Make Alien Sims and Vampires in Sims 2

This article deals with how to create a playable alien Sim character or a playable vampire Sim character in the Maxis game The Sims 2. These are two of the many special, non-human playable characters introduced into the game with the various expansion packs.

  1. Aliens are already in the packs base.
  2. Zombies require the University expansion pack.
  3. Vampires require the Nightlife expansion pack.
  4. Servos require the Open for Business expansion pack.
  5. Werewolves require the Pets expansion pack.
  6. Plant sims require the Seasons expansion pack.
  7. Bigfoot requires the Bon Voyage expansion pack.
  8. Genies requires the Free Time expansion pack.
  9. Witches requires the Apartment Life expansion pack.


Making an Alien

  1. Go into a neighbourhood and hold down Ctrl + Shift + C at the same time. This will open up the cheat box.Type in 'Boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' without the quotations.
  2. Go to Create-a-Sim.
  3. Start a new Sim.
  4. Click shift+n and debugging mode will turn on. This will give you more costumes and skin.
  5. In Step 1 of making a Sim, go to the custom skin bin. The alien skin will be there (It's thumbnail will be a green square). If you can select the delete button, don't delete it! It will corrupt the game. The recommended features are green skin, alien attire, and the seed-like black eyes.
    • Other skins will appear, too. The skin used on the mannequins in body shop, Plant Sim skin, Wilted Plant Sim skin and others. The vampire and witch skins will not be there, as they are transparent skins that go over your Sims current skin tone when they become that creature.
  6. After you have finished with you family, select the relations and click ok.
  7. Move your family in a lot and start playing!

Making a Vampire

Note: Requires Nightlife.

  1. Go into an occupied lot and click Ctrl+ shift+c the cheat window will appear. Type in 'boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true'.
  2. Hold down 'shift' and click the Sim you want to make a vampire.
  3. Click 'more' on the pie menu until you see 'make vampire'
  4. Select this
  5. Your Sim is now a vampire!

Making a Werewolf

Note: Requires Pets.

  1. Put your sim or sims on a lot with lots of trees. Babies and toddlers attract wolves.
  2. Wait until a brownish black dog with glowing yellow eyes comes to your lot. He/she will always come at night.
  3. Make your sim interact and make friends with the wolf.
  4. Once your Sim and the wolf are good enough friends, the wolf will 'nibble' your sim, and they will be infected with lycanthropy!
  5. Every night your sim turns into a werewolf!!

Making a Servo

Note: Requires Open for Business.

  1. Get the Robot making station in Electronics... Miscellaneous.
  2. Make sure you have a Gold Robotics Talent Badge.
  3. Also make sure you have $3000 for the servo.
  4. It takes about 8 sim hours to complete it.
  5. After it's complete, you have a servo!


  • There is a cheat you can use to unlock these skins without using boolprop, linked at the bottom. Follow the instructions on the site on how to download it.

The 'do not delete' rule still applies.


  • All skins except for alien lack textures to put on infants, toddlers, and children, specifically mannequins skin tones. Your game will crash if a sim using the mannequin skin has a baby. There is a fix at the site linked below.
  • Do not delete anything opened in debug mode!

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