
Lactation is the production of milk in female mammary glands, and occurs naturally during pregnancy and post-pregnancy breastfeeding. Women may want to induce lactation if they are planning on adopting a baby or if they agree to be a surrogate nurse for a baby whose biological mother cannot breastfeed. Lactation is governed by pituitary hormones (as opposed to ovarian hormones) and, therefore, any woman can stimulate lactation, regardless of her obstetric or gynecological history. You do not necessarily have to go to a doctor or to take any special medications to start producing your own breast milk. Just follow these instructions for how to induce lactation.


Understanding Induced Lactation

  1. Understand how induced lactation is possible. Although it may seem surprising, it is indeed possible for women who are not or have not been pregnant to produce breast milk. This is usually undertaken by a mother who wishes to feed her adopted baby.
    • The body's production of breast milk is usually triggered by the complex interactions between three hormones - estrogen, progesterone and prolactin - during pregnancy.
    • If the production of these hormones can be mimicked through physical stimulation and/or hormone supplements, then breast milk can be produced outside of pregnancy.[1]
    • Prolactin ( the main hormone involved in milk production) is produced in the pituitary gland, not the ovaries. Therefore, it is possible for women to induce lactation even if their uterus has been removed. However, the induced lactation process is usually more successful in women who have previously been pregnant.
    • The induced lactation process can take several months, so it is a good idea to begin the process as soon as you have an idea of your adopted baby's arrival date. Adoptive mothers have the greatest chance of their baby "latching-on" successfully if the baby is younger than three months.[2]
  2. Understand the pros and cons. Inducing the production of breast milk is a huge undertaking, so the pros and cons should be carefully weighed before any final decisions are made.
    • Pros: Obviously the main advantage of producing your own breast milk is the benefit it will have for the baby. Breast milk contains important antibodies, proteins, fats and vitamins that will help your baby to grow and gain weight, and fight off infections and disease. In addition, breast feeding is wonderful, intimate way for mother and baby to bond. This is especially true when the baby is adopted, as the bonding process can take time. This is also the most natural method of feeding your baby, and can eliminate the need to use store-bought formulas which may contain chemicals.[3]
    • Cons: The major drawbacks of induced lactation mainly involve the time and effort required to be successful. Stimulating the production of milk requires huge dedication and commitment, as breast pumping and stimulation needs to be performed 6 to 12 times a day, including night-time sessions which involve waking up in the early a.m. This process can be painful and uncomfortable on your breasts, and if you're using hormone therapies, you may experience mood swings and disruptions to your menstrual cycle.[4]
  3. Prepare for the changes that will take place in your body. Before you begin the process of inducing lactation, it's important to aware of what will happen to your body, and the possible side effects.
    • The side effects of induced lactation will be more severe if you are taking hormones, as you are essentially tricking your body into thinking you are pregnant. You can expect enlarged breasts, swollen or sore nipples and irregular menstruation.
    • You will probably experience fatigue and increased hunger, as your body believes it is eating for two. You should increase your calorie intake by about 200 calories per day, but try to make healthy food choices in order to minimize weight gain.
    • You may also experience mood swings and periods of depression and anger. This is why it is helpful to have a supportive partner, friend or family member to help you through the process and to remind you of the importance of the end goal. Your sex drive may also be affected by the hormones.

