Make Lemonade Using Good Measurements

Have you ever wanted to make terrific lemonade, but couldn't get the proportions right? Here's a surefire way to make lemonade the way it should be—tart, sweet, and refreshing.


  1. Be reasonable. Don't make lemonade with a gallon of water and only one lemon. The lemonade will turn out watery and unimpressive. A good rule of thumb when making lemonade is to use a 1:1:5 ratio of lemon juice to sugar to water.
  2. Squeeze 1 1/2 cups (.35 l) juice from lemons using a Find a Good Juicer.
  3. In a saucepan, bring 8 cups (1.9 l) water to boil. Filtered water is best but tap water is perfectly acceptable.
  4. Add 1 3/4 cups (0.4 l) of sugar to the boiling water and stir until it has dissolved.
  5. Place the syrup in the refrigerator to cool.
  6. Once it has cooled, combine the lemon juice with the syrup and stir in a large jug.
    • Serve chilled, with ice, and lemon as garnish (optional).
  7. Finished.


  • Always be prepared with more sugar and water than you think you may need; some of it may evaporate.
  • If your lemonade tastes too sweet, add more water. If it tastes too sour, add more sugar-water. If it tastes too watery, add more lemon.
  • Use your lemonade to make tasty treats! Prepare the lemonade, then pour it into an ice tray and let it freeze for about 5 hours. It's ready to be enjoyed as ice or as a tasty Make Popsicle Snacks.


  • Be careful around boiling water. An adult should supervise the making of the syrup.
  • Lemon juice can burn if released into the eye. Avoid unnecessary squeezing and thoroughly rinse eye if stinging occurs.

Things You'll Need

  • Saucepan
  • Jug
  • Ice cube tray (optional)
  • Lemon juicer (optional, but very helpful)

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