Identify an A10 Thunderbolt
The A10 Thunderbolt 2 "Warthog" is a Close Air Support and Ground Attack aircraft used by the United States Air Force. Its primary goal is to provide air support for ground forces. It uses a 30 millimeter cannon and can be heard by its distinctive whirring sound. Many aircraft spotters love these aircraft, and this wikiHow can help you identify them.
Identifying Through Visuals
- Identify the engines. The A10 is run by a set of twin Turbofan engines. They are mounted on the rear of the fuselage just in front of the tail. They are relatively big and are easily identifiable due to their size. They share a resemblance with a standard jet engine but are smaller in comparison.
- Identify the wings. The wings of the A10 are curved slightly up and are rectangular shaped. They possess slight curviness around the ends and do not have winglets. Armament is typically attached to the bottom of the wings. The armament can include bombs, rockets, and missiles. If no armament is attached, a set of connecting rails are visible on the bottom.
- Identify the armament. The A10 boasts a large set of armament. This can include bombs, rockets, missiles, and most notably the GAU-8 mounted on the front. The GAU-8 is the easily noticeable Gatling Cannon mounted on the front of the aircraft.
- Identify the fuselage. The fuselage is the body of the A10 and makes up a majority of the aircraft. The fuselage is thin and long with a stubby front and a sharp back. The fuselage is 53 feet, 4 inches (16.16 meters) long.
- Identify the paint scheme (livery). The livery can vary on an A10. Most A10s feature a chrome paint scheme and some can even have false canopies painted grey. Other A10s can have a green jungle camo scheme or a desert camo scheme. The livery will change depending on the environment or squadron the A10 is in. Other paint jobs can include a shark, eagle, or warthog head. They can be located at the front of the aircraft, around the cannon.
Identifying Through Sound
- Identify the engine noise. Being powered by twin General Electric turbofan engines, the A10 will make a distinct sound. The engine noise will sound like a high pitched whooshing or whirring. The sound can be heard for miles around the aircraft's location. The sound of an A10 starting up sounds like a pitch increasing whirr. The pitch can differentiate due to the amount of throttle being put in.
- Identify the cannon's sound. The cannon is defined by its distinct deep 'brrrrt' noise. This can be heard for up to 5 miles around the aircraft. This noise can only be heard in a combat zone or a training area. The cannon starting up can also be head, as it produces a whirring sound before firing.
- Make sure to identify the registration of the A10 if you have plans on publishing a picture of it.
- Do not interfere with the military to get a good shot. You can and most likely will be arrested.