Join a CSA

A community supported agriculture program, or CSA, is a type of business model in which a farm sells a portion of their annual yield directly to consumers. Though still fairly new, the CSA movement is growing rapidly, meaning there are plenty of programs you can sign up for.


Finding a CSA

  1. Check online CSA directories for popular options. The easiest way to find a local CSA is by browsing online farming databases. Though they may not list every farm in your area, these websites provide a large number of options that should satisfy anybody living in a moderately or densely populated place. Some popular databases include:[1]
    • The USDA CSA directory, which lists all CSA programs registered with the US government.[2]
    • Local Harvest, which lists community farms as well as farmers' markets.[3]
    • The Biodynamic Association's CSA page, which provides links to multiple CSA databases.[4]
  2. Visit a farmers' market to find additional CSA options. Many CSA owners frequent farmers' markets, food co-ops, and similar places so they can sell leftover produce. If you find a seller whose food you enjoy, ask if they offer a CSA or community shareholder program. If they do not, ask if they know any local CSAs you could get in touch with.[5]
  3. Ask your friends for lesser-known CSA recommendations. In some cases, the most popular CSA programs in your area may not have any available stocks. However, relatively unknown farms usually have plenty of room for new members.
    • Small farms are often not listed on major databases and may not have a presence at local farmers' markets, so the only way to find them is by asking knowledgeable friends.

Comparing Multiple Options

  1. Choose a program that provides good food at low prices. When searching for a CSA, prioritize farms that yield high-quality crops that are both healthy and tasty. From there, look for farms that offer the greatest percent of produce for the lowest price possible. If you find a good program, compare its price to how much you normally spend on groceries.[6]
    • Before joining a program, ask to see the types of produce you will receive. If possible, purchase a small sample to try at home before making a long-term commitment.
  2. Sign up with a farm that produces food you like. Even if a farm cultivates great crops at incredibly low prices, your shares won't be worth a penny if you don't want to eat the food. To avoid this, pick a CSA program that specializes in the fruits and vegetables you enjoy most.[7]
    • Though small CSAs provide fewer options than large CSAs, they may be more willing to work around your budgetary limitations and pickup schedule.
    • If you have the money, consider joining multiple CSAs to gain access to a wider selection of food items.
  3. Pick a CSA close to your house. Most CSA programs require members to make pickups between once and twice a week. To accommodate this, you'll need to sign up with a farm that is relatively close to your house. If possible, join a CSA that fits into your normal work or school commute, that way you're not wasting additional time, money, and resources.[8]
    • For convenience, some CSAs transport their food to a predetermined drop-off location, such as a local farmers' market or church.
    • Most CSAs do not offer home delivery services.
  4. Look for CSAs that include free benefits. Along with your standard crop shares, many farms offer additional benefits designed to make the program more enticing. These vary from CSA to CSA and typically revolve around getting more food. Some relatively common CSA benefits include:[9]
    • Niche crop requests, where you can ask to replace your normal items with less-popular produce like hot peppers.
    • Free-pick days, where you can select your own crops directly from the field.
    • Produce exchange, where members can leave fruits and vegetables they don't want so that other shareholders can have them.
  5. Choose a CSA that follows ethical growing standards. Before committing to a specific CSA, make sure the farm behind it is registered with your government's official food or farming regulation board. For the best quality crops, go with farms whose products have an organic certification from the USDA or a similar organization.
    • CSA reviews are few and far between, so these certifications are your best chance at finding good quality, ethically produced crops.

Signing up for a CSA

  1. Contact your chosen CSA and request membership information. When you find a CSA you'd like to join, contact the farm's owner or the CSA manager and request information on how you can join. Most farms require new shareholders to fill out a registration form and provide a predetermined down-payment.
    • The best way to contact most local farms is via their official phone number or e-mail address. Larger farms may also have an official website you can reach them through.
  2. Commit to buying a certain number of shares. Most CSA programs offer 2 share amounts: a family size, also known as a full share, and a personal size, also known as a half share. When signing up, you'll need to commit to 1 of these share sizes for a certain period of time typically ranging from 10 to 20 weeks.[10]
    • In a CSA program, you pay for a specific percent of produce, not a specific amount. This means your weekly take-home will vary based on how good the season is.
  3. Negotiate an agreeable payment plan. Some CSA programs require shareholders to pay for their entire plan upfront. Others are more flexible, offering installment plans so you can pay as you go. Some CSAs may even accept food stamps or offer discounts in exchange for volunteering on the farm.
  4. Pick up your crops regularly. After joining a CSA program, make sure to pick up your fruits, vegetables, and other food items however often you're supposed to. The farm harvests your produce before the pickup session to ensure everything is as fresh as possible. However, because these items do not last very long, this means you essentially forfeit anything you don't acquire immediately.[11]
    • If you expect to miss a pickup session, contact the farm beforehand and ask if they can save your produce for another time.
    • Leftover produce typically gets eaten by the farmers, given to other shareholders, or thrown away.


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