Look and Act Like Jeffree Star

Jeffree Star, the queen of the beautiful and an American model, designer, make-up artist, DJ, singer and songwriter. Get started at step one below to start looking and acting like Jeffree.


  1. Get the hair. Jeffree's pink hair is what makes his look, and what he is known for. Some of his infamous looks include up-dos, side bangs, and teasing his side bangs. He has a lot of layers in his hair, and he wears a weave. If your hair is not naturally long, a wig, weave, or clip-in extensions are great options.
  2. Make your skin as clear as possible. Jeffree Star doesn't have any acne, and he fixes his complexion with a good foundation. If you have acne, try Proactive or Neutrogena. In the meantime, use some concealer that's oil-free and contains Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid.
  3. Get a manicure. Your nails don't need to be very long, but they do have to be well-kept. Don't get acrylic nails as once they come off they damage your nails intensely. Your nails should be painted pink.
  4. Wear women's clothes! That's the most important step. You can't be a good Jeffree Star without this. He loves Find Designer Clothing on a Budget (you can buy some discounted designer bags at Bluefly.com) and always wears heels. Preferably pink everything.
  5. Diet and Slim down safely. Jeffree has a nice body, but you shouldn't completely starve yourself to get it.
  6. Wear Similar Makeup.
  7. Know what you need to do to get ready.
    • Jeffree Star removes his eyebrows so that he can draw them on more dramatically and higher than is ever attainable by plucking. To have Jeffree Star makeup you will need to remove your own eyebrows. The extra space you will create when drawing them on is vital for a Jeffree makeup style.
    • You will need as clearer skin as is possible if you want a smooth foundation like Jeffree is never seen without.
  8. Have the Face
    • A pale complexion is desirable, you will need to add white powder. Sometimes Jeffree makes it seem natural, but at other times it is completely white.
    • Once your foundation is complete, you will need to draw on your eyebrows. This is not as easy as it sounds perhaps, but comes easily with practise. To draw on your eyebrows like Jeffree, you may find it useful to use a highlighter pen. Because highlighters are difficult to get in natural hair colours, just use a pink or yellow highlighter and go over this, perfecting the lines with a washable pen a shade lighter than your hair colour. If you have the ‘Jeffree hair’, you can of course use a pink highlighter and go over this with a pink pen to define and perfect the lines. You may even wish to use a kohl pencil to help define your brow, although this will smudge throughout the day if you are not careful.
    • The important point with the brow shape is that it is thickest at the beginning, where it starts, directly above the inside corner of the eye, and it gradually thins to a very fine line way out, past where your natural brow would go. Aim to peak your brows directly above the outer corner on the eyes.
  9. Most imperatively, ensure that your brows are symmetrical!
    • You should apply a harsh, bright pink, powder blush down from level with your ears, into your cheeks. Think of your blush as a line or strip of colour as opposed to a circle of oval of colour. Above your strip of blush you should apply a small amount of sheer, white eyeshadow using a soft brush and very small, light, downward strokes. This will define your facial structure, pulling in your cheeks and accentuating your cheek bones.
  10. Spend some time on your eyes
    • The eyes will be the focus of your makeup and should take you the most time, relative to all of your other makeup areas. You will need to first apply a vibrant white eyeshadow into the very corners of your eyes (Jeffree uses MAC makeup. MAC have a vast and diverse array of eyeshadow shades which blend well and last. For these reasons, MAC makeup for the eyes is recommended). Once your white is applied, and suitable symmetrical, you will need black eyeshadow...
    • It is important that your black eyeshadow is BLACK and not a dark grey/carbon shade, because it simply will not have the effect of Jeffree Star’s makeup otherwise. To apply the black eyeshadow you will need a pointed sponge applicator (not a brush due to excessive ‘fall out’). To obtain a sponge applicator, buy a kohl eyeliner pencil with a pointed sponge for blending on the other end. With your black eyeshadow and sponge applicator, line the bottom of your eye very thickly, roughly 5mm to {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} down from your lash line. The thickness should vary slightly: thinnest at the inside corner of the eye, and thickest on the outer edge of the eye. Make sure that you continue the thick black around the outside of the eye like wings, though not necessarily as wide out as ‘wings’ might be. It is up to you how you finish the black line at the top. You can make it peak, thus continuing the thick black around the top of eye, though gradually decreasing the thickness until it is non-existent by the time it has reached the top, inner corner.
