Speed up Early Labor
Having a stalled labor can be stressful, and the stress itself can make things take even longer. After a few hours of contractions you may be wondering whether labor is ever going to really get underway. Moving around, making your environment more peaceful, and stimulating your pulse points are just a few ways to speed things up. If you're exhausted and just ready for the baby to come, you can also talk to your doctor about taking medication. If you want to know more about how to speed up early labor, keep reading.
Helping the Baby Shift
- Get up and walk. As the baby descends and gets ready to come out, he or she needs to shift and wriggle around to get in the correct position. When you're lying down and not moving much, you're not helping this process along very much.
- Walking up and down the stairs can be especially helpful. Don't over-strain yourself, but feel free to walk up and down for as long as it seems to be helping.
- Try walking through a contraction instead of lying down and waiting it out. It's painful, but walking helps put pressure on the cervix and increase dilation.
Try to get up and walk around your house or yard to encourage the baby's descent.
- Shift around when you're lying down. Even if you're too tired to be walking up and down the stairs, you can move around in bed to help the baby reposition. Shift from your back to your side, then switch it up again a few minutes later. Sit up and do light stretches if you can. Try not to stay in one position for very long.
- Going from a sitting to standing position can be helpful. Try to get out of bed a few times an hour. If possible, walk around the room a bit before lying back down.
- Try lying on your left side. This increases blood flow to the baby and can improve pain.
- Get on all fours. Your back will feel better, and you'll help the baby rotate into the face-down position he or she needs to take in order to come out. Get on the floor and gently hold yourself up on your hands and knees. Kneel on a pillow if that's more comfortable.
- Lunge, lean and sway. These motions relieve the pain of contractions and help the baby start moving in the right direction. Try these light exercises:
- Put one foot on a chair and lean forward. Switch to the other foot and do the same thing.
- Sit on a chair or exercise ball and lean forward.
- Stand up and sway back and forth. You can do this with your partner for extra stability.
- Squat when it's time. When you start feeling harder contractions that come closer together your midwife or doctor may tell you it's time to push. Squatting makes the pushing process much easier than it is when you're lying down.
Creating a Soothing Environment
- Identify outside sources of stress. Aside from the fact that you're about to give birth, is anything in the room a source of stress? It's very important to be in a relaxing environment when you're in the early stages of labor, because emotional stress can cause things to stall. Look around the room and ask your partner, midwife or doctor to help you get more comfortable.
- If there's a family member or friend present who is stressing you out instead of helping, ask him or her to leave.
- Make sure the lights aren't too bright, and the colors surrounding you are soothing.
- Turn on soothing music and eliminate loud noises.
- Go outside. Some people start to feel claustrophobic after staying in one room for an extended period of time. In the early stages of labor, you still have time to get up and go outside for some fresh air. Spend time walking around or sitting in your yard or in a nearby park. Focus on breathing deeply and noticing the sounds of nature around you.
- Get some privacy. Well-meaning people around you might be causing you unneeded stress. You might even want a little space from your partner so you have some time to calm down and think. Ask people to give you some privacy for awhile, and focus on de-stressing as much as possible while you're alone. Make sure your partner, midwife or doctor don't leave you for too long, though, in case you end up needing help.
- Be patient. Every single mother is different, and if your labor seems to be going slowly, it's not because your'e doing something wrong. The cervix dilates at different rates for everyone, so just because you haven't gained a centimeter in a few hours doesn't mean things are going wrong. Your baby will come out, and being calm and patient is something you can do to help.
Stimulating the Production of Oxytocin
- Have a nipple massage. Massaging the nipples produces oxytocin, the hormone that makes your body go into labor. Rub your nipple in a circular motion, or pull at them gently to simulate the sucking motion of an infant. You can have your partner massage your nipples or do it yourself.
- Using a washcloth wet with warm water to massage your nipples may also feel good and help with stimulation.
- Massage oil is also fine to use to stimulate your nipples.
- Have an orgasm. This is another way to produce oxytocin, and it has the added benefit of easing stress and calming you down. Masturbate or have your partner give you an orgasm by hand if you're feeling up to it. Cuddling and stroking with your partner are also beneficial in the early stages of labor.
- Practice acupressure. Applying pressure to certain spots on the body helps with the production of oxytocin and speeds up early labor. If you can, take a class on acupressure before going into labor to learn about the best techniques to use. Do not attempt acupressure until labor is eminent, since it is very effective in stimulating labor. If using acupressure results in pain, stop immediately.
- One acupressure point is located between the thumb and forefinger on your hand. Squeeze the area to apply firm but gentle pressure.
- Press the acupressure points located on the outside of the ankle, behind the bony protrusion, and on the inside of the ankle.
- Massage your lower back, just above your buttocks.
- Press or massage the muscles between your neck and shoulders.
Taking Medicine to Induce Labor
- Talk with your doctor about your options. If you are extremely uncomfortable, your water has broken and your labor has not begun, you can talk to your physician about taking medicine to ripen your cervix and start the labor process. You and your physician may also decide to use induction to help labor progress if there are complications or risk of infection.
- Induction methods include prostaglandin applied inside the vagina near the cervix, or taken in the form of a pill.
- Stripping of the amniotic membranes is also sometimes done to induce labor. In some cases the membranes are artificially ruptured.
- The next step is to take artificial oxytocin, called Pitocin, administered intravenously.
- If inducing labor doesn't seem to be working, you may have to deliver your baby by cesarean section.
- Avoid using herbal treatments. Herbal treatments can be dangerous when taken during labor. There aren't enough studies yet to determine whether herbs like cohosh and primrose are helpful or harmful. Never take medicine that wasn't prescribed by your doctor.
- Eat a light meal or snack during early labor, since food may be restricted once you progress to active labor.
- Go to the hospital once contractions are 5 minutes apart, as this usually indicates transition to active labor.
- Try eating spicy food, like curry. This isn't scientifically proven to speed up labor, but many report it works, and it can't hurt.
- Aim to have the baby during the daytime if possible, since more doctors and nurses are around to help if a problem arises.
- The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists advises against chemically-inducing labor unless allowing labor to progress naturally poses significant risk to the mother or baby. You should not expect your physician to speed up your labor via induction for the sake of convenience. Some physicians will schedule elective inductions in rare cases such as a partner on military leave or an impending holiday.
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- Dilate the Cervix
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- Manage Pain During Labor
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Sources and Citations
- ↑ http://www.bellybelly.com.au/birth/8-natural-effective-tips-for-stalled-labour
- ↑ http://www.fitpregnancy.com/pregnancy/labor-delivery/power-positions
- ↑ http://www.justmommies.com/pregnancy/labor-and-childbirth/pressure-points-to-induce-labor
- http://www.webmd.com/baby/tc/labor-induction-and-augmentation-topic-overview
- http://www.webmd.com/baby/inducing-labor-naturally-can-it-be-done?page=2
- http://www.webmd.com/baby/tc/labor-induction-and-augmentation-topic-overview?page=2
- http://www.webmd.com/baby/inducing-labor-naturally-can-it-be-done?page=2