be able to find an invisible file in regular searches.
  • You can hide a folder in pretty much any directory on a computer--for example, your Documents file; you aren't bound to the desktop.


  • A savvy user will know how to uncover hidden files.

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