    • The next stage is applying the main colour of your Jeffree Star makeup. Jeffree Star almost always wears either a neutral carbon colour or a vibrant blue as his main shade. If you want to look like most readily like Jeffree, it is advisable you go for the blue; because he is renowned for this look. To apply this, you will want a soft eyeshadow brush. Gently apply your eyeshadow into the line you have created on the top of your lid with the black eye shadow. Try to blend this line as well as you can so that the black fades upwards into blue (or whatever other shade you may have chosen). The colour should be applied to mirror the shape of you eyebrows, so that it peaks at the same point (the outer edge/corner of your eye). The colour should finish about 5mm to {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} down from your eyebrow.
    • Now you will need your vibrant white eyeshadow again. Pull this white shade downwards from the bottom edge of your eyebrows, into the shade of colour just applied using a similar brush to the one just previously used. Blend well.
    • You may wish to now take a flat, slanted brush and draw a fine line of your primary shade down the inside of your nose. It is observable that Jeffree often extends his primary makeup shade further in towards his nose and then down a small way. This creates a kind of shadow which aids in defining your facial structure, setting your eyes further back.
    • To finish your eyeshadow, you will need to take your vibrant white shade again and fill-in any skin still showing near the inside corner of the eye. Blend this white into the side of your main colour shadow if not already done.
    • To finish your look it is imperative that you wear fake eyelashes on the top lash-line at least. Do not buy thin eyelashes, even if very long. It is important that you buy very dramatic, thick and long fake eyelashes. When choosing lashes for the top, buy them as thick as possible and make sure that they are longer than the lashes you choose for the bottom. The bottom lashes must be shorter than the top lashes, can be thinner than the top lashes, but must never be thicker or longer than the top lashes. Start by applying your bottom lashes, then do your top lashes. This will make a huge difference to your appearance.
    • Finally, for the eyes, take a warm, black kohl pencil and draw the colour over your top and bottom eyelid edges. ((DO NOT FORGET THIS STEP!))
  11. Lips
    • Because the focus of Jeffree’s makeup is the eyes, it is important not to use a bold-colour lipstick. As a general rule, avoid red always. Instead, go for light pink shades;he uses manic panic's mod-a-go-go, or just use a lip-gloss. Lip glosses will not give you a bold colour on their own, but can add some colour and will add a lustrous effect. You may desire to use a light coloured lip pencil and then use a clear gloss over the top.
  12. Experiment. Jeffree Star is quite experimental with his makeup, and certainly does not do it the same all the time. The makeup guide, above, explains how to create something similar to his most common styles. When doing your own makeup, you should try to experiment too, but take the points above onboard if you would like to make it a style comparable to Jeffree Star. Things that never change in Jeffree’s makeup include:
    • The thick black line under the bottom lash line; Unnaturally long and thick fake eyelashes; a pale complexion; and a pink blush (as opposed to plum etc).


  • If you're not exactly sure what his makeup looks like, check his photos!
  • Wear tons of Louis Vuitton and Hello Kitty.
  • Wear pink all the time.
  • You should have a Myspace and Buzznet.


  • You may get made fun of.
  • Never starve yourself. There are plenty of wiki's on how to be healthy and slim at the same time.
  • Always remove your makeup before sleeping to allow skin to breathe.
  • Do not remove your eyebrows until you have practiced and perfected drawing them on. This is difficult to get right!
  • It is a known fact that Jeffree hates copiers
  • Only get cosmetic surgery if you are sure about it.

Things You'll Need

  • Pink hair-dye
  • Eyeshadow
  • Eyeliner
  • Lipstick
  • Fake Eyelashes
  • Lot's of Neon Colored Makeup
  • Make-up brushes
  • Hair extensions

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