Leave a Voice Mail Message

"This person is not home right now, please leave a message after the beep" and you don't know what to say? Here I will tell you exactly how to leave one so tongue tying moments will never cross you again!


  1. When leaving a message for a friend, be casual, but not too funky.
    1. Say "Hi (friend's name) this is (insert your first and last name)"
    2. Say "I just wanted to call you (why you called)"
    3. Say what you wanted to tell them.
    4. Say "You can call me back at (insert phone number)"
    5. Say "Bye!"
  2. When leaving a message for a business:
    1. Say "Hello, my name is (insert your name)
    2. Say "I am calling because"
    3. Tell why you are calling them (very formally)
    4. Say "Thank you, you may call me back at (insert phone number)
    5. Say "Goodbye"
  3. When leaving a message for a client:
    1. Say "Hi (insert client's name) this is (insert your name)
    2. Say why you are calling but not too casually.
    3. Say "Thank You, goodbye" and hang up.
  4. When leaving a message for a teacher or person you have never met before:
    1. Say "Hi, this is (insert your name)
    2. Say "I am calling because (insert the reason you are calling)
    3. At the end of the message, say "Thank you, have a nice day!"


  • Never yell.
  • Don't make your message too long.
  • Always be respectful.
  • Remember when to be casual, when not to be.


  • Your message may be too long for the network to send.
  • Don't be casual with businesses.

Things You'll Need

  • A phone
  • A voice
  • Someone to call and they are not home.

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