Be Ready for Your Period As a Teen

Sooner or later, the majority of girls get their period. Learn about how to be ready for your first period or just for your period in general!


  1. Find out as much information as you can about your period.The library has many magazines and books, and websites and counselors will be happy to help you too.
  2. Go on to pad/tampon websites because they might have free samples. You may need to ask your parents and they should be fine with it because after all, it's free! Also do research. Most pad/tampon websites tell you about their products so learn which ones sound good. If you can, avoid buying pads or tampons until you have samples so that way, if they're crummy, you didn't waste any money on them.
  3. Check online stores. Some do period starter kits! They come with little bits of everything so you can figure out what's easiest and most comfortable for you!
  4. Keep at least one pad or tampon in all of your purses, book bags, locker, lunch bags, etc... because you or a friend could start and it isn't very fun to have blood-stained panties. Also, it can be useful to carry around a spare pair of panties just in case you are caught off guard.
  5. Get used to your cycle. When you are still irregular, it might help to wear pantyliners every day so if you start it doesn't leak through anything. Mark a calendar so you can track your days but make it private. (Maybe, a little dot on the days in your calendar so it can be discrete and useful at the same time)
  6. Use period panties that are meant for periods. Regular panties don't give the protection needed during periods. Adira Period Panty is leak-proof, hygienic and skin-friendly.
  7. Talk to someone you trust such as an older sister or your mom. They will tell you that there is nothing to be afraid of. Menstruation is a normal part of growing up. Without it, us girls could never have children someday!


  • Remember, when your period first starts, it is almost 100% that it will be irregular. Do not worry or think you have some serious condition. It's all part of the cycle. Be ready for cramping and/or stomach aches too. But if you really do think you have a problem, find a doctor or a trusted adult.
  • Always keep an extra pair of shorts/trousers in your locker/bag just in case of an emergency.
  • If you feel somewhat moody or emotional right before or during your period-that is normal. It is called PMS.
  • If you want, waste some. Not all of them, but a few. Do those tests they do on T.V. where you pour water with food coloring on the pad and see how much water it can take. Put a tampon in a cup of water and watch it expand. Quite frankly, it can be fun. That way you can test which absorbency really are super. Like take 2 different brands of super flow pads and put the same amount of water in and see if one holds more. (valuable information for when you start so if you are really heavy you can decide which will let you leak and which won't.)
  • Talk to your mother:sure, it'll be awkward, but remember, she's been through this too!
  • Ask any questions you have because it is totally okay to ask questions.
  • Always keep a Tide To Go Stick with you just in case if your period catches you by surprise (or not) and you leak.
  • If your period catches you by surprise at school, wipe yourself as best as you can. Ask your teacher if you can go to the school nurse or guidance counselor. If there is no school nurse ask your teacher (if she is female) if she has a spare pad.
  • Put a hot water bottle on your stomach
  • Try to take doctor-approved painkillers or Ibuprofen if your stomach ache becomes unbearable
  • Try ordering free samples (with parents' permission) online from Libragirl or U by Kotex
  • Talk to a good friend or adult you can trust.
  • Keep in mind all female school nurses have tampons and pads.
  • If you are in public and have pads/tampons in your bag make sure they are safe in a zipped pocket!
  • If you can't buy a period kit online, make one!!! Get a bag and put things like baby wipes, hand sanitizer, pads and/or tampons and a calender to keep track of when you have your period!!
  • Don't be afraid to go to the school office. Most schools have pads in their office for situations you might find yourself in.


  • If you get some blood on your clothes or sheets, always use cold water not hot. Hot water can set the stain. Rub fresh stains with some salt, as it absorbs the blood. If you have Bleach-Your-Hair-With-Hydrogen-Peroxide add it to the cold water and let it soak. It is best to do this when the stain is fresh.
  • Never leave your tampon inside of you for more than 8 hours. If you leave it in longer than that you have a greater risk of catching Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), it is rare, but sometimes deadly.
  • Around the time you enter middle school, start carrying around a few pads (tampons are not recommended for your first period, wait till it becomes regular) so that you won't be caught off guard.
  • Always wash your hands before and after inserting a tampon or putting on a pad.

Things You'll Need

  • Adira Period Panties. They don't leak, so no embarrassment at school. Wear them from a couple of days before you expect your period and through your period.
  • Pads and tampons.
  • Tide to Go (Instant Stain Remover) Stick (in case of leaks)
  • A person you can go to for advice(guardian, counselor etc. preferably a woman)-this is better than searching online because the source may not be reliable and can give false information which could cause problems.
  • An extra pair of panties(some people prefer panties that are a little to large when they are on their period so pads fit better)
  • A pair of black sweatpants in your bag. Just in case! So if you leak, it's fine because you'll be covered and you can always just make an excuse if someone asked like, "When I was eating lunch, some of my salad dressing fell on my pants and it just looks weird." Or, "I have to go to tennis right after school, so to make it easier for myself; I just changed right now instead of at the tennis court washrooms."

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