Stimulating Milk Production

  1. Start taking hormones. There are a number of different hormones that can be used to simulate pregnancy and stimulate the production of breast milk.
    • The most widely used hormone is domperidone, which suppresses the body's production of dopamine and therefore indirectly increases the amount of prolactin in your system, which is the hormone directly responsible for breast development and the production of milk.
    • Sometimes, additional hormones are recommended for use alongside the domperidone, such as estrogen and progesterone. Having higher amounts of these hormones in your system helps to mimic your body's natural state during pregnancy. If you are under the age of 35, you can take these hormones using the estrogen-progesterone combination birth control pill.
    • If you have time before the arrival of your adopted child, it is recommended that you begin your "fake pregnancy" six to nine months in advance (however, there are accelerated programs for people with less time). Start taking the three hormones recommended above, following the dosages recommended by a qualified lactation consultant.
    • Keep taking the hormones over the course of several months, until approximately six weeks before the baby's arrival. Then you should abruptly stop taking the progesterone and estrogen, thus tricking your body into believing you have given birth.
    • Keep taking the domperidone and begin physical stimulation of the breasts using an electric pump or other manual techniques. The milk should start to arrive in as little as a few days, or as long as two weeks. Once it arrives, you should continue taking the domperidone until you achieve a substantial milk supply, or the baby is ready to be weaned.[5]
    • Taking hormones without adequate medical supervision can result in serious side-effects. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you set up an appointment with a qualified lactation consultant at a hospital or clinic before you start the process.[6]
  2. Use an electric breast pump. If you are using the hormone method of inducing lactation, you will also need to use a breast pump. However, it is sometimes possible to produce breast milk using the pump alone, although it can take a little longer.
    • Physical stimulation of the nipples triggers the release of the prolactin hormone, which aids in the development of the mammary glands and stimulates milk production. It also releases oxytocin, the key hormone necessary for the release, or "let down", of milk.
    • The best equipment for the job is a hospital-grade electric breast pump, which allows you to pump both breasts at the same time. These are expensive, but are worth the money if you consider the amount of time you'll spend using them. You can also use hand pumps, however the motorized versions are better at simulating the sucking motions of an infant.
    • If you decide to go down the breast pump only route, you will need to begin pumping at least two months before the arrival of the baby. You will need to set a strict schedule, pumping every 2 to 3 hours, for 15 to 20 minutes at a time.
    • You will also need to include at least one nighttime pumping session, as your body's natural prolactin levels are highest between 1 am and 5am, so it's important to take advantage of this fact.
    • Before you begin pumping, use your hands to to gently massage your breasts and nipples. This will make them erect and ready for pumping. Apply the pump to both breasts simultaneously, doing your best to keep your nipples centered.
    • Turn the pump on to a low suction and high speed, as this best mimics the rapid suckling motion of a baby. As you get used to pumping, you can gradually increase to a medium suction, or as high as you can comfortably go without making your nipples sore.
    • Don't panic if you're not seeing any milk at first. It can take weeks before you see a single drop. Just stay calm and focused and stick to your schedule - the milk will come.
  3. Stimulate milk production manually. Instead of using a breast pump, it is possible to induce lactation by hand, using nipple stimulation and breast massage.
    • Producing breast milk this way will take more time and require greater effort than the previous two methods, but it is more natural than using hormones and cheaper than buying a breast pump.
    • In terms of technique, you will need to use both hands to massage around the entire breast - almost as if you were giving yourself a breast exam. Then you will need to stimulate your nipples and areolas using your fingers and thumbs, massaging them and rolling them between your fingers. Try to press the areolas as you pull the nipples, as this is the motion that best replicates an infant's sucking.
    • You will need to do this at least 8 times a day (including one nighttime session) for about 20 minutes at a time. If you feel comfortable with it, you can enlist the help of your partner or a close friend to massage with you. In order to have milk in time for the baby's arrival, you will need to start this process at least two months in advance.
    • As you get closer to producing milk, you will need to lean over, so both of your breasts are pointed towards the floor. Gently shake your breasts, as this allows any potential milk to make its way towards the nipples.
    • You may find it necessary to purchase a nipple lubricant or balm to protect your nipples from chaffing and becoming sore. However, no matter how sore your nipples become, it's important not to give up. Try to persevere and remember how how glad you will be once your baby arrives.
  4. Allow your baby to suckle. If your baby has already arrived but you still have not produced any breast milk, don't worry. Allowing your baby to suckle on your nipple, even if they are not receiving any milk, will help to speed up the process.
    • Instead of pumping or manually stimulating your breasts, simply allow your baby to latch on. A baby's natural sucking motion is the best possible way of stimulating the hormones necessary to produce milk. That's because the entire experience - from the feeling of the baby's mouth on your nipple to the suckling sounds your baby makes - feels a lot more real than pumping or manual stimulation.
    • In fact, the production of breast milk is as much a psychological process as a physical one. The knowledge that your baby is present and needs milk can be enough to trigger a natural let down response from your body.
    • The only issue with this method is that babies can become frustrated if they are attempting to feed but are not receiving any milk. To solve this problem, you can invest in a lactation aid. This is a simple device, consisting of a tube that attaches to the mother's nipple on one end and a bag of formula on the other. In this way, the baby receives food while the nipple is stimulated, eventually allowing the mother to produce her own milk.
    • Even if you never achieve a full milk supply, the simple act of breast feeding your baby is an important and irreplaceable bonding experience, which allows you to connect with your adopted child in a special and intimate way. When you look at it this way, any milk you produce is a bonus.
    • If your baby has not yet arrived, you can still use the suckling method to induce lactation - you just need to get your partner to do it instead. This requires a huge commitment from both partners, but can be quite effective and can actually create a deeper connection between the two of you. Some couples also do this for erotic reasons, even when there is no baby involved. However, if you are doing it for milk, it is essential that your partner learns the correct latching on and suckling technique, and that you stick to a strict schedule.[7]

