Know the Bike Laws in Your Community

Knowing the bike laws in your community is essential for a harmonious experience when cycling. Some municipalities allow for riding on the sidewalk, and some do not. Some places expect helmets when riding, and some do not. Here are some quick ways to help you find out the rules pertaining to cycling in your area.


  1. Look up the relevant websites online. Good places to look include:
    • Local municipalities
    • Department of transport
    • Cycling clubs
    • Bicycle stores (possibly)
    • Phone a local bike store. This might be the fastest and most reliable means for finding out where to look for the rules.
    • Ask at the local police station where you can find the rules.
    • Visit your local municipality and ask for a copy of the rules.
  2. Learn the rules. Once you have located them, learn them. It might help to practice in a park, or other safe area. Some places have training schools for cycling safely under the local rules (for school children). These training schools teach when to stop, what road markings mean etc. and are great for kids.
  3. Practice the rules consciously as you ride around. After a while, you will find they have become second nature.
  4. If you can't use any of the steps above, check your community's site and see if they have them listed.


  • A citizen's advice bureau might be able to assist if you have access to one.
  • Ask around, a friend might know a thing or two.


  • Don't wait until the cops tell you the local bike laws!

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