Identify a Boeing 767

The Boeing 767 is a long-range aircraft developed by Boeing. It serves as a wide-body and is recognizable to passengers, pilots, and aviation enthusiasts alike. If you don't know what the 767 looks like, this wikiHow will help.


Identifying Through Visuals

  1. Identify the fuselage. The fuselage of the 767 is a large body and is slightly longer than a 737. The fuselage is very fat and has a slightly pointed nose and narrows out in the back. The 767 has three lengths of fuselage depending on the kind of 767, such as the 767-300. However, most will be slightly bigger than the 737.
  2. Identify the wings. The wings of the 767 are very big, they have a jagged curve back and usually have winglets on the end. The flaps are located on the wings, the inward flaps are curved and can usually point down. The outward flaps are straight and smaller than the inward flaps. They are located near the middle of the wing.
  3. Identify the winglets. The 767 have two winglet variations, one with winglets, and one without. The winglets are large and are pointed at an angel. However, they are not curved winglets, such as the 767. If the aircraft does not have winglets, attempt to identify the wings or gears. However, the fuselage will always remain the same.
  4. Identify the landing gear. The landing gear of a 767 will always have 4 wheels per gear. The landing gear towards the front is composed of two wheels side by side. The back landing gear is composed of four wheels per gear which are laid out in sets of two. Along with that, the landing gear can be tilted either forwards or backward if in the air.
  5. Identify the engines. The engines of a 767 are round and do not have flat sides, unlike the 737. They are bigger than the 737's engines. They narrow out towards the back, like all jet engines. Finally, they are about 30 feet long.
  6. Identify the tail. The tail of the 767 is very large and is shaped like a rectangle, however, the front is sloped at a 45-degree angle. The tail is about a half times bigger than the 737. It is larger than many other plane's tails.

Identifying the Registration

  1. Find the registration on the aircraft. The registration can be easily identified on the back of the aircraft. Depending on your country, the registration can look different. However, it can always be found on the back of the fuselage, just in front of the tail. When you find the registration, write it down or memorize it. This can help you search for it.
  2. Search up the registration. Using an internet browser or plane tracking app, search up the registration of the aircraft. From there you can easily identify the aircraft through plane spotting websites.


  • Always record the registration for future use. It can prove critical to aircraft spotting.
  • Identify the Airline; this can also help in identifying it.
  • Examine the safety card onboard; it usually has the aircraft model listed.


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