Make Foundation With Eyeshadow

Foundation is a very popular cosmetic that helps create the illusion of smooth, even-toned skin. The problem is that store brand foundations are not always affordable or color-complementary. This is why makeup wearers everywhere may find it valuable to know the secret to making their own personalized foundation.


Purchasing the Right Eye Shadow

  1. Buy an eye shadow slightly darker than your skin. The eye shadow will provide color to your foundation. Select a shade that matches your skin.
    • Try selecting a color that is slightly darker than your skin so that, when it is mixed with lighter colored ingredients during the foundation-making process, it will lighten to the perfect shade.
    • While most people argue that mid-range to expensive foundations are better quality products, the benefit to using eye shadow for homemade foundations is that it is less expensive to buy than ready-made foundations. With yearly individual costs on makeup ringing in at a minimum of $100, those of us with a tighter budget may prefer trying something a little cheaper.[1]
  2. Choose between either cream or powder shadow. Either type will work when making foundation. Choose the one that best matches your skin tone.
  3. Test it in the store. You want to be sure to select the right shade, so it is important to test the eye shadow in the store before you purchase it.
    • Use your finger to rub a small amount of the eye shadow onto your face or hand and blend it in. A matching color will disappear on your skin. Select an eye shadow that is one shade darker than a direct match. Also, when testing, remember that your hands may be tanned darker than your face.[2]

Making the Foundation

  1. Purchase plain, unscented moisturizer. Buy a moisturizing agent that can act as the “cream” ingredient to your foundation.
    • Facial moisturizer that is made specifically for sensitive face skin works best, but plain, mild body lotion can be used too.
    • Body lotion is a cheaper choice of moisturizer, but it may also irritate or dry out your skin.[3]
  2. Blend 3/4 teaspoon eye shadow with 1 teaspoon moisturizer. Use a small makeup brush to carefully mix your eye shadow and moisturizer in a bowl.
    • If it is your first time making homemade foundation, you may choose to make a smaller amount until your recipe is perfected. Try halving the amounts.
    • This is the amount recommended for powdered eye shadow. Cream shadow foundation suggests other amounts.
  3. Reduce the moisturizer amount for cream eye shadow foundation. Blend 3/4 teaspoon of cream eye shadow with only 3/4 teaspoon of moisturizer.
    • A moisturizer reduction is necessary with cream eye shadow to prevent the foundation from being runny. This is because the eye shadow itself is already creamy.
  4. Stir well. Mix the foundation in a bowl with a makeup brush until thoroughly blended.
  5. Use a spoon to check the consistency. See how quickly the foundation runs off of a spoon. This will determine if it is too thick, too thin, or just right.
    • Scoop a small amount of foundation with a spoon. Tilt the spoon so it is mostly upright. If the foundation runs off the end quickly, it is too thin and needs more eye shadow added to the mixture. If the foundation sits on the spoon and barely moves, add more moisturizer. If the foundation slides from the spoon at an easy, slow-to-medium pace, it is a perfect consistency.

Testing, Modifying, and Storing the Foundation

  1. Test your new foundation. Apply some foundation to half of your face and use a mirror to test the color blend against the natural half of your face.[4]
    • Dip the tip of a foundation brush into the foundation and gently apply it to your skin. Use a polishing brush to blend from the center of your face outward. This will provide a smooth texture.[4]
    • Use a mirror to make sure the foundation color matches your skin color. If you are satisfied, apply foundation to the other half of your face for a completed, even look.
  2. Modify if needed. If you are not satisfied that the color of your foundation matches your skin, modify the mixture.
    • If it is too light, add eye shadow to darken it. If it is too dark, add moisturizer to lighten the mixture, or start again and use less eye shadow. Every skin type and color is different. No specific, given amount is perfect for everyone. Use the suggested amounts here as a loose guide.
      • DIY cosmetics are a kind of experimentation. You may have to play around with amounts and ingredients until you have a personalized foundation that you are happy with.[5]
  3. Store your foundation in an airtight container. When you are happy with the foundation, store it properly in an airtight container to prevent drying.
    • A small Tupperware container will work very well for storage. Simply pour your foundation from the mixing bowl into the storage container. Be careful not to spill when pouring, as the foundation may stain surfaces.
    • Be storage-conscious. Store your foundation in a dry place away from direct sunlight. Do not store your makeup in the bathroom as humidity from the shower can cause bacteria growth. Air, sun, and humidity will all cause your cosmetic to go bad quickly.


  • Natural blush in neutral colors may also work as an alternative to eye shadow.
  • To prevent staining, put down newspaper and wear old clothes when blending.


  • Your homemade foundation may stiffen over time. If this happens, add moisturizer and mix well.
  • Do not wear the foundation if it irritates your skin.
  • Avoid direct contact with your eyes. If this happens, rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  • Liquid foundation is easily spilled. Keep it upright at all times and be careful when making, mixing and applying.

Things You'll Need

  • Eye shadow that matches your skin tone (blush can also be used).
  • An airtight container
  • Teaspoon
  • Moisturizer or a mild unscented body lotion
  • Makeup brush or mixing spoon
  • An old mixing bowl
  • Applicator sponge (optional)
  • Old clothes (optional)
  • Newspapers (optional)

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