Look After Your Nails

With all the responsibilities people have with work, family, social engagements etc., most people do not have a lot of time to spend on their nails. At the same time, however, neat nails add to a clean and professional appearance. The good news is that you do not need to spend a fortune to have nice looking nails.


  1. Keep a good diet. This will help you with many other things, not just your nails.
  2. When applying lotion to your hands make sure to rub some into and around your nails.
  3. Keep your nails even. If you find that some of your nails are super long while the others are broken-off, trim or file them back to match.
  4. Gently tap your nails on a hard surface such as a table. This can strengthen them.
  5. Use as little nail polish remover as possible, and never use a polish remover with acetone in it.
  6. Biting your nails will make them look ugly and uncared for, and can hurt if you bite too far! Use an anti-nail biting cream or polish on your fingernails, so that when you go to bite your nails it tastes bad. Once you get out of the habit, you can stop using the cream.
  7. Trim your nails regularly, though how often will depend on how quickly your nails grow and how long you want them.
  8. Soak your nails every other week or so in warm water and a moisturizing soap. Clean them using a soft nail brush. You can also soak your hands in some baby oil that has Vitamin E which would help to keep your hands soft.
  9. Give yourself a mani-pedi at least once a month to keep your hands and feet looking nice. You can get a professional mani-pedi once in a while if you like, so long as you make sure the salon is sterile.


  • Painting your nails can help prevent splitting and cracking, but let your nails have a break once in a while. Having nail polish on all day every day will damage your nails.
  • Toe nails are much tougher than finger nails. Every few weeks, soak the feet and scrub gently using a exfoliating shower gel. This will help toenails soften and help rough skin on the heels of feet. Don't forget to use lotion to keep feet soft.
  • If you have long nails, clean out any dirt that gets under them. It does not look good to have black fingernails.
  • Wear rubber gloves before doing dishes. This will protect nails from the detergent.
  • Before bed, apply lotion to your hands and feet and put on cotton socks and cotton gloves. The gloves and socks will keep the lotion on, help it absorb, and keep it from getting on your sheets. Never use rubber gloves for this - your skin needs to breathe and it can't in rubber.
  • If you have a hangnail, don't rip or bite it off as this can tear skin as well. Instead, cut it with nail clippers.
  • Use clear nail varnish as a base coat so the nail varnish you put on top doesn't stain or discolour your nails.{{fact|center]]
  • If you bite your nails look for a long lasting clear nail varnish with bitrex in it; doctors use bitrex in nail varnishes because if you try to bite your nails it will taste horrible!
  • Use Aloe Vera nail growth and strengthener every week after manicuring nails and cuticles. Next, wash your hands in soft soap then thoroughly lotion them for over one minute.


  • Nail biting can lead to hang-nails, fungal infections, thread worms and other problems. Letting nails grow too long is also a problem and looks unattractive.
  • Always be careful when using nail polish and nail polish remover. Don't inhale the fumes and if any is swallowed contact your poison control center immediately.
  • Leaving nail polish on too long can cause lack of growth as air cannot get to them.

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