Look Behind You While Riding a Bike

It can be a dangerous activity for a cyclist to look back to check for cars, and yet it is often a necessary one, especially when crossing lanes or turning. There is a tendency for the cyclist to turn the bike in the direction he or she is looking, usually towards the upcoming cars. If you both realize this tendency, and prepare to correct yourself from doing it, you will perform this task in a much safer manner.


  1. Whenever you look back, drop your opposite elbow about five to eight centimetres (two to three inches). This counteracts your tendency to turn towards the direction you are looking and allows you to cycle in a straight line.
  2. Angle your bike right while looking over your left shoulder, but be careful not to run into any obstacles.
  3. If this method does not work for you, go to a local bicycle store and purchase a mirror with an attachment that will work with your bike's handlebars. A mirror that attaches to your helmet is another option.


  • Before you look back make sure that you are not headed for a collision with some object, and make sure that your path is clear of potholes, rocks, etc.
  • It may take a while to get used to, but the more you practice the more you will be able to maintain a straight line while looking back.


  • Relax when riding on roads and expect the sudden noise and wind of a passing car.
  • In relation to the above warning, most drivers don't realize the effect of a car horn on a biker. A sudden horn can ruin your day if you are trying to concentrate or if your mind is wandering in other thoughts. Unlike steering a car, a sudden jolt of the handlebars on a bike could cause a fall and possibly serious injury, especially at high speeds. Be prepared for a horn.
  • Always ride a bike with the flow of traffic.
  • Stay on the far shoulder if possible.

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