Live Like a College Student
There are as many kinds of student as there are individuals in the world. While many students may be attending college straight from high school, others may be older and returning to school. While some students may like to have many friends and enjoy a party lifestyle, others may prefer to get excellent grades and study almost all the time. The kind of student you are depends on the kind of person you are. For many, your time at college is a time of definition, of finding out what kind of person you are, and learning to live with more independence and responsibility for yourself than you ever have before. Fortunately colleges are aware of this and are designed to provide experiences that help students discover how they want to live.
- Understand the two keys to life as a happy student are setting goals and finding a balance that works.
- Goals are things you want to achieve. Your goals will depend on your values and needs as a student. Goals can be anything. One major goal all students have is to graduate. Many students also have a goal of finding new friends. Some students may have budgetary goals. It doesn't matter what your goals are, all that matters is that you know what they are. <P>
- Make a list of your goals: the things you want to accomplish as a student.
- Use brainstorming techniques like mind maps and freewriting to find your own goals. Sometimes knowing yourself is the hardest thing, so try working on your goals with friends.
- Prioritize your list of goals.
- Your goals will be a dynamic list, you will be adding and deleting from this list your entire life as you and your priorities change. In college you are likely to change you values and priorities a great deal, so don't be nervous about editing your list of goals.
- Find balance. Balance is how you are going to manage your time in order to accomplish all your goals. It is vital to find the right balance between your competing priorities, which will be different for every individual student. For example:<p>
- A single parent returning to school will need to find balance between studying and child care.
- A student who works and attends school full time will need to find balance between work and studying.
- Other students will need to find balance between sports, studying and socializing.
- With balance in mind, prioritize your list of goals again.<P>
- Remember, you may not have time to do everything, and will have to make some hard choices.
- Remember that as a college student nobody is checking on you any more. You are an independent individual. Nobody cares if you miss class, don't do your homework, don't eat properly, or don't go to a party. It is up to you, now, to set these goals and keep them.
- Goals are things you want to achieve. Your goals will depend on your values and needs as a student. Goals can be anything. One major goal all students have is to graduate. Many students also have a goal of finding new friends. Some students may have budgetary goals. It doesn't matter what your goals are, all that matters is that you know what they are. <P>
- Determine where you will live. One of the most important choices faced by all college students is where to live. Most four-year colleges in the USA offer dorms to students, and some even require you to live in a dorm for the first year or two. You can also choose off-campus housing. Your decision will depend on your goals and balance choices.<P>
- Living in a dorm can be a great experience but is not for everybody. Dorms are typically crowded, noisy, with many individuals competing for time and space. A lot of dorm time is spent socializing, so if you are more of a serious student, perhaps easily distracted, dorm life may not be for you.
- If your goal is to study but you also wish to live in a dorm look around campus for private study spots you can go to when needed. These may include the library, art centers, computer labs, Relax Under a Tree or any other place you feel comfortable.
- Understand that most modern colleges offer a variety of dorm experiences on the same campus. For example, your college may have a "zoo" dorm where anything goes, along with quieter dorms where people like to study, and even "alternative" dorms that offer kitchens and on-campus apartments. It is often difficult to know which dorm has which style on your tour day, so check out the dorm options after you have been in school for a while, and be prepared to move.
- Live off campus. For returning students in particular, and those ready for more responsibility, living off campus can provide many benefits, but also has disadvantages.<P>
- Advantages of living off campus can include:<P>
- Depending on your location, living in Find Your Ideal Apartment can be cheaper than paying housing fees.
- Living off campus gives you privacy and independence.
- Food and other costs can be cheaper, especially if you develop good budgetary habits.
- Many would argue that living off campus gives an individual wider cultural exposure, access to a homogenized community, and a richer college experience.
- This will work better with more outgoing college students. Shyer ones benefit in a dorm.
- The disadvantages of living off campus include:<P>
- Higher costs in rent, groceries and utilities, depending on area.
- More work and responsibility maintaining an apartment.
- A commute.
- Feelings of isolation, depression or loneliness.
- Live Greek. You may also choose housing with certain clubs and organizations. The Greek lifestyle often provides an alternative housing to both dorms and off campus living.
- Visit your campus housing office who can give you more information about all these topics.
- Living in a dorm can be a great experience but is not for everybody. Dorms are typically crowded, noisy, with many individuals competing for time and space. A lot of dorm time is spent socializing, so if you are more of a serious student, perhaps easily distracted, dorm life may not be for you.
