Know when You'll Get Your First Period
Waiting for your first period is a weird time. You're probably excited and impatient for it to start (especially if some of your friends have started theirs) but also a little nervous or scared about what it will be like. The best way to get over any stresses or worries is to be prepared and know exactly what to expect. But first it helps to know when your first period is going to arrive.
Knowing What to Expect
- Understand what "having your period" means. So you've probably heard the term "period" a lot by now, and have a good understanding of what it entails. But are you aware of exactly what goes on inside your body during menstruation? Knowing why you get your period can help you to make sense of all the strange activity going on in your body.
- After a girl reaches puberty, her ovaries will release a single tiny egg once a month. This egg travels down the Fallopian tubes, towards the uterus (womb). In the meantime, the uterus produces a soft lining, made from blood and tissue, to prepare for the arrival of a fertilized egg.
- If the egg is fertilized (which can only happen following intercourse, when a man's sperm joins with the egg), it will attach itself to the soft lining of the womb, which acts like a nest. This is the beginning stage of pregnancy.
- If the egg remains unfertilized, it will usually break apart before it reaches the uterus. When this happens, the lining of the womb is no longer needed, so it will detach from the walls of the uterus and flow out of the body, through the cervix and vagina. This is your period.
- Understand how much blood you'll lose. When you get your period, you may feel a little alarmed by how much blood there is. But there's really no need to worry - you're losing a lot less actual blood than you'd think.
- The average girl will only lose between four to six tablespoons of blood during her entire period, which really isn't a lot. It's only about half a cup or so.
- However, this blood is diluted with tissue from the womb lining and other fluids, so it seems like a lot more. In total, you will probably lose between a half cup and a full cup of fluid during a single period.
- You probably won't see this much blood in your first period though, or even the next few. Your first periods will usually be quite light, with only some spots of blood (spotting). Your flow tends to increase as your periods become more regular.
- If you experience any of these symptoms, you may wish to plan ahead and wear dark-colored pants or keep a spare pair in your bag or school locker.
- Know when to expect your period and for how long. The timing and duration of every girl's period is different, but in general, you will get your period once a month and it will last for three to seven days.
- Although you can more or less count on getting your period once a month, the length of your cycle may be very different from someone else's. Most girls get their periods every 25 to 30 days, however the cycle may last as few as 21 days for some people and as long as 35 for others. This is all completely normal.
- It will take a little while for your body to settle into this cycle. Following your first period, you may skip a month or two before you get your next one. This is also completely normal - your periods will settle into a more regular pattern as you grow older.
- However, things like stress or strict dieting and exercise may cause your period to be late, or may even prevent it altogether. This is not normal and you should seek advice from your doctor on stress management and weight issues.
- In terms of duration, your period will usually last between three and seven days. Over the course of a single period, the heaviness of the flow and the color of the blood can vary greatly.
- Watch out for moodiness and cramping. Aside from the period itself, there are a number of not-so-fun side effects that you may have to deal with before and during menstruation.
- First, in the week before your period you may experience mood swings - times where you feel either really happy or really sad for no particular reason. This is a normal side effect of all the hormones flying around during puberty, and should become less of a problem as you grow older. In the meantime, chocolate can be a major comfort when you're feeling low!
- Second, you will probably experiencing cramping at some point either before or during your period. This is completely normal, but can be rather unpleasant depending on the severity of the cramping.
- There's no need to suffer through it though, some light pain medication can really help to ease discomfort, while a hot water bottle or heating pad placed on the stomach or lower back can make you feel good as new!
- You can also help to prevent cramps by taking regular exercise, drinking lots of water and getting plenty of rest.
- Don't be nervous. While all of this may seem a bit overwhelming, there's really no need to panic. Getting your period is a normal part of growing up.
- Try to remember that it's a completely normal, natural thing and is completely manageable once you get the hang of it!
- If you're still feeling anxious, try talking to a trusted older female like your mom, a big sister, or the school nurse. They've all been through it before and will have plenty of advice and information on what you can expect.
Looking for Signs
- Know that the average girl will get her first period at 8 to 15 years old. It may be helpful to know that the average girl will get her period around the age of 8 to 15, so if you're younger than that, you may just need to wait a year or two.
- The age at which a girl gets her period will vary a lot from person to person. Some girls may start their period as early as the age of 8 or 9, while others mightn't get theirs until they're 14 or 15. All of these ages are completely normal.