Increasing the Volume of Milk

  1. Take herbal supplements. Many women recommend herbal supplements to naturally increase the supply of breast. The most popular and effective herbs are fenugreek seed and blessed thistle herb.
    • In terms of dosage, it is recommended that you take three capsules of fenugreek seed (containing 390mg per capsule) and three capsules of blessed thistle herb (containing 610mg per capsule) three times a day, with food. You should start taking these supplements as soon as you start pumping milk.
    • You can also purchase an herbal tea known as "Mother's Milk", which contains a blend fennel, coriander, fenugreek, blessed thistle and aniseed. It tastes like licorice and can be sweetened with honey or sugar, if desired. It should be drunk up to three times a day, directly before feedings.
    • In addition to encouraging increased milk production, this tea may also help to reduce gas and colic symptoms in babies.
  2. Drink lots of water. Water is used in the production of breast milk, therefore it is very important to stay hydrated throughout the breast feeding process.
    • It is recommended that breast-feeding mothers drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water per day to avoid dehydration. You can also drink herbal teas and eat fruit and veg with a high water content to increase hydration.
    • You can tell if you are dehydrated by looking at the color of your urine. It will be very light or straw yellow in color if you are adequately hydrated and will be dark yellow if you are dehydrated.
    • It's a good idea to cut back on coffee and other caffeinated drinks while you are breastfeeding, as these are diuretics which cause rapid fluid loss.[5]
  3. Eat oatmeal. A common recommendation for breastfeeding mothers is to eat oatmeal in order to increase milk supply.
    • There isn't much scientific evidence to explain why, but many breastfeeding moms notice an increase in their milk production on days when they eat oatmeal for breakfast.
    • Some theories include the fact that oatmeal contains high levels of iron and helps to reduce cholesterol - both of which are important for healthy milk production.
    • Aside from those reasons, oatmeal is a warming comfort food which provides lots of energy - two things that new mothers definitely need.[8]
  4. Get into the right frame of mind. If your baby has not yet arrived and you are finding it difficult to increase your milk supply, then you may need to work on the psychological side of lactation.
    • As you are pumping or manually stimulating your breasts, it's important to focus on the reason you are doing it - to feed your baby. This will help your body's natural maternal instincts to kick in and promote milk production and let down.
    • If you are having trouble visualizing the need for milk, you can use some props to help you. Hold a photo of the baby you are adopting, watch videos of mothers nursing their babies online, or listen to the sound of a baby suckling. Even holding an article of baby's clothing or a baby blanket can help.


  • Find tutorials for proper sucking technique on the Internet or at the library.
  • Once you stimulate lactation, breast milk will appear in droplets at first, then gradually increase to a flow as you continue the breastfeeding process.
  • Your emotional mindset is of utmost importance while you are trying to induce lactation. Focus only on the task at hand and try to envision yourself breastfeeding. If you let your mind wander, your pituitary gland will have a harder time producing the hormones necessary for breast milk production.
  • Join a breastfeeding support group for emotional support and helpful advice.


  • Do not stimulate your breasts for longer than the necessary 20 minutes at a time. Lactation hormones are only released into your system for a maximum of 20 minutes, so anything in excess is unnecessary and likely to cause irritation.
  • Be aware that birth control pills contain estrogen, a lactation suppressant.

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