- Living with a budget. For many students managing money is a major new challenge. A budget does not mean you are poor, it simply means spending what you have on what you need. That said, many students are on limited budgets. Some techniques for learning to manage your money include:<P>
- Learn to live cheaply. You can buy hip clothing in thrift stores, buy groceries using coupons or shop in cheaper neighborhood markets, put collections on hold and do many other many things to reduce your cost of living.
- Learn to cook. By cooking your own foods it is possible to eat sensible, delicious food, but spend very little money.
- Use dollar stores for things like toothpaste and toilet paper.
- Apply for financial aid. Step one in receiving student loans and grants is filling out the FAFSA: Free Application for Student Aid. (Link below)
- Get a part-time job to supplement your income.
- Transportation. Transportation is also an important choice for most college students. Your transportation options are principally determined by your needs, budget, lifestyle, available facilities, location and possibly political beliefs.<P>
- Cars. A car on campus gives you the freedom to get away when needed, but can also be expensive to park, use and maintain. Most college campuses are fairly self-contained so a car may be more hassle than it is worth.
- Many colleges offer sophisticated transportation services including shuttles, free buses, night escorts and other systems. Learning to use these facilities can be both fun and rewarding.
- A bicycle may be your best option for transportation at college. Bicycle theft is a serious problem at most colleges so be sure to have a good lock.
- Scooters and motorcycles can also work well, especially if you live off campus. They are far cheaper to operate than a car.
- Getting involved. Almost all colleges in the USA offer far more activities than you could possibly explore in just four years. For many, college activities are only part of a rich student life. Some of the things you can do include:<P>
- Get involved in sports.
- Join clubs, associations and organizations. Whatever you are interested in there will be a club for it at your college, and if there isn't, start one!
- Many colleges offer training outside of the typical academic environment. For example some college offer after hours training in things like "leadership skills".
- Take or just sit in on classes you find interesting, or that can teach you valuable skills, like typing.
- Become involved in campus politics.
- Explore your local community. Many colleges are located in wonderful areas. Exploring some of the countryside and surrounding areas can add precious memories to your college experience.
- Volunteer for your favorite charities or other organizations.
- Health. Getting sick on your own is part and parcel to living like a college student. Fortunately most colleges have both health insurance plans, and on-campus health facilities.<P>
- Stress is the most common new ailment faced by college students. Living on your own, new pressures and the immense workload involved in college can create stress you may not have encountered before.<p>
- Stress can have serious effects. Stress can lower your immune system and alter your personality. Learning to recognize your own internal stress is the first step in dealing with the issue. While we are all under stress all the time, stress that effects your life can be indicated by some of the following symptoms:<P>
- Memory problems.
- Difficulty making decisions.
- Inability to concentrate.
- Confusion.
- Seeing only the negative.
- Repetitive or racing thoughts.
- Poor judgment.
- Loss of objectivity.
- Desire to escape or run away.
- Moody and hypersensitive.
- Restlessness and anxiety.
- Depression.
- Anger and resentment.
- Easily irritated and “on edge”.
- Sense of being overwhelmed.
- Lack of confidence.
- Apathy.
- Urge to laugh or cry at inappropriate times.
- Stress can have serious effects. Stress can lower your immune system and alter your personality. Learning to recognize your own internal stress is the first step in dealing with the issue. While we are all under stress all the time, stress that effects your life can be indicated by some of the following symptoms:<P>
- Taking good care of your health is the best way to insure a good college experience no matter what kind of student you are.
- Stress is the most common new ailment faced by college students. Living on your own, new pressures and the immense workload involved in college can create stress you may not have encountered before.<p>
- Time is gold for students to use effectively.
- Remember that life is about choices. Do not do anything that you will regret, but do things that you will never forget.
- Be optimistic!
- Be nice to your professors. Give them gifts on holidays, and always thank them when they give you something like a paper back. Do not talk back to them, when discussing a grade you think is unfair be polite. Or, you can always go with a classic and give them an apple.
- Visit home once in a while. Try to visit family and friends every once in a while, maybe every other weekend or holiday, or at least give them a call. You will get lonely now and again, there is nothing wrong with this.
- Try to do all the work that your teachers set.
- Choose a school that respects and can accommodate your individuality and needs, and treats you like the paying customer you are.
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- Live by Yourself After College
Sources and Citations
- - More about stress