Make Metamucil Slime
Slime is really popular nowadays, especially for children. It's fun to stretch, roll, and even poke. Make yourself a quick batch of slime using only two ingredients, which is less complicated unlike most slimes out there.
- 1 tablespoon Metamucil (with psyllium fiber)
- 1 cup water
- Food colouring (optional)
- Add water into a bowl. Get some lukewarm water from the tap and pour some water into a large bowl.
- Add Metamucil. Scoop some Metamucil with a spoon and add some Metamucil into the water. This is also a good time to add food colouring if you don't want orange slime.
- Mix them together. Using a whisk, spoon, or any other stirring utensil, mix the Metamucil and water together thoroughly. It should be an orange liquid if done properly.
- Microwave the mixture for five minutes, ensuring it doesn't overflow.
- Remove it from the microwave. Wear some oven mitts to avoid burning yourself and remove the mixture from the microwave once it's done cooking.
- Place the cooked mixture into your fridge. Leave it in there for an hour or until it cools down.
- Remove from fridge. Once the mixture isn't piping hot anymore take it out off the fridge.
- Play with your slime. Carefully remove the slime from the bowl with your hands and play with it by poking or squishing it is your slime after all.
- This slime is edible but it's best to not eat since it won't taste very good.
- Store the slime inside of a container to prevent it from drying out.
- Gift this slime to loved ones by wrapping it up with something fancy.
- Make this slime with a few friends or at a slumber party as a fun activity.
- Add more Metamucil and water to make a really big batch of slime.
Things You'll Need
- Microwave safe bowl
- Spoon
- Stirring utensils