- The age at which you get your first period (also called "menarche", medically speaking) depends mainly on genetics, so there's no way of speeding it up or slowing it down. When it happens, it happens! Try asking your mom or older sister when they got their first period, as there is a good chance yours will happen around the same time.
- However, if you get to the age of 16 and still haven't started your period, it might be a good idea to see your doctor. They can help you figure out why it hasn't started yet.
- Look for breast growth or tenderness. One of the first signs that you're beginning puberty is breast growth and tenderness.
- Your breasts may grow very quickly or very slowly, it varies from person to person. One breast may even grow faster than the other, but this is normal, so don't worry. They should even out as time goes on.
- Breast tenderness or soreness in the nipples usually happens when the breasts grow very quickly. This will also fade over time. In the meantime, it may be a good idea to start wearing cup size bras for extra support. Go bra shopping with your mom or sister and get professionally measured to find the right size.
- Your period may start soon after your breasts begin to grow, or it may be up to 2 years later - again, it will vary from person to person. But at least you'll know you're on the right track!
- Look for hair growth. Another sign that you've hit puberty and your period is on its way is the growth of hair on your pubic area and under your arms. This is known as "pubic hair" and is usually coarser and darker in color than the hair on your head. You may also start to grow more finer, lighter hair on your arms and legs.
- With the growth of underarm hair, you may notice yourself sweating more and that the sweat smells different than before. You can deal with this by showering more frequently and using deodorant. Eventually, you may also want to start shaving under your arms, if that's your choice.
- Look for discharge. You may start to notice a white, yellow-tinted or green-tinted discharge in your underwear in the six months leading up to your period. The discharge may become heavier or more noticeable in the week leading up to your first period, so watch out for it!
- Sometimes discharge can stain your underwear, so you may want to start wearing panty liners at this time. These are small, disposable, absorbent strips that you place in your underwear - they're very thin, so you won't even feel them!
- Although most discharge is completely normal, if it starts to get very heavy, if your vagina feels itchy, or the discharge smells bad, you may have an infection. If this happens, see your doctor, who can easily prescribe creams to clear things up.
Dealing With Your First Period
- Decide whether you want to use pads or tampons. A good way to prepare for your first period is to have some pads or tampons on hand for when the big day comes. It's important to know the difference between the two, so you can decide in advance which you plan on using.
- A pad (also called a sanitary towel) is probably the best option for your first period, as it is easier to use and will probably be more comfortable for you to wear. Pads are adhesive on one side to help them stick to your underwear and prevent them from moving around. They will feel a little strange at first, but you'll soon get used to them. For more information, see Use a Sanitary Napkin (Pad).
- Tampons are small and discreet, and can be more comfortable than a pad when inserted properly. However, you may find them a bit intimidating at first, as they must be inserting into the vagina, which can be tricky if you don't know how. Tampons are the best option for girls who are very active and play a lot of sports, and must be worn when swimming. For more information, see How to Use a Tampon.
- Whether you wear tampons or pads, both will need to be changed every three to four hours (depending) on your flow. Tampons, in particular, should never be worn for longer than eight hours as this leaves you at risk of developing a serious illness known as Toxic Shock Syndrome.
- Be prepared. The single most important way to prepare for your first period is to stock up on pads or tampons and keep them on you at all times. You should also consider keeping a spare change of clothes (or just an extra pair of jeans) in your locker or bag, in case of emergencies.
- If you're lucky, you'll get your first period when you're at home, or even in bed at night. Unfortunately, there's no way to guarantee this and it's very possible that you could get your period while at school or out of the house. That's why keeping a small supply of pads on hand is a good idea - you'll be prepared no matter when your period strikes!
- Consider putting the pads/tampons in a cute toilet bag which you can place in your book bag at school or your handbag when you're shopping or at friends' houses. Then you can just bring the bag to the bathroom with you when you need it - nobody will suspect a thing!
- Don't be embarrassed if you have a leak. At some point in time (if not during your first period, a later one) you will probably have to deal with a leak, where blood leaks onto your clothing.
- If this happens, try not to panic. Casually wrap a sweater or cardigan around your waist until you can get a change of clothes. If you were super prepared, you might already have a change of clothes in your locker.
- Otherwise, go to the school nurse, tell her what happened and ask to ring home. You can ask your mom or dad to bring you a spare change of clothes, or just pick you up. Don't worry, they'll understand!
