Write a Polite Reference for a Disliked Employee

When you are required to write a reference for an employee you dislike, the key thing is to remain professional. It's also worth you doing a good job, as, it may hasten the departure of this, to you, unpleasant person. Bring out the best qualities but have a back up plan. The back up plan is to hint to the potential new employer they should observe and monitor this disliked employee.


  1. Stay positive and you will be able  to share things  with you. When this comes into  play offer  her much needed positive reinforcement.  She even smiles at you  when she sees you. Congratulations for being able to  find out  what's troubling  this  employee.
  2. If she's depressed, be aware of her demeanor. Pray for this employee and when the right timing  is a golden opportunity, ask her  questions that might be depression  with hidden anger.  Be cautious my friend. Look after yourself  as well.
  3. Be careful what to look out for warning signs . That is discernment you've discovered.  Be her friend and the nicer she is treated with respect will be like a light bulb going off inside of you. There will be your best opportunity to be priceless.
  4. One thing to keep in mind is be her friend but take care of your thoughts.  Avoid being pulled down to her attitude. You'll be doing yourself  a big favor and your new friend in question.Offer her your shoulder to lean on  when she needs some  TLC, inspiration and encouragement. You will be able to successfully write a polite reference and disclose what has made her actions are different than anyone else has been able to achieve admiration in full form.


  • Let your strong side of your personality be your guiding light.
  • Look for golden opportunities to stand by this type of employee.
  • If her heart has been broken more than this employee acknowledge how much insight when praying God to lead, guide, and direct your way for an unlimited amount act of kindness.
  • Learn the fine art of seeing how important she can become a valuable employee.
  • There is so much more to this type of disliked employee you didn't give on this particular strong-willed employee with grace, trustworthy on your part and someone she can trust.


  • If this gives you too much; let her know that you need space and that you will always be this dislike employee that has potential for to turn into a transformed winning spirited human being with a tender heart.
  • Let her prove discernment to you if there is any uneasy feeling coming from her.
  • Add some positive advice that if too much on you; instead only suggest that this disliked talk to the counselor for your benefit plus she'll strive to follow the counselor 's instructions.
  • Talk to the counselor and explain what to look out for that will benefit both to the counselor and this dislike employee. Ask the counselor to pray for this disliked employee to further assist her.