Make Fish Curry

Fish is a great substitute for beef and chicken in a curry. The best curry sauce to use is with this recipe is Thai green. It is a good combination with the flavors that go with the Thai green sauce.


  1. Defrost and gut the fish if it is whole, but do not throw away the head, as it can form part of the dish and is an excellent garnish in some countries. Leaving the head is a sign of your cultural respect.
  2. Open the can of coconut milk and pour it into the pot. Add three teaspoons of Thai green curry paste.
  3. Heat the mixture and put the bits of fish in. You don't need to cut the fish up much as it will break up in the pot.
  4. Add other vegetable such as peas and runner beans.
  5. Add bits of shrimp and/or squid if you like.
  6. Start cooking the rice. Add a little bit of salt,ginger,garlic, paprika or saffron to give color and flavor.
  7. Chop the Lemongrass and add it to the pot.
  8. Leave it to stew until the fish is flaky and cooked. If the fish hasn't broken up by this time mash it up.


  • If you want to use Indian style curry, get an Indian curry powder to do it. With Indian style curried fish you can make curried fish balls by squeezing the fish into balls. You'll have to add corn flour or a bit of egg white to bind the ingredients together, though.
  • By stewing the curry without the fish for 15 minutes on med-high, the curry flavor will completely infuse with the coconut milk. At this point you can add the fish and lower the heat to stew. This allows time for the coconut milk to separate while not overcooking the fish.
  • You can't actually eat most of the fish head but it does add a lot of flavor to the dish.
  • Thai fragrant rice is tasty but you won't be able to smell it over the curry. On the other hand, using cheap American long grain rice will ruin the texture. Go for Basmati rice instead.
  • Don't bother adding spices for color if you're putting squid ink in the curry.
  • Lemongrass can be a bit sharp and poky in texture; to fix this, boil it in a kettle before you add it and then scrape it to bits on a chopping board with a blunt knife. This separates the essence from the stringy bits. Add the essence to the pot.


  • The blunt knife, if sharpened, can be dangerous.
  • Be careful of burning yourself on the stove.
  • If you're young, always get a parent or trustworthy grown up to do the bits that involve cutting things.
  • Beware of bony fish.

Things You'll Need

  • Fish (frozen and preferably with head), or shrimp
  • Coconut milk
  • Thai curry paste or Indian curry paste
  • Vegetables, like peas carrots and beans
  • Rice
  • Lemongrass
  • Blunt Knife
  • Chopping board
  • Pot

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