- In future, avoid wearing white or light colored pants/skirts/shorts around the time you expect your period. Wear black or dark colored bottoms instead - then at least if you have a leak, the stains won't be visible.
- Make a note of the date. One important thing to do once you get your first period is to make a note of the date (and approximate time) in a diary or notebook. This may give you some idea of when you can expect your next period. However, as mentioned before, your first few periods can be unpredictable and may not settle into a regular pattern for several months.
- You should still make a note of the date every time you get your period though, as this will make it easier to recognize patterns in your cycle. You can also make a note of how heavy the blood flow was and how long the period lasted.
- These things are important for a number of reasons. They can help you to plan ahead; for example, if you're going to a party in a few weeks and you know you'll have your period at that time, you may decide not to buy that white dress!
- This information can also help you to decide what kind of pads/tampons to buy, as they come in a variety of sizes and absorbency levels. For example, if you have a heavy flow, you will need a higher absorbency, whereas if you have a lighter flow, you will need a lower absorbency. Use the lowest absorbency level possible, for comfort.
- Getting your first period is also a big moment in your life - the day you become a woman - so you might be glad to know the exact date in years to come. It might even help your own daughter to figure out when she'll get her first period one day.
- Tell your mom. Don't keep your period a secret, there's no need to go through this scary yet exciting time alone! Tell your mom, both of your parents or even an older sister.
- Even if you feel a little shy or embarrassed, you'll feel relieved once you share the information with someone. And that someone will probably be super proud of you.
- Remember that your mom has been through all of this before and will probably give you a ton of helpful advice.
- Tell your mom. Usually, your mom will understand what is going on and how to deal with it. Tell your mom right away, so she can give you pads or tampons, if you hide it from her, it will be harder to tell her a secret you've kept after more and more time has gone by.
- You can use smartphone apps to track your period and estimate when you'll get your first period.
- Do not wear white pants. If you have a leak, red on white is not good. You will stain your pants.
- Don't be afraid if it happens at school, or a place where you don't have supplies. Simply take toilet paper, fold it up into a thick wad, and place it on your underwear. It will do until you can get the right supplies.
- There's no need to be worried. Usually your first period is quite light so you shouldn't have any major problems the first time.
- Your first period is usually a reddish-brown stain.
- You may have mixed emotions when you start your period. Try to be happy because you are turning into a woman. You may be a little scared, but it's natural to feel like that.
- Everyone is different, so don't worry if you don't fit in these guidelines.
- If you're in gym class or somewhere that you aren't comfortable dealing with your flow, tell a teacher, or co-op if you have one.
- If you don't want to wear pads and want to wear something lighter, ask your mom or older sister for a pantyliner. Pantyliners are thinner than pads, but still work if you have a light flow. Don't use pantyliners if you have a heavy flow.
- Technically, you can probably use tampons as soon as you start your period, but you might be more comfortable starting with pads. If you are younger than 13, you might not be able to use a tampon right away, or might have to start with junior tampons, because your body is still small.
- Don't be afraid. A discharge is the biggest possibility that you've started to become a women. Discharge is white stuff, but over time it changes colors. After you have had it for some time, it turns into a brownish color, that means that your discharge is mixed with blood, but you're not ready for a period yet. After it turns brown for some time, it will turn red. That is your period. Usually you will have your discharge for 8 months to a year to prepare your body.
- Talk to your friends, if you know they have got their period. They probably help you and share tips.
- When you decide you're ready to wear tampons it's helpful to practice with an empty plastic applicator right before you start your period so that you'll have some experience.
- Don't be scared if you start, it just means that your body is working correctly.
- If you feel cramps for more than your period lasts, consult your doctor.
- If you are older than sixteen and still haven't gotten your period, see your doctor. She might then tell you to go see a gynecologist (a doctor who deals with women's reproductive health).
- If your discharge is yellow or green, consult your doctor. You might have an infection.
Things You'll Need
- Pads, tampons, pantyliners, menstrual cup, and/or a sponge (not just any sponge!)
- Extra underwear
- Extra pants
- Wipes if needed
- Extra clothes might be a good idea
Related Articles
- Tell Your Mom About Your Period
- Deal With Getting Your First Period at School
- Use a Tampon
- Be Ready for Your Period As a Teen
- Cope With Periods
- Ask for Panti Liners
Sources and Citations
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