Induce Labor Naturally

By their ninth month, most moms-to-be are anxiously awaiting their delivery day. The truth is, a new baby will come when it's ready, period. Still, a mom's job is to encourage her little one, so if you're into your 40th week of pregnancy, you might want to try these ideas for encouraging your baby to come into the world a little faster.


Medically Suggested Ways

  1. Try acupuncture. In Asia, acupuncture has long been a popular way to bring on labor, and its effectiveness is being studied in the U.S. In a small University of North Carolina study of women who were 39.5 to 41 weeks pregnant, 70% of those who received just three acupuncture sessions went into labor on their own, compared to 50% of those who did not receive treatment.[1]
  2. Have sex. Sex releases hormone-like substances that are similar to the medications used to induce labor. The key--be sure the man ejaculates inside the vagina; the semen is what contains prostaglandins, those hormone-like substances.[1] Prostaglandins help the cervix to ripen (soften) and encourage it to open. Other thinking suggests that having an orgasm plays a role, because during orgasm, the hormone oxytocin is released. This hormone is also responsible for triggering labor contractions.
  3. Try stimulating the nipples. Nipple stimulation also produces oxytocin, the hormone that helps trigger contractions. Try stimulating your nipples one at a time with your fingers the way a baby would when sucking. Massage them for about five minutes and then wait 15 minutes or so to see if contractions begin. If not, try again. Another option--if you are still breastfeeding a toddler, let him or her attach and see if that brings results. If contractions do get underway, stop the stimulation.[2]

Unproven Home Remedies

  1. Have acupressure treatments. Acupressure can be used to try to establish contractions and promote cervical dilation. If your pregnancy has progressed to the point that a medical induction is ordered, a course of acupressure treatments for three days prior to the induction may help. Labor could begin spontaneously, but even if it doesn't, midwives have reported that the treatments allow women to move through the induction with little need for intervention.
    • Try self-applied finger pressure. Firmly press the "webbing" located between the the thumb and index finger for about one minute and release. Press or rub the large muscle located between the neck and the shoulder. Another pressure point to try is the area on the back above the buttocks and lower back. Finally, find the pressure point inside the leg above the ankle or the one on the outside of the ankle, just behind the bony prominence.[3]
    • Acupressure doesn't work for all women and some may find it uncomfortable. If this technique causes you any pain, stop immediately.
  2. Get clear on cohosh. There are two kinds of cohosh--blue and black, both of which are used by women trying to induce labor. Blue cohosh has a history of such use that it dates back hundreds of years. Black cohosh is primarily used to control symptoms of menopause. Their use gives some physicians pause, because the herb contains plant-based chemicals that may act like estrogen in the body.[4] Take these herbs only under the supervision of a medical professional.
  3. Eat spicy food - and lots of it. It may bring on labor, or it may result only in indigestion. While there's no medical research to back it up, many women swear that eating spicy food (think Chicken Vindaloo, jalapeño-filled salsa or a bowl of red, hot chili) is what got their labor underway. Other foods that women report have helped them go into labor include spices like oregano and basil, hot peppers, pineapple and licorice.
  4. Take evening primrose oil. Anecdotal evidence suggests that this oil would be helpful in inducing labor because it contains substances that your body changes into prostaglandins, which soften the cervix and get it ready for labor. There is no hard evidence to back up this claim, however, and opponents of its use by pregnant women consider it to be anywhere from ineffective to downright dangerous.[5]
  5. Go for a walk. If your body is ready to give birth, walking can help induce labor or encourage stronger, more regular contractions once labor gets underway. Walking uses the force of gravity to pull the baby down and to put gentle pressure on the cervix, which encourages dilation. Walking also helps to move the baby into the correct position for birth.[6] The nursing staff in the maternity ward or birthing center will likely encourage you to walk a lot to help labor progress.
  6. Consider the pros and cons of castor oil. Castor oil doesn't have any impact on a woman's uterus; instead, it stimulates the bowels, which lean on the uterus. While it may be just the thing to get labor started, it may also cause severe diarrhea, which could lead to dehydration that could be dangerous for a mom-to-be.[4]
    • The taste of castor oil isn't pleasant, so you may want to mix it with a carbonated drink, orange juice, or warm apple juice, or to scramble it in with two or three eggs. If taken in pill form, a recommended dose is two 500 mg capsules.
  7. Get a massage. A massage is great for relaxation, and for a woman waiting to give birth, a relaxed body and the deep breathing and open diaphragm that come with it can create a feeling of safety and set the stage for labor to begin naturally.[7]

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