Know What to Expect from a Reference Check
When an employer asks you for your references, it's usually a good sign, as most company's won't waste their time checking references for someone they have no interest in hiring. References are often the final hurdle standing between you and the job, so it's important that you take them seriously and put time into preparing them.
Understanding References
- Be aware that the HR manager will usually be the one checking references. Human resource managers (rather than hiring managers) are usually the ones who check references. They usually try to do this as quickly as possible, as they are anxious to get the open position filled quickly.
- Know what references are used for. Usually the HR manager will check at least three references per finalized applicant.
- These references are not something that guarantees you the job, they are more like a confirmation, an attestation that you are who you portrayed yourself to be in the interview.
- For instance, if you project yourself as someone who is punctual and good at his work, the HR manager will want a reference that showcases exactly that - anything different might raise suspicions about you.
- Understand that the hiring managers want personalized references. For the hiring managers, generic reference emails or letters are not worth much. They want references that give them specific, personalized answers to the questions they ask.
- For example, a reference letter that states that you are good at following orders is not much good to a company who is looking for someone with leadership abilities.
Finding the Perfect References
- Choose the right people. Your selection has to be impeccable when it comes to the referees you choose; you need to find people whom you have worked with before, who took a liking towards you. Do not choose anyone who was hostile towards you or could be holding anything against you.Usually, the most appropriate references include:
- Your last boss, provided you left on cordial terms.
- A colleague who was both a friend and someone with whom you had an active working relationship.
- A client that you dealt with while in your previous employment, who you left a favorable. impression on.
- Try to match your references to the job you're applying for. The references also have to be in accordance with the job profile you are applying for recently.
- For instance, if you are applying for a sales job, you could have one of your previous clients as a reference, as they are someone who can really attest to your sales skills.
- Avoid using friends and family members as references. It is better to keep friends and family out of your reference list, unless you have no other option than to include a family member as a previous supervisor.
- The problem is that your family members' opinions and appraisals of your work are considered to be biased, and therefore untrustworthy.
- If you must include friends, then include the ones with whom you have had an active work relationship.
Preparing Your Referees
- Contact the referees you have in mind. Let the person know that you are job hunting and ask them if they would be willing to provide you with a reference.
- If they agree, take down their accurate and latest contact details so your prospective employer can reach them easily when need be.
- Make sure they are not going to change their cell phone numbers anytime soon. Also, never rely on one reference alone. You should prepare at least four of them, and two of these should ideally be people who supervised you directly.
- Remember to tell your referees about when they can expect a call, otherwise they may be caught off guard or unprepared, which isn't good for you.
- Remind your referees about who you are. The biggest problem that can arise is that the reference does not remember you in enough detail to talk about you, as this will create a bad impression. Therefore meet the person beforehand and help them remember the work you did together or the work you did for them, whichever it is, so that the reference can give a convincing review about you. When you are discussing the work you did together you can focus on a couple of things like:
- The work you did on a certain project that turned out well.
- Various things that you did that directly or indirectly helped the company’s growth.
- Special projects that you undertook alone.
- You can also talk about any accolades you received while you were in employment.
- Give your referees permission to speak freely about you. There are a lot of legal bindings on people these days, so your referees may feel unsure about what they can and can't say when they are giving a reference.
- Therefore, it's important that you have a chat with each of your references beforehand and let them know that they can speak openly about you, without having to wait for prompts from the employer.
- You can also coach your referees a little if they are unsure about what to say. If you're applying for a research position, ask them to elaborate a little on the research you did while working for them. Your referees will often appreciate a little guidance in giving you the best reference possible.
Following Up with Your Referees
- Acknowledge the importance of your referees. A reference may not be the entire reason you get a job, but there is no denying the fact that it can be instrumental in raising the odds in your favor. So, once the reference call is complete, what do you do next? Fall out of touch with you reference? No - as a smart job-hunter there are a number of things that you need to do:
- Remember to thank your referees. After the reference check has been carried out, the referees may feel that they are part of your job hunt and this increases their interest in your endeavor.
- If you do not update them, they may get the notion that you are not serious about the job. This should not be the case, therefore it's important to remember to thank them, regardless of whether they got a call from an employer or not.
- Value the time that they were ready to invest for you and show them that you appreciate the gesture.
- Keep your referees involved in the process. After the referee has talked with the employer, be in touch and let them know how the whole thing turned out, whether you got an offer or not.
- If you didn't get the job, let them know what you are going to do next. This makes them feel more involved and tilts the situation further in your favor for the future.
- Remember that you may need to ask them for another reference down the line.
- Stay in touch with your referees over time. Imagine that your referee has undergone a great loss, but you have not been in touch with them. Your potential employer asks you whether they can call the reference at that time, and you say yes.
- However, the HR manager finds out that the reference is in no state to talk and that you have been out of touch with a reference for last six months. How do you think that sounds for your reputation in the company’s eyes?
- When you are in constant touch with your referees, you know what their situation is at any given time and whether they are willing or able to talk to the employer or not.
- When you choose someone as your reference, ask for their permission before you do anything else. They should not feel pressured or obligated to do it, since this may affect what they say about you in the reference.
- Mention that when they are in need of a reference you will be happy to do the same for them. This will make them put real thought into what they say about you, as giving you a good reference will work